/mbg/ - Mount & Blade General

Gothic edition.



Captain MP mode gamplay :

Last blog:

OLDER BANNERLORD INFO/VIDEOS: See Pastebin/the sub-forum

PASTEBIN: pastebin.com/ZesXLTP3

M&B Wiki: mountandblade.wikia.com/wiki/Mount_and_Blade_Wiki

NOOB GUIDE: imgur.com/a/FMAqV

>user's mods and upstab guide:

>/mbg/ Steamgroup

New Modules :
>Custom Troop Trees
>CTT for Dickplomacy+Polygamy Bugfix

>"I made a mod recently or updated it. Wat do?"
Link to the OP in your post so that it might be easier to find for the one making the next OP (also for regular people).

Other urls found in this thread:


Reminder to report and ignore shitposting



Reminder to shitpost and ignore reporting



>that wall just leads to our cell you fuck wit
always makes me chuckle


it was a better time

I'm posting The Humungus, The Lord Humungus, The Warrior of the Wasteland, The Ayatollah of Rock and Rolla in honour of the original Humungus poster until we get a good post-apocalyptic mod.


Ya'll better start to post real fucking soon.

I have it on good authority that Bannerlord will have its full release sometime near Christmas this year(most likely a week or two before).

That's what you said last year, user


i have it on good authority you're a huge faggot

About to try out 1257 for the first time. Which recruitment system should I use? What's the difference?


it lets you recruit "lances" instead of a number of peasants.

lances are basically a group of different units.
so maybe, 5 archers, 10 spearmen, 2 cav and so on.

very easy to raise armies that way.

Thanks user, gonna go do some crusading now.

>Multiplayer only


I haven't played this in like 9 years, is there an all in one kind of overhaul mod? I'm a bit overwhelmed

>I haven't played this in like 9 years
warband came out in 2011
>is there an all in one kind of overhaul mod?
every mod is all-in-one


Is Gekonewer good?

A long time then, I've just been out of the loop forever and was wondering if there's one that kind of includes a bunch of mods to improve over vanilla or if they're all kind of just their own thing


Uncle user?
When is the Bannerlord coming?

Why is a 12th century knight wearing 15th century armour?

not this year iam afraid ... probably along first quarter of next year ... iam not here to anger you we are all her ein the same boat ...

>probably along first quarter of next year
thats too optimistic

I'm posting Cao Cao in honour of the poster who was posting in honour of the original Cao Cao poster until we get a good Romance of the three kingdoms mod.

I'll make your romance of the three kingdoms mod.

Bannerlord better get a mod where you can ride fucking dragons and dinosaurs

Because Deus Vult

you mean like this? :^)


Caca lmao

white and based

This is nice general

Have you tried /gsg/?




why does that samurai have nipple tassels?

cozur must've gotten split open for this statue model

Oh my...

>not having nipple tassets
fucking peasants

i have a feeling i know who made this post...

at least 200 charlemagnes for that

Best Rome mod?

What about that dynasty warriors mod


h-he's fast

This is Rhodok soil

how would you implement a nemesis system in tandem with a ck2 dynasty system?


i wouldnt

The one in your dreams

I'd implement a rival system kinda like in CK2

Reminder that Mercia are lazy pieces of shit who can't even name their fucking villages properly

>you lose honour for refusing to let out one of these fucks
Also mod to make people actually look like the ehtnic group they're supposed to represent when
I'm tired of every villager looking like pale europeans

Holy fuck why is literally everybody suddenly defecting to these horsefuckers, I mean how does defection work in M&B generally?

>Ham Ham

2 ham!!!

They leave factions they hate to join powerful factions they don't.
Look at all of that land. Did you even have to ask?

It was Wessex who pulled that shit. Anglo-saxons were a mistake

What did he mean by this?

Treasonous cunts, they're making that faction literally unstoppable and there's nothing I can do to stop them from trickling to their side.


Move aside Rhodoks. This is Nord soil now.



Is nova aetas good or is it pure autism?

translated the chinkspeak sticky from the chink M&B, few things of note:
release date between october and december, actual date TBA once it's close to release
>Steam allows different pricing according to different regions, we can now disclose the price of all regions are less than 100 yuan
100 yuan is 15bux
no workshop/achievements/cards
no online
might have rome/japan/india

>might have rome/japan/india

now im interested, always wanted a mod with medeival india and/or indochina

7, whether there are Rome, Japan, India?
A: Taking into account the history of the game start time background, temporarily not joined Rome and Japan, follow-up will be open after careful study to determine. Indian forces because of the information to be further research, taking into account the historical rigor, so temporarily not open.



>gonna go do some crusading now.


they need to show the sturgians and northern empire

we've seen sturgians and all the empire factions are the same

in the videos ive seen the empires look slightly different, the south having purple clothes and the west having orange, and they had different style helmets with eastern being more conical and the western having kettle hat style brims

i dont remember ever seeing sturgians, only battanians

>in the videos ive seen the empires look slightly different
based on the videos there is only a single empire troop tree, even in the MP videos the empire faction is just called the empire with no regional epithets.
>i dont remember ever seeing sturgians
E3 2016

>E3 2016
there they are, thanks

the ginger hordes of the east are not to be laughed at

excuse me did someone say

when are we going to address the rhodok question?

Rh*doks? In MY Calradia?
It's more likely than you think.

When you subhumans finally realize who your overlords are


he was late to the crusade

t. butternigger

t. mountain jew

t. fat butter nigger

is that the best you can do, mountain bandit?

Is stuffing your fat fucking maw with butter all you can do? You filthy subhuman

this is the first one of these things that i actually agree with

Go to bed Harlaus