/ddg/ - Dragon's Dogma General

Last time on /ddg/: >Tips for new players
You can change vocations at level 10 at the Gran Soren inn or BBI.
Character appearance can be changed later on.
Dont miss your sidequests: dragonsdogma.wikia.com/wiki/Side_Quest_Progression
Further info on "Must Do" sidequests: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qS9A47duONEwozGu8A6_oX_HyCxgBwbquGmlZqEQqqg/edit?usp=sharing
Understanding the romance system: dragonsdogma.wikia.com/wiki/Beloved
Hard Mode doesn't change enemy AI, it adds higher Stagger/ Knockdown resistances and increases Stamina consumption and Health damage recieved. More info about it in the wiki. Recommended for NG+

>Wiki you lazy shit


>/ddg/ Pawn Sheet

>Stat Growths

>RC Calculator

>In-depth Beginner/Advanced Player Guide and FAQ

>Character Creator Sliders

>Mods available

>Hotkey Script for PC Players

>Modding on console and old pawns

>Guide to get DDO

>DDO Beginners Guide

>Screenshot Guide

>Make webms

Other urls found in this thread:


DD time, Death time!


About to head to Bitterblack at level 8 on PC. Anyone have low-level pawns they'd like me to hire and take along? Or I could just do it with my pawn, but I figure I might as well offer someone an earlygame RC boost.

posted in dead thread, oops

Does anyone know why spell synergy sometimes doesn't work properly with bolide? When pawns are floating in the second casting stage it's a complete 50/50 on whether I'll piggyback or not

Reminder to post your rental info so we can all support each other!

Been trying to time this -just- right for a while now. If I'm even a second late he oneshots me.

Do Warrior skills also do bonus damage if you fling them the second the bar fills? I feel like it was like that with certain archery skills but I can't tell with Warrior.

Also looking for people to rent Uncle Sylvanus, he'll be a great boon to your party, promise!

Xbox One
Pawn name: Sare
level: 60
vocation: fighter
Equipment: almost full dragonforged meloirian set. Dragon's dogma, and silver targe
Gamertag: Blank Clef

Just picked this game up a couple days ago for Xbone, any early game advice or protips for an user who doesn't really know what the hell he's doing besides cramming a party full of waifus and adventuring a bit?

Walking to Gran Soren post Greg, what should I expect?

Green tint

Beasts from infernal beyond!

have some inspiration youtube.com/watch?v=e9NYYewCSxo
love /mhg/

-Go blind for your first run.
-If some NPC warns you, listen to him.
-You don't need to min-max. Only gear matters.
-If you are not pleased with your appearance once in-game, don't worry, you can acquire two items to edit your characters.
-You don't need mods.
-Don't forget to post your pawn so we can hire it (name, level, vocation).
-Have fun.

It's insane how some people can consistently time full charge on Rath dives etc. Can't fucking wait for ps4 release. MH in glorious HD graphics is a dream come true.

>you can acquire two items to edit your characters
yeah, when you beat the game lmao

It's time for a hiring train. it's no use trying to stay low leveled so we're going on to 200 tonight, who's coming along for some bitterbutt adventure? post those psn's, all levels and vocations will be fine

do a quick read over in the wiki about what inclinations do and pawns are, it'll help quite a bit.
some quests should be completed fairly quickly after getting them.
Minmaxing is super unnecessary
take a lantern and oil at night.
wolves hunt in packs.

Not the Art.

rate my pawn, don't bully pls she's quite shy

I did half assume many of the ddg people would be into monhun, I'm so hype for World, loved the 3DS games but nothing beats it on console.

I tend to avoid mhg because none of them are comfy and they kick you from rooms for not having the 'best' greatsword


I'll get the PC version of MH:W. Since there's no DD2 on the horizon it's the second best thing we can get from Crapcom

PSN: SeasonalWeasel

Utilitarian Mitigator Challenger

A lot of monsters, especially first and second gen, are actually deliberately timed to GS charges (with focus post-FU). Like you can always level 3 a rathian in her dumb 90 cutting hitzone head if you start charging behind her at the end of her chargespam combo, provided you're the only target for her to aggro.

Personally I find it more enjoyable to dunk things with CB SAEDs and spirit combo finishers on LS. And of course the truly most impressive gotchas are with hammer golfswings while looking away from the monster.

>warrior pawn's outfit looks nice
>bitter end doesn't match it at all
>all of the lower level swords and hammers just look better
>playing on PS4 so I can't just model swap it out
Such is life. Even if I swapped it with a silver rarefied flamberge I'd just be gimping him.

>they kick you from rooms for not having the 'best' greatsword
just don't play with the discordfags. It's not hard, if you see MasterLinkX or Vanessa in a room you don't join it. Half the time they put a different pass than the thread pass on their rooms anyway.

Could someone take my humble pawn under employment? My ps4 id is shinyster and my pawn is named Goldie, he is level 135 sorcerer

PS4: Kaizer Blade101
140something Scather/Challenger Fighter

Feel free to send a friend request if you want to save the crystals. I think next weekend I get I'm going to take more screenshots of my pawn punching stuff to death. I understand now how you guys get so much mileage out of this game.

Indomitable Lash needs to be released the moment it charges to do full damage and even then you probably won't even kill it.

In this particular situation Arc of Deliverance has no timing whatsoever, does much more damage and it allows you to reposition yourself. Throw a few peripats in if it isn't enough by itself.

gotchu m8
Anything in particular you want sent back?
I'll grab you guys too, looking for anything sent back?
bitter end is one of the least offensive imo but yeah I really can't stand how most of the level 3 weapons are either dog dick red or spikes'n'edges.

Is throwblast supposed to fuck Daimon's shit up when he starts trying to charge up?

Not really, I'll gladly just take your pawns for a ride. Gift anything you wish

Mostly looking to fill out bestiary to be honest, but if you deign fit to send aught back then I would accept it gladly.

Are you the owner of the Dante pawn? I've heard stories but he costs a million riftcrystals so I can't hire him.

Would help to identify

is Iszera

thanks a ton, I'll try and get some nice things for them both and take some pics for the thread.

he's mine, yeah. send me a friend request at effinaitswhitney, let me know you're from /ddg/ and I'll add you right up

Does having a shield for Mystic Knight thats already enchanted even matter?

It's blue balls: the game.

>despite less-than-optimal stats, grisly bone set + hard leather plate + twisted leathers + harpy cloak looks abso-fucking-lutely divine on warriors, especially on amazon types
>no weapon matches it as well as the cyclops' skull, which is already stylish as all hell, but it's fucking shit

If MH:W's cosmetic system is anything to go by, we should finally be able to dress and arm ourselves however the fuck we want in DD2. There'll be nothing to hold us back, and it'll be a Veeky Forumsggot's wet dream.

Right, lads?

>still no grisly set
god it looks so fucking good you're right. Or both chimeric chests, or even just simple iron shit. in just about every game my arisen at least ends up in goldforged pre post-game equipment because it just looks so much better, it's a pain dealing with debilitations for pawns to go that way though.

I still don't understand how Wyrms, Drakes and Wyverns come about. They're dead Arisen?

As I understand it, if an arisen dies before facing the dragon they're dipshits and just die, if they die while facing the dragon they become lesser dragons, and if they kill the dragon but then die facing the seneschal they become THE dragon, and of course if they kill the seneschal then kill themselves they become the dangan.

New bread, new shill. Give me them sweet rift shekels.

In the same way a normal enchanted weapon would

Did Grette kill dragum?

Makes sense to me

I ain't gonna lie, the ending always gets me a little bit hyphy and teary eyed


This whole fight was a wild ride from start to finish. Here's to hoping Bluemoon isn't too far away.

Yes but then lost to the Seneschal, becoming the Dragon that chose Ashe

this shit is tight as fuck

What pick up line works best for a pawn you'd like to tenderly love?

Threadly reminder that there is a community named Dragons Dogma General on both PSN and Xbox One for easier pawn sharing

>Hey baby, are you Gran Soren? Because all roads are leading me to you

you know, i just chose the name because i usually go with Anubis, and Ra is another diety with an animal head

I'd like to take care of you soaked in water.

ooo baby sit in this chair right here, I'm gonna slip you the scather

I'm not in the know, but I am interested; with the release of the PC version, has anyone found any cut content in the game's files? I'd assume yes since there is a somewhat lively modding scene for it from what I can tell bu it hasn't been documented anywhere.

>tenderly love
goons pls go

There is some cut stuff, but none of it made it far enough to be in the game. Stuff like pic related or half of the artbook. They were pretty good about scrubbing out unused stuff, even to the point where you can't mod the Berserk gear back into the PC release. The stats and data for them are there, but they actually removed the models.

Thanks for playing the whole thing through with Tara, Gidrolo. Couldn't watch today but I did listen in for a few minutes had to grind those levels for the plat. I've seen she's lagging behind in levels by now, if she's too low you can boot her, I'm thankful for all quest and bestiary knowlege you taugh her

>rest for the first time since starting a new game
>left my last game only around level 30
>shitload of rc and a gold ore from a japanese name
>4-4-5 ratings across three hires

I don't know what a goon is.

Post pawns you fell in love with, added them to favorites only to have their Arisens put their profile on private a while later so you cannot hire them ever again

RIP Xena, wish I'd never let you go back into the Rift

The Everfall has me completely stumped. I'm unsure of what I'm able to do, where I can go, how far I can go. I know collecting 20 wakestones and delivering them to Quince makes me fight the Seneschal, but am I able to leave this place? What's in here for me to find? Is there aught to do in Gransys of importance? It feels a little like everything's rushing to an end here.

Everfall is the end of the base game. If you want, there is quite of lot of things to find there, but they require a lot of stabbing yourself in the chest.
If you want, now is a decent time to head to bitterbutt and find even more things to collect.

That is a shame, maybe when the PS3 version hits emulators we'll find more. I'm sure the very first release has something of interest in it.

>be a writefag
>lurk dd's threads
>see good pics of interesting pawns or pics that show a lot of personality
>steal them and write stories
I wonder if my aughtism for character backstory and headcannon matches yours, Arisen?

For the life of me I simply cannot get past this pass. All the bandit have to do is breathe on me and I die right away. Is Warrior really a meme? :(

start posting them, then, you fag

Nah, I am fine with my own.

You best post them.

post 'em

Barnaby looks so confused there

Prioritize targets man, also what level are you and have you been enhancing your gear?

Bloody thistle.
It has good enough attack to be good in BBI and its easy to go golden because materials arent that hard to find. It also looks cool.

If anything it would be beta content for BBI

Granted, but Ra is depicted as male. It was just a little grating to me because I appreciate mythology.

Search the clubs for "Dragons Dogma General" and join that shit so we cant rent your pawn and get you some rift bucks

And what about the Ur Dragon? I've no idea where to find him, or how to fight him. You can only fight him during certain times, right?

ill probably switch her to a him later on

I probably will when I've got a nice stack, I posted some of my stuff in the old general. This is also my shameless way of asking you to tell me about your pawns if you'd like storytime some time.
Is that Sir Stanley on the left?

Need fashion help, legs to go nicely with a grand surcoat, possibly also a direwolf cape

It is a bit suspect that all the pawns have dialogue for BBI specific enemies like garm or gore cyclopes, but not others. Part of me finds it hard to believe they got all the pawn Vas to come back to go "LOOK ARISEN OUT ITS THE PISSBEAR"

I have everything at least 1 starred. Using the Chaos armor set from the Black Cat at level 33

Yes, hes been on my party since forever now.

there's your problem m8 go get some decent armor so you don't get one shot
the other user is also right, also exodus is your friend, it is your friend indeed

Do you really have to do this while I'm at work? I can't phone-post an entire paragraph. Though maybe you've taken my boys anyway...

you can fight him whenever
fighting him online takes a lot time, due to the server-wide health bar
but if you take him on offline, then he's not as annoying
also, if you just jump into NG+, you have a riftstone in Cassardis that allows you to fight Urdy whenever you want without needing to jump down the Everfall

Now this is a guess, but the mages are probably taking most of your health while the melee/archers pick you off because Chaos has fuck all for ele defense and piercing resist. You might wanna think about upping it to 2 stars or three if possible. Also up your underclothes too.

I'm glad to see he's still around, one of my stories was about him and Galak.
I lurk constantly. Plenty of time and I ought to just make a "share character backstory if you have one" reply post later.

Unless it's changed in the last few years it's "gently caress" iirc

SomethingAwful user. They have a wordfilter that filters "fuck" to "gently caress."

Rift sluts are built for breeding!

I mean I would post but I don't have good pictures and no solid backstory.

The archers are definitely what are screwing me over. All I need is a portcrystal to upgrade my armor though, so I guess I'll sacrifice my Greatwall encampment warp for now

What? Chaos armor doesn't need a portcrystal

Yeah when those archers charge mighty bend or five/tenfold arrows you WILL feel it, it's insane how often they literally one shot me

Where are you, the pass leading up to Bluemoon tower? Those archers hit like a truck for some reason.

Dear lord why is Matt from twobestfriendsplay on the left

Shes forever a riftslut now since i forgot her info and cant get on that profile.
All those pants and shirts people send her are lost on the rift.
Could probably get it back if i contact steam support maybe?

I opened DDO's client and registered an account, but when I log in it loads for a VERY long time then it chingchongnipnongs me back to the login part. The game doesn't even launch yet, just the launcher.

I'm using a jap VPN. In fact, I got accidentally banned yesterday for posting on 4chin with it.
Anyone? Thanks based mod for the appeal

Most BBI level 3 weapons are just reused/altered assets of the previous items.
Bitterend > Wounded Heart
Devilsbane > Dragon's Dogma
Framea Daggers > Signs of Valor
>that middle
For the love of Maker, pray post pawn info ser.