/nintyg/ - Nintendo General

WE WUZ GOTY edition.
This is a general for the discussion of Nintendo consoles and the games released on them.
Previous: Tags: /3dsg/, /mk8g/, /arms/

>Important News
「!」Quirky new Pokemon Detective movie starts production early next year: omegaunderground.com/2017/10/13/live-action-pokemon-movie-detective-pikachu-starts-filming-january-uk/
「!」Ultra Challenge Pack available for Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle: nintendoeverything.com/mario-rabbids-kingdom-battle-ultra-challenge-pack-starting-to-go-live/
「!」Android installment of Pokemon Rumble is being released as an alpha test: serebii.net/news/2017/16-October-2017.shtml
「!」Rideable Blade shown in Xenoblade 2 screenshots: twitter.com/XenobladeJP/status/919821899189796864
「!」Kirby Battle Royale introduction trailer: youtube.com/watch?v=Zp98p4aw-yM
「!」Zelda interview on Hero's Path DLC, timeline, Zelda 2 remake and more: nintendoeverything.com/zelda-breath-of-the-wild-devs-on-why-heros-path-mode-was-added-as-dlc-timeline-more/
「!」eShop adds new category for games currently on sale: nintendoeverything.com/switch-eshop-adds-section-for-games-on-sale/
「!」Revenant Saga releasing on Switch in the West next week: nintendoeverything.com/revenant-saga-listed-for-release-on-the-switch-eshop-next-week/
「!」Odyssey gets a perfect score from EDGE: nintendoeverything.com/super-mario-odyssey-receives-first-review-in-edge-awarded-with-a-perfect-score/

>Upcoming Releases
JP - nintendo.co.jp/schedule/index.html
NA - nintendo.com/games/coming-soon/
PAL - nintendo.co.uk/Games/Upcoming-Games/Upcoming-Games-753286.html

>3DS Model Comparisons

>amiibo Compatibility Chart

>Discord chat

Other urls found in this thread:


wtf now i will never play VLR

Nice edition name



*painkiller ripoff starts playing*

quark is zero

I know

Gerudo Zelda WHEN?

>Zelda interview on Hero's Path DLC, timeline, Zelda 2 remake and more
Timeline part is uhh we don't know and Zelda 2 remake is just saying they'll think about it. Practically clickbait.

Zelda as the MC when


BotW already has Zelda 2 elements.

Reminder of how once you exit the temple or whatever and are out in the open world (like botw) you have random encounters (such as jellies or skeleton enemies randomly appearing as you progress through a road) and how you can choose to increase your HP or Stamina.

That's the worst comparison I've ever heard. No wonder you're an art student, you clearly couldn't do anything of academic worth.

with link as a side character or dead or what?

I'm a student of fat butst on girls.

Also page 10.

Makes sense, you look and smell like a fat ass.


On /videogames/.

Haha burn bro. x)

Also bump:
>Japan gets sweet as heck 3DS themes
>200 platinum coins

I got that theme, I'm on Australian eShop. 100 platinum coins.


how's XBC on the 3ds? I'm sure the game itself is good but how does it control/look on an N3DS XL?

Like shit

Figured as much. How's it look compared to say MH? I thought MH looked pretty bad but the gameplay is more than enough to carry it

You can tell they just shrunk down the textures so it has potato graphics.
Not properly optimised textures like MH.

NA release when? Same with the Lugia/Ho-oh themes.

Imo looks better than MH. You van also zoom in and out like on Wii to change the camera detail.

It's a decent version but it should be played on Wii/Dolphin the to get a better scale of how huege the world is.

This cummed in the mail today.

I'm sorry.

Y? Game is fun.
Decided to buy the Amiibo bundle to add to my collection.
It was cheap af.

I'd rather have the wiiu amiibo

>wiiu amiibo

r u special comprehensible or just special?

But the Chibi Robo amiibo works on Wii U

please someone spoonfeed me a n64 emulator and mario 64 rom, I've spent the past half hour looking and can't find shit for some reason, I've never had this much trouble getting a game

Chibi Robo is cute and I gotta give the 3ds game another chace.

I also have Park Patrol but it's in my backlog.

I just got my Switch in the mail, but BotW doesn't come in until Wednesday...

What's the best cheap game to get on the e-shop?

Picross S

Kamiko is 5 bucks.

Thinking of buying a new 2DS xl, are they worth it?

I want to fucc Paya!

I wanna eat a Papaya.

Gor, do you have anything interesting in terms of Nintendo hardware? I reckon it'd be cool to own one of those FDS shop machines, but idk if it'd ever be worth it.

Nah, unless you count the Virtual Boy. I don't have any cool hardware as I mostly collect cards or books on Nintendo if I'm ever in the mood to collect. I also have a green 2DS which is a Japanese exclusive for Pokemon green/red eShop launch.

I'd like to get a Shogi wooden set from Nintendo but I know I'd never find somebody to play it with. Any friends I have would get scared by the Chinese writing on the pieces.


Me too! We can take turns to fucc Paya!


>tfw forgot I had a Club Nintendo Picross game

Probably the best Picross game imo.
A lot varied Nintendo references.
Don't forget that there's a Plus version too.

dont lewd the paya


had to google like a mofo you're lucky i love you user
as for the emulator different section of the same site (I only tried downloading the rom from there and it worked so don't quote me on that) completeroms.com/emulators/nintendo-64
now go and emulate the fuck outta that mario user....yar har fiddle de de and such

I shit and a turd came out


Babt? You in jail?


Good morning, Marie.

Super Mario Odyssey SOON*
L.A. Noire DX SOON**
Xenoblade SOON***

>May 17, 2011
>L.A. Noire, Initial release date

>May 28, 2015
>Splatoon, Initial release date

>November 11, 2011
>The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Initial release date

If I wanted a retro console, I would have gotta a SNES mini.


I bought the new south park game and got the full version of their previous game, stick of truth free.

Downloading a voicepack is close to the same thing, right?

Hey guys, just wondering if the SWITCH is worth it once the new mario gets released. Anyone have some pro/cons? And are the hardware issues fixed?

After Mario Odyssey, what games upcoming are you looking forward to? Are there more than 5? If so its worth it.

Only games that I would like to play right now are Odyssey, Mario Kart, Zelda BOTW and Splatoon. Maybe some other niche games.

Those are already released. Never buy a console for what exists - just what is upcoming, else you might be buying a dead console.

2 of those games are single player only, so it literally doesnt matter when youbplay them either


Yeuck.also they give you first the game because ubisoft games are shovel ware.

It comes with two Joycons.

True, but I'm not quite sure what's coming in the next year(s). Haven't been following nintendo in the last few years.

sombra aqui y sombra alla

shadow here and shadow there?


My Stardew Valley file got corrupted fucking again. This is horseshit. I need the game to fucking tell me when I can turn this fucker off without restarting the entire game.

Good news, Nintendo finally added a sales tab to the e-shop.

Any time it isn't saving? It literally tells you when it's saving.

I wasn't fucking saving! I wasn't even ending the day, I did the egg festival, fucked it up and didn't get the hat so I turned it off.

Kamiko also kinda sucks

That's where you fucked up.

Me on the left, nintyg on the right.

This is why I don't buy indie games until they are $2 on steam.

Fucking clearly. Ugh. I'm gonna start using the "exit game" function every time before turning it off.

So, Farming Simulator 2017 comes out soon on the switch and it's looking pretty good, however, there's something huge that nothing i've seen about the game has mentioned... Multiplayer.

Multiplayer is a big aspect of what made Farming Sim 2017 so good on other platforms, has it really been removed from the Switch version? For what reason?

So some googling around and looking at the official forums reveals that the developers of Farming Simulator have stated that the Switch version has NO multiplayer at all and NO mod-hub (Which is what the other console releases have so that they can use mods) because the hardware isn't strong enough to support them.

That sounds like bullshit personally, if a second player driving one of your tractors would grind the game to a halt then surely the game was on its knees already considering that all this game is doing with multiplayer is adding a second actor (It doesn't track anything complex in the background for multiplayer characters, not even money) and remember that they'll be on your farm, it doesn't require the creation and drawing of any extra vehicles that aren't there in single-player, it's just a single extra farmer model.

I think there must be something other than hardware issues stopping it from happening and they just don't want to go into detail.

It's bullshit. The device just wants to rush the game out to get in on that early Switch money since there isn't a lot of software out.

Also because of Nintendo's current retarded online system you cant just join a friend's game without having to use the unfinished online services. But that shouldn't stop local multiplayer or people from making game lobbies like PuyoTetris or Bomberman.

Tl;Dr dev is lazy as fuck and won't program lobbies.

That's what it's for...

Kirby, Fire Emblem 16, and a main series Pokemon game come out 2018. Also that Yoshi wooly world sequel iirc.

>Fire Emblem 16
Is the number really that high already?

Also available in UK

The switch is a mobile phone - Think candycrush type games and bad ports, not AAA developers and big titles.

I literally just had that game delivered to my house today, what the heck

Have you really not played stick of truth? Its really a good rpg for being southpark

I am not used to not being able to just close the game when my boss comes in or something.

What's sleep mode?

When you go to sleep waiting for your game to save it takes so long.

You're fucking retarded.

Considering the fact that they made a version of Farming Simulator specifically for phones and tablets and the version on the Switch is not that one, the Switch is getting the same version of the game as PC and Xbox got, I don't think your argument holds much water.

Battery draining. Also, I'm sure it will also corrupt. But I'm gonna keep playing. It took my only a bit to catch up now that I know what I am doing. Still sucks though.

Are you fucking retarded?
Sleep mode lasts like 2 weeks or more on a single charge.
Source: personal experience.

Uh huh, if it was the same version as PC why doesn't it have all the features?

Oh, thats right, its a shitty port

Only methheds can go 2weeks no sleep

I'm your delivery guy. ;)

The only thing impressive about it is that it looks like the show.

South Park stopped being funny several seasons ago.

Page 10 bumbp

You must be black and only watch south park for chefs big salty balls and got butthurt that his mind got raped by super adventure club.

U take my package?

I don't even know what episode that's supposed to represent.

No, I only deliver.

My battery dies frequently enough that I'd rather just turn it off than use sleep mode. The fact that I can't do that in Stardew is a little horseshit.

No big. I'll deal.

You must've fucked your battery somehow along the way. You know you're not supposed to let it completely die, right?

It is possible. I keep it charged but my brother might not. He's 6 and I keep telling him to put it back when he's done but you know how it is.


Mat stoned and trey parquor killed issak haze after he left their show
