Knock out stage edition
the thread before this one:
Knock out stage edition
the thread before this one:
Other urls found in this thread:
>Thinking the only team in Groups with 0 (ZERO) Losses is going to "chock"
>Thinking TSM is going to make it past the first 3 games
this is the new thread, reksai approved
reminder that bjerg is a
>top 10 player
and shouldn't receive so much criticism guys
xth for Syndra
double threads once again
real thread
Bjersen is pretty good yeah, he and Svenskeren are the only westerners with any chance of a championship held back by shit teams.
Oh and I guess Mike "MikeYueng" Yueng. MAYBE (hahahahahhahahaha) Dou (.... hehehehe) ble Li... No.
>AD jungle item
Is this what people are getting on eve now?
fuckoff vladfag
youre just trying to trigger people with your shitty klein threads
they arent funny theyre just an annoyance
fuck off
at least he has an idea of how to build his character senpai
report the early thread
otherwise they dont change a thing
>tfw no qt blue hair crazy gril to sleep with
>Gangplank in charge of being a champion
claim you'are waifu
both threads were posted b4 750 dipthong
>its a "jungler ruining bot and not making up for it anywhere else for it" episode
All of them
pls respond
no only 1
>twitch accidentally takes my blue
>they win lane and we win the game
how do people get their ui to display team portraits above the minimap?
i just came back and noticed a lot of streamers had this
cute bagguette
Who do I play to get out of Silver, I just started this season and my mechanics are decent. Jungle main.
sejuani and rammus are pretty okay
Sejuani, Gragas, Maokai. Learn how to frontline properly and watch lanes to figure out which of your laners are worth protecting, initiating and peeling for and then get them ahead and keep them alive through fights. Figure out which enemy carries go out of position and punish their positioning in teamfights. Most people in lower Elo have no idea how frontlining/backlining/teamfighting works, punishing enemy carries as a tank is very easy if you have even one decent carry on your own team.
Warwick carried me to gold
They're good but hard to be impactful with, I've been fed as them many times only to still lose
Can I carry low elo with Ardent Janna?
Relentless Sexual Aggression Tier: Evelynn, Ahri, Vi, Nidalee, Leona
Teasing and Control Freak Tier: LeBlanc, Syndra, Orianna, Lissandra
Definitely Dominant But Not Quite As Sexual Tier: Elise, Shyvana, Sejuani, Zyra
High Tier: Cassiopeia, Karma, Katarina, Vayne, Diana
Mid Tier: Jinx, Akali, Fiora, Caitlyn, Riven, Miss Fortune, Quinn, Sivir
Low Tier: Lux (some Elementalist forms are much higher), Ashe, Soraka, Janna
So Submissive She Can't Even Talk Tier: Sona
no. you'll win more than you lose but you never actually carry a game with Janna.
I forgot to list Warwick, Vi and Jarvan IV in , they can build situationally. Focus on building tanky most of your games and apply what I said before. Build actually supportive items like Knight's Vow, Locket of the Iron Solari, Gargoyle's Stoneplate etc. unless you really need the damage. Keep ahead in experience, focus on being highest level in the game before ganking whenever unsure of what to do. Winning lost lanes is not your responsibility.
You can, it's slightly easier if you duo with a capable ADC. Generally learn to spot good/bad carries on your team and make informed decisions accordingly. Know when to let them die and when to protect them and die for winning a fight. Learn how to bait with your shield, greed loses games in low Elo.
t. Duo ADC for a Janna One Trick.
how do we buy champs after the IP / BE merger??
should I buy champs I want now or wait for after the update/?
Buy now. Seriously. If you're stacking IP, get rid of it.
Champions will be available in the shop at the current IP price in Blue Essence. You will also have a chance of getting champion shards in level up boxes which are essentially loot boxes without the need for keys. Considering the fact that the best way of carrying over your IP to Blue Essence is converting it early via buying and disenchanting champion shards from the shop I suggest you do that and consider using the shards for champions you want.
>win a match buying IE, morello and randuin
how do i do that if i only play sup?
>You will also have a chance of getting champion shards in level up boxes which are essentially loot boxes without the need for keys
will we be able to get skin shards in these boxes?
You click the item and then click "buy"
Its' not like your team is going to lose just because their support built IE
New account
New me
Will take whatever name you guys give me
Lover of supple breasts
main teemo
or something like that
>Considering the fact that the best way of carrying over your IP to Blue Essence is converting it early via buying and disenchanting champion shards from the shop
user, all of your current IP will be converted to blue essence 1:1
Post your top 5 teams of all time
>1. SKT1
>2. Peak Moscow Five
>3. Peak CLG EU
>4. TPA
>5. Peak C9
Yes, and if you convert them to Blue Essence early via champion shards you are going to gain some additional Blue Essence because current Blue Essence will be multiplied by 6.5.
lulu abuser
brap lover
>tfw Leblanc is all I can play
>she fucking sucks
Kill me
You get champ shards from chests and you can disenchant them for blue essence as the new ip
Spend them on champ shards and disenchant them, you'll gain more than you payed out
>great style wasted on worst girls and shit fetish
>>she fucking sucks
Are you retarded?
She's not good user
I love traps
post rank, im curious
silver 1
Why would anyone want this?
it looks really cool to be honest
no wonder you never get a gf and only fap to lulu fanart with that "fashion sense"
but i already have a gf
Buff Caitlyn
While we're at it let's give E. Coli a buff.
>E coli is now airborne