/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General

> Next Demo Day 17
> Halloween Jam 2017
> Current Mecha Jam

> Play Demo Day 16

> Helpful links
Website: tools.aggydaggy.com
Weekly Recap: recap.agdg.io
AGDG Steam Games: homph.com/steam
Fanart and stuff: drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B6j4pcv3V-vfb3hKSlhRRzlLbFE
New Threads: Archive: boards.fireden.net/vg/search/subject/agdg
AGDG Logo: pastebin.com/iafqz627

Previous Thread: Previous Demo Days: pastebin.com/PAX2PvrV
Previous Jams: pastebin.com/jAByvH3V

> Engines
GameMaker: yoyogames.com/gamemaker
Godot: godotengine.org
UE4: unrealengine.com
Unity: unity3d.com

> Models/art/textures/sprites

> Free audio

> How to Webm

Other urls found in this thread:


First for Godot is shit.

Unreal > Unity

just waitin on that recap...

>want to post progress
>implemented audio
>Veeky Forums webms can't have audio


Repost for new thread. For a multiplayer game, at what point should you start advertising it and having a twitter/tumblr/site? Especially for a 1MA. I'm afraid that if I start too soon interest will die out, but if I jump right into the game being in a playable alpha with no community the game will die (no people, can't find match, stop playing, even less people).

I'll put effort into making a single player "campaign" and a not-shit AI to play against.

not an excuse

streamable or /wsg/

>he's making a multiplayer only indie game

one day I will get lewd fanarts

>Waste 5 months in Godot with GDScript
>Download Unity
>Make same game with no knowledge of C# or Unity prior within one week

There is no reason to use Godot, even for 2D.

Your game will never reach critical aliveness, only the very best multiplayer games survive and you're better off focusing on singleplayer or coop.

Seriously, don't. It's guaranteed failure unless you have a few millions to spend on marketing.

Dang nice.

>what is mixtape.moe

how did Valve//Steam get away with using achievements if MS has a patent? Are we all in trouble for adding achievements to our games?


>tfw I really do want to make a multiplayer game but no one will ever play it
This is pain


Now shut the fuck up.

I don't remember this game having any progress posted here, are you sure it's yours?

Where's the recap?

Valve's version of achievements clearly has less features.

I remember a time when you could buy actual games for Microsoft Achievement Points.

However, I don't remember a time when you could do that with Steam Achievements.

Patents are actually very specific. Their patent may include something like "assigning a score to each achievement", which you'll notice that neither PlayStation or Steam does, could be enough to circumvent the patent.

to make indie-online viable the idea of some sorta communal time sharing has to be hit upon.
the whole thing of

Yes gogem, i'm sure call of duty stole your playerbase, go to sleep now

I actually find the failure of RRPS to be quite interesting because it's a game you'd naturally want to play with your friends over random people. Seems like it should've caught on among people buying it for a group gaming session.

>to make indie-online viable the idea of some sorta communal time sharing has to be hit upon.

You mean like the actual game happens only at a set time instead of 24/7?

you dont have to steal something you own
natural monopoly

Even if Valve or Sony were in violation of that patent I don't think there would be any problem for the games themselves. The patent is about a whole system of achievements, where users can view achievements from multiple games, not about single games having achievements.

What if I picked up a publisher to do the ads for multi. I heard chucklefish likes indies, and they've been in the news recently

Thinking of buying a small laptop to dev with Unity (so I can dev at work after hours), how much do you guys think it would cost?

one hundred million us dollars

idk retard fucking google some laptops

>dev at work

enjoy your lawsuit and losing your game since everything you make at work belongs to the company

ive already implemented that in RRPS.
some other games do it i think too, it's funneling. but no.... more than even that.
multiple games should be communally timeslotting amongst each other.

like say a website dedicated to online games, each hour it puts up a few games for people to play, maybe a couple are popular games (based on feedback) that get heavy rotation and the others are less known games.
given that theres easily thousands of online games out there getting zero meaningful play, something like this with an audience could be pumping people in and out of many online games to give them life and the audience a variety instead of chasing fads just to be able to play with others.

Black friday is coming up. my m8 got a nice laptop (i5 12gb of ram, 500gb solid state) for like 750 i think. seems reasonable to me

then fucking make it you lazy cuck, why just pray something comes along to help your game succeed? do it yourself and become the next humble bundle and eventually sell out to ign for millions

>just make it
i couldnt get an audience for my own online game, you want me to run a website dedicated to getting an audience for many online games???

I don't think you marketed your game enough. Did you use Reddit and such?

>tfw project burn out
i don't know how people work on the same game for years

>wah wah self-defeat and excuses

are you female?

i was about to say that you had a good idea with funneling, but then you have to get all retarded and say things like

>multiple games should be communally timeslotting amongst each other.

thats a terrible idea

I don't know either. I make more progress in 2 weeks on new project than in 2 years in old project.

kill me

just take a short break to do something else, but something that is actually useful

get good at art, study something new, enter a jam and make a super-tiny project, whatever mane

how is it a terrible idea to have a website where every hour a few games are served up for players to play together in?

I've been having a burn out since I began my new project, which I had began because I was burning out of my old project
I wish I was a clueless, egoistical moron so I wouldn't feel overwhelmed because I know my skills are lacking

>tfw clueless egoistical moron
gonna make it

>tfw no one is interesting in your ideas so you got to sell your body to make ends meet

anyone need any programming help with stuff

I mean yeah all you need is to make the game, not to mop around in an engine/modelling software/DAW for days

what engine do you use?

if this is the case then your ideas are garbage, or you're just a lazy sack of shit

get good

Ya. What's the best way to slowly transition a mesh from one state/shape to another. I'm spoiled by Tweening programs.

because its communism

why don't you just get a normal low paying job

Blendshapes/morph targets are 3d tweening

>you're lazy for working and concretizing ideas instead of circlejerking around them
>the reason your execution is shit is because your ideas are bad
1/3 valid points, you can do better dude

but how can it be gommunism without the possibility of famine and political genocides?


MS Paint

I'm at my relatively well paying job right now. I just want someone else to register the LLC so my company doesn't steal all of the gamedev work I'll do for someone else's project.

>he relies on motivation
>he can't develop discipline because that would take discipline
Just give up :)

how does she smell like?

then just start an open source project

What's the best workflow for creating a small videogame?


Anyone have anything more specific?

Plan->Plan->Plan->Art->Code->Commission Music->Enter evaluation cycle

You forgot sound design and marketing

Idea, make minimal viable product to see if it's fun, clean up MVP, start adding art/sound.

Never made it further.

Prototype until you find an idea you like then create a vertical slice of that prototype to estimate how long it will take the entire game. From there you block out the rest of the game, test that block out thoroughly to make changes then onto an art/sound/music pass.

That's if you wanted to work in order. I think most indie games tend to work on whatever they feel like.

sand bags and salty coins

Damn, its hard to think of non-combat gameplay for a sci-fy space game.

I could make some sort of random events that could trigger when certain conditions are met, which would play out as mini-VN's. However, if some of these events trigger too often then players will eventually learn the optimal solution for them.

How do I add non-combaty stuff to do in sci-fy space game?

Make it about solving various problems with a well defined set of tools.

Monogame or Unity2D?

Gee bill how come you mom lets you have TWO game jams?

} Vertical slice

Your first step should be getting a rigorous design document together, so you know exactly what needs doing and when. From there, you implement using placeholder assets and refine it till it works exactly how you want. Only then do you spring for art, since nothing *should* be changing in terms of assets after the art is done, ideally. Music you can get at practically any time, so that's low priority.
To stress it again: Get your gameplay solid and finalized before you put actual art on it.


>tfw you're too dumb to implement slope tiles

Okay, but does creating the prototype follow the same workflow order as ?

Prototype is usually just test assets. Like cubes and shit.

That's cause you have no handle on what the game's about besides "space". If I told you to make a game in the modern world, does that help you at all? You can make a game about shipping, or gardening, or fighting, or dating, or building, or fucking anything.

>tfw you're too intelligent to implement slope tiles

murder mystery on a space station
you are the killer

is there truth to this cause hollow knight doesn't use any slopes

Yes, any game that has no slopes is more intelligent than a game that does have slopes. Hollow Knight is more intelligent than Super Mario World, but Mario World is still more intelligent than Sonic the Hedgehog (too many slopes and loops).

Not him, but for what reason do you NEED slope tiles? They require addition animation, physics engine tweaking, and are in general a pain to account for.

besides it being a space game I mean it to be a party based game. the focus of the game is supposed to be the stuff that happens between party members and the trouble that comes from a colorful cast

I just want to make a game which is the vidya counter part of a series like Farscape.

Stop memeing
Makes the environment feel more alive I guess? Things look kind of geometric if everything is blocky, but I suppose that can be masked by art assets a bit

childhood is when you idolize slopes
adolescence is when you abandon slopes
adulthood is when you realize stairs make more sense


How are stairs implemented in a 3D game?

Stairs in most games are just stair geometry with a slope collision mesh

They're slopes in disguise.

Actually thinking of doing that but it's probably going to be for a weirdo fetish game

Star Control 2 was the best space game

StarControl 2 was epic. The only thing I think could have more work is melee.

Yes but that was 100% because of the writing and character designs, it's not the kind of success you can easily emulate.

As slopes

are you preparing for halloween agdg?

Also this: Spathis were the best.

At the macro level, you should copy something like FTL. Choose where you go, and at each node in the map, a random event triggers. Your choices will give you resources, get you new crew members, basically change whatever gameplay variables you have. Text is cheap, so you can write enough events that only the most hardcore players will memorize them.

Now, the micro part of gameplay is harder. The is where you actually have to do abstract game design: how do you translate human relationships into gameplay? You could make the game about the interactions between crew. Or about managing resources (trading?). You could have some sort of gameplay where the ship has rooms, and being in the same room or adjacent rooms affects the relationships between crew members. Or, you could go even more in depth and have each crew member remember the history of events that happened.

IMO if you want to avoid combat, it's fine to have some combat situations. But don't fully simulate it, just abstract it away as a choice in the text engine.

It's not a gameside thing
Just imagine a community of people on a site
This site lists a handful of games periodically and people from the community interested in those games would know that was a good time to play with the rest of the community instead of the multiplayer being dead like usual

The only problem would be building up enough of an initial community that people see value in trying it out.
Need someone relevant behind it. Next agdg that goes big should start it and save indie multiplayer

I've got a 2d plane and I want to determine if the player is looking at a certain object. The player has a 90 degree cone of vision and an angle that they are looking towards.

Pic related: I want to know when the blue dot is in the green dot's cone of vision there. I've been trying the trigonometry but I feel stupid


Is it going to be seasonal content only available during halloween? Because I don't like this kind of stuff.

What engine/language