/feg/ Fire Emblem General

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so now that the dust has settled we can all agree that stahl is the best red cavalier right

RD Ike when? Inb4 boosted stats.

I hope i can beat Arvis..... I could beat most ghb's but i could never beat Valter.....

I'm afraid I don't understand what you're going for here

Why don't Olwenfags ever try to say she's better than Reinhardt?

Whats a good budget option for Deirdre A skill? I don't hav3 any more Hinatas

>redditor this mad

You've gotten all four (4) of them, haven't you?

Alright /feg/, how do (You) grind your melee units?

Me on the left

me on the right

warriors map duh.

No, that's Seth.

yeah but I don't use Shitliph

So glad I didn't fall for the Sigurd meme

Even with the dozens of Youtube videos for these things, you still couldn't manage?

>Xandercucks still in denial and think he's good.



Fug, there goes a lot of exp.

There is no reason to be this upset my man

I want Deirdre to accidentally seduce and molest me!

No I only got Ogma

Steady Breath

seth is number 2 because he wastes points in speed

So for games moving forward what do we want?

All future games have an avatar that is non-vital to the storyline, and remakes are just remakes with no avatar?

All future games have an avatar that is super important (corrin) and remakes have avatars that don't affect the storyline beyond having an avatar.

All future games have no avatar, and remakes have no avatar.



Sure do. Waiting until Friday to level them though.

Any particular favorite?

i love wet pussies

the only bow 5* i had at the time was Clarisse

no matter what tactic i used, someone would always end up dying before i could kill all of em

Halloween bedsheet ghost Sanaki when?

What good taste, OP

Radiant Dawn banner when.

Who are the best speed ploy users? I'm thinking of slapping one on my Lloyd.

I have a -res +def Julia and Deid and a -def +ref Seliph

I don't know how to feel. Honestly why do IVs exist? Are they just here to make us feel bad? This is probably the reason why I think even FGO has a better gacha sometimes


B8 banner.

or 7d chessman arvis

My niger.

TT when

Is there a more beautiful pegasus knight?

>rd greil mercs banner featuring ike and friends
>rd dawn brigade banner featuring micaiah and friends
Radiant Dawn is going to make a shit ton of money.

Wait, why?

I thought you can just fix HP banes with seals? Mine is +Spd/-HP, I think that is an acceptable trade off

Are you me?

+Spd Sanaki

Ehh, just get your revenge on the rerun then

Camilla 35 is by far the easiest SP grind I've ever seen in my life


I want Ayra's orbs!


fixing hp banes with seals is honestly kind of a meme, since you should probably try to specialize your units

>All those people that got tricked into rolling Sigurd

The real masters fix HP Banes with Summoner supports.


Who had been a bit lucky Recently? Had a huge drought and 2 Oscar spooks (one off banner) but recently I feel blessed 2 of these were free pulls. Tiki and Russian. Just pulled Azura this morning. Now I can save for fluffy Julia.

She'll be a GHB unit. Arden has to be the TT unit, GHB isn't an option for him.

Did you get the senpai? I only got Sigurd

No, I got Hinocucked, hopefully Haar comes out before I die so I can use fliers

So, when is the TT starting?

Is it worth training units now or do I wait for double sp weekend? I just want stuff to do honestly

(A) skill for Deirdre? Fury, Distant Def 3 (spare Olivia), or Mirror Strike 3 (pity breaker Sonya)?
She's -res/+HP

Post the :D girl please.


so if 3 new heroes are bonus unit for the next TT, then who is the last one? Seliph or Julia?

I love fanart like this.

>tfw you will never be Deidre's son whom she tries to seduce
Why live?


Y-yeah man Xander is top tier! haha...

>Sigurd casually strolls in and a claims a kit previously reserved for the CYL 1st Place winners, including boosted BST


Julia, please

The truth hurts. Sorry, Sigurdbros.

Okay but do I S rank Arden with Tilt or Ayra

That used to be true when seals were shit, now they're one of your best skill slots and wasting that slot for HP+3 is the equivelant of using your A slot for Attack +3 instead of Fury 3 or Death Blow 3.

HP is better than a lot of people give it credit for, I feel. I'm not really comfortable taking HP banes on units with around mid thirties health. If your HP is well into the 40s, then by all means the bane probably won't harm you as much.

poor Public Woman only got Rally Spe Res as her new skill
now she is :( because she wasn't even competition for Linde

>Arvis has def ploy
>mfw I can finally give it to florina
>mfw people actually spent money on summer Gaius

Use that sonya for res ploy on Deirdre
As for A skill wait for Tailtu to drop to 4*
In the mean time run res+3 or atk+3

>mfw Jugdral units are all fantastic
>mfw Fateswakening babies btfo
>mfw Xandercucks literally cannot stop the tears

It'd be Dedire, Siguard, Seliph, and Julia

You've been posting this for 3 threads now user, what do you want?
Yes we're all jealous

>you will never drink Deidre's breast milk straight from the source

Will Neph keep me safe from all those new and scary swords?

That user from the last thread must think im lucky

all are -spd+def except tilt

Do not

I can't stop the tears because I didn't roll Sigurd.

So I whant to start a Lunatic Compain in Awakaning. What should I know ? What unit should I give the most experience? Any good promotions ?

Who even mentioned Xander you obsessed sperg



Next Wednesday

neph will DIE to feed Velvet Wrath


>Luke has the highest attack of any sword cav, making him the hardest hitting with a brave sword build
>Sigurd has more

>Seth has the highest combination of speed and def among any sword cav, making him a surprisingly good tank
>Sigurd has better stats across the board

>Eliwood has by far the highest res of any sword cav making him good for tanking mages
>Sigurd does this better

>Elidgan has a nice combination of attack and defense making him great at bonfire bombs with Missletain
>Slaying Edge Sigurd is just a better version of him

>Stahl and Cain Exist
>Sigurd is better at this too

Where were you when Ziguldo completely invalidated the purpose of every sword cav besides Roy and Xander?

This is all you are going to see for the rest of the game

>Can't even have a Reinhardt & Olwen BHB because there aren't enough Thracia characters to have a third one on the banner.

You're a bully and a terrible no good person! You should feel bad!

