/bbg/ - Bloodborne General

Animal Rescue Edition

The General lies dead, but its horrific consciousness is only asleep, and it stirs in unsettling motions: >information - If you're new to Bloodborne and /bbg/ READ THIS FIRST BEFORE ASKING QUESTIONS

>Accessing the DLC
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>/bbg/ Fight Club:
Pthumeru - n6rc9jh8
Loran - jjpkdcgd
Isz - 9v8qndas
(every Saturday 6pm EST, general rules:imgur.com/1RjNbF4)

>/bbg/ Spelunking Club
Password = /bbg/
Create a new S/FRC chalice dungeon and beckon anons to join
Use the Short Root Chalice with the password /bbg/ to be summoned or invade
(every Friday 6pm EST, anything goes)

>Resources Pastebin - Planners, Calculators, Spreadsheets, Stats Info, Where to go next in BB, Guide Scans & Wikis

>Chalice Pastebin - General Info, Glyphs for Gems, Best Gems Setups, Multiplayer & Speedrunning

>Media Pastebin - OSTs, Concept Art & Screenshots

>Beasthood & Claws Info

>Wheel, Fight Club, Arc 101 & other Misc. Info

>Bloodborne AR Calculator

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/bbg/ is sleepy today, so I'm gonna dump some spooky, atmospheric but really nice paintings by a Victorian painter name John Atkinson Grimshaw. A lot of them have a particularly Bloodborne-y feel, I think, and I think /bbg/ might like them.

can someone help me with orphan? ringing at the fog gate

Post pass or we can't help you my dude. Level would be nice as well.

Excuse the awful watermark up top but my only other version of the image is too big for Veeky Forums to handle

pw is kosm. I'm at 112, leveled up all my stats to play with all the toys and weapons.

You're beyond saving.

>the only way to become an executioner is to revive your biggest enemy and watch as your brethren commits sudoku because he has failed
>to mercilessly slaughter said brethren for no apparent reason, essentially acting like a vilecuck


ded game or nah? I bought a PS4 just for BB 1 year ago, I didn't get engulfed by the game at all, mostly played it because I wanted to justify my investment.

I only had fun spelunking with other players from /bbg/ .

Do you guys still co-op?

I like this one because it has a bit of a Byrgenwerth feel to it.

>Do you guys still co-op?
That's all we really do anymore.

Who wants to spelunk?

Was about to ask the same thing. You host.

I wonder if Yharnam was ever this open, or if it was always an overdesigned nightmare

>pw is kosm. I'm at 112, leveled up all my stats to play with all the toys and weapons.
thx anons. I spent 45 minutes dying only to get him down to half health twice

Coming across such an open street in Bloodborne would freak me out, to be honest. Imagine the shit that could flood the street.

Bloodborne is definitely still alive, /bbg/'s just sleepy. Most of what we do here now is co-op and spelunks. You'll be able to find plenty of random co-op in late game and DLC areas no problem, depending on the day and time, probably.

Sure, I have this bad boy ready to go.

Glyph: 2b94gq6k

Pass: old

Got one slot still open, I'm willing to give it away for just one (You).


Grimshaw is known today mostly for his moonlit paintings, of which he had a great talent for, but early on he also he did portraits and other stuff.

You're not the same user, are you?

These are comfy af

He spent a lot of time painting the Glasgow Docks, too

I am.

Grimshaw is maximum comfy. Same way that night time Yharnam is (despite crawling with monsters), the moonlight is very soft and sometimes even warm.

Off to a great start.

If I die again to that mob of anorexic faggots I'm calling quits.

Imagine just walking this whole road all night, fugg

One of the things I love how Grimshaw is how it always looks like it's just rained, the stone is all damp. It being England, it probably had. Central Yharnam has that same look, lots of wet stone and pools of water.

I really wish we had gotten to visit a dockland in Yharnam. I know technically we sort of did, but that was nothing, I want something big and open, lapping waves, rocking ships, beasts creeping out of the murky waters.

>don't have the will to play through the game again with a new build

What happened to me?

Been there user, the urge eventually came back for me though

I have a chalice ready to be spelunked, anyone interested?

Just in time!
I'm ready to spelunk with you my dude

What made it? I want to play in the spirit of the season but it isn't enjoyable

Booting up and posting glyph


Cathedral Ward just looming in the background

Layer numero uno:

>me being shit but then remembering how to not be thanks to anorexia
>heat seeking spiders
>phtu slumber party in treasure room
>communion and heir runes

Alright hunters

FRC Ihyll
Glyph: d8x789wk
Pass: dudelmao


A moon? A lake? Couldn't get more Bloodborne!

I'm in!

Good start

Makes me think of Hemwick women dancing

teh 1 reb0rn ng+

lvl 90

password: cobble

We're fighting some edgy twelve-year-old?

>OoS triangle sharp gem from keeper
Neat trash

Pretty uncommonly stark piece from Grimshaw, his night pieces are much nicer

hes a big matrix fan and he needs to be stopped

I almost had him, Faye... But it wouldn't have felt right without you.

Not much to say about this one, it's just nice

I've been playing games with a drastically different setting/playstyle. It took a while but I found myself longing for yharman not so long ago. I think that's precisely what makes it such a good game.

I know I didn't help, user. May the good blood guide your way

Layer check 'em:

>pthumerian labyrinth being a labyrinth
>forgot everything else because I'm tired as fuck
>formless oedon and ring of cuckoldry acquired
>django unchained got his D silenced

Got oink'd yet still got the BS...weird

I got oinked too...

Silly vileblood, you can't parry oinko boinko

No Lotte-chan, you can, gotta nail the timing though


Meet you all at L3!
Hopefully piggu having less health makes it smoother for you dudes

margaret or nat?


Well, that was incredibly retarded,

A bit more built up and busy this one, Yharnam was probably nice with people on the streets


Ringing now friendo

This is another very Byrgenwerth feeling one.

Burgerworth, before the happening

at least i managed to sbb one of them

I think this is the most overtly creepy one, even if unintended. The figure in the foreground is barely visible, but there, kind of obscured by the strong moonlight silhouetting it. If anyone's ever read M.R. James or watched the old BBC Christmas adaptations, you might get a Jamesian feeling from it.

Lotte at lamp, also I predict a layer 4

Comfy as fuck

Hey Margaret and Lotte
If I'm summoned and afk, don't mind waiting a bit?
Organizing groceries I just got delivered

Reminds me specifically of that forested area before Hemwick with the ten million gunners, Hemwick wasn't expressly off-limits I think maybe lone Yharnam snuck out there

Yeah sure

i'll use this occasion to go brush my teeth

Do Yharnamites eat anything? Or do they just consume blood? Yharnam farmlands would be interesting, outside the city, creepy rural areas and the like. Apart from that, love the colour in this one.

Layer tripple:

>shiny guilloutines
>nyaaaaaahing to death
>honorabru duels (gg Vicar)
>a shitty treasure chest with blood rituals in it
>lots of great one's coldbloods though
>getting rekt by HMPH but then remembering you can parry-bully him into a corner

Thank you Faye and sorry for dying so fucking much.

Brushy brushy!

I'm falling in love with you, Grimshaw user

I hate how enemies are resistant to stagger as a cooperator

Whitby Harbour, famously Dracula's entry point into England. Alas, this is the end of the John Atkinson Grimshaw dump. I hope you liked it, /bbg/, if you'd like to peruse more of his stuff, there's a site that I believe has collected them all, or most of them.


They are not, its just latency. Got me killed many times, especially embarrassing when its just a naked pthu that poises through your R2 and oneshots you with a charge attack and only staggers after you die.


>got pwned just as I blood bulleted

Fret not my dudes for as I predicted a layer 4 await us

Reminds me of the place you fight Orphan, just more yellow

I'm srccing
i aint fighting count bullshit

Oh yay
I'll SRRC for this one though. Hate FRC HMPH

Thanks for hosting, Funky boi.

>tfw live in Yorkshire
Maximum comfy

>call impromptu
>nobody responds or joins
>faggot calls a spelunk
>gets 6 replies

This general really did turn into co-op only.

Is that a problem?

Yeah for people who want to pvp.

Couldn't possibly be because the impromptu was called on a monday during American work hours while the spelunk was called when most folk were of work.

Oh yeah, lots of those people. That's why impromptus are so popular.

That was a good dungeon especially layer 4, thank you for joining Nat and Lotte.

I got some ritual materials 2 runes and a lost Reiter, also great one coldblood and old great one coldblood

Was fun coming along Margaret

>I farm top tier gems for pve

Lel that was cruel, I didn't even had the chance to fight back ;_;

Ah, but it made for a good webm