/dbg/ - Dragon Ball General

Spinning with Hit and Jiren Edition

>DLC 4 included:
- 2 New Playable Characters: Merged Zamasu and SSGSS Vegito
- 3 New Parallel Quests
- A New storyline based on DBS Future Trunks Arc
- Two new costumes: SSJ4 Goku, Resistance Outfit
- New accessory: SSJ4 Goku wig and tail
- 4 New Moves: Holy Wrath, Divinity Unleashed, Blades of Judgement, Divine Wrath

>Free update included:
- 4 New Costumes: Trendy Bikini, Great Ape Suit, Golden Ape Suit, Golden Turtle Hermit Gi
- 4 New Accessories: Saiyan tail buttplug, Great Ape Wig and Tail, Golden Ape Wig and Tail, Golden Scouter
- 4 New Moves: Savage Strike, Spirit Stab, Sword of Hope, Burning Strike
- DBS accurate variants of SSB Goku, Vegeta, Kid Trunks and Future Trunks
>Helpful Xenoverse 2 Data/Links
pastebin.com/bRGkSuSh (embed)
>1.06 patchnotes
pastebin.com/dxznyLQV (embed)
>1.07 patchnotes
pastebin.com/RxfR2k2k (embed)
>Xenoverse 2 Mods
pastebin.com/pDwFPrB3 (embed)

>No Hud Mod (for beautiful screenshots)

>Xenoverse 2 changes
pastebin.com/uDAS7TD9 (embed)

>new 2D 3vs3 fighter by ARCSYS announced

PC: steamcommunity.com/groups/vfightersXenoverse
PS4: Search "Dragon Ball General"
XBone: account.xbox.com/en-GB/clubs/profile?clubid=3379873991575336
/dbg/ players: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ElJpKAB8F9xw-4oqsOuorggP_Hngdvxm7aduvpY1DIg

steam > userdata > [your steam id] > 323470 > remote > DBXV2
DBXV2.sav should be there, which is your savefile
If you wish to delete it to try reimporting or for other reasons, disable steamcloud on both xenoverse 1 and 2 first.

>Xenoverse Booru: Upload all Drawfaggotry here


Other urls found in this thread:


Damn, I was just a bit late

u6 gurus house dlc when?

That's a big slug.


It looks the fucking same as the right side of his hair.

for vegeta

I wonder why he wears gloves.

Thanks doc.

Them legs

I know this shit is from the last thread butYou pissed me off, user. The reason why you think the beam is in front of Goku's hair and why his hair seems to be a slightly different color is not because the beam is in front of him. That's just how lights work. Look at pic related and the light surrounding him. Notice how the light slight engulfs the edges around him and makes it seem like a different color? Same thing.
Toppo has bad aim. None of the shots were in front of Goku. Jet fuel can't melt steel beams.

I don't know who's more autistic, the guy going into paint to try and prove their shit, or the guy who gets triggered because of that autist. Then again should I expect anything else from the Dragon Ball fanbase? I feel like I shouldn't.

I ain't got anything else to talk about, so I might as well talk about this, user.

How do we stop Jiren?

you don't
you join him
justice will always prevail

You don't

>You will never be her ningen

Why live.

You can talk about characters you want in FighterZ. You can talk about characters you want in XV3. You can talk about Dokkan. You can talk about how Dimps keeps shitting the bed. You can talk about how you want SS4 in XV3 and how it will be male only. You could even talk about who bestgirl in Dragon Ball was (which is pic related, obviously).

But you choose to debate another autist about colors instead.

Every one of those subjects have been discussed twice to death. Best Girl is 18 though.

Talk about Super then?

That's a nice opinion you have there, shame you can't read.

It's shit. Also, that discussion goes on /a/ with the Pedros and Padres.

Who DO you two want in FighterZ?

Kid Buu.

>and how it will be male only.
Just because of that I'm only ever going to get in dumb autistic arguments about Super and it's quality until ToP ends.
But you are right about best girl

>Game peaked at 335 players, 60% of yesterday's peak

I can't stop watching this chart, it's like witnessing a plane crash.

Majin Vegeta
Super Baby
SSJ4 anyone

To be fair, a lot of people on pc can't actually login.

>no one except few people can play online due steam launcher bug
that chart is for players online
it doesn't show offline players
modders play offline these days since EAC

And the ones who can are doing it less and less because there's no one to play with.

>No new loods on the booru
Don't be holding out on me now.

they will be back when dlc5 comes out
for now there's not much to do in the game

You and me both, pal.

If they can login, that is.

doesn't steam update weekly?
will be fixed tomorrow probably

Are you satisfied?

I will be in about 10-15 min, thank you.

And yet you argued about Super with another autist for an hour here.

>Pedros and Padres
None of those are here so it's better here.

>Just because of that I'm only ever going to get in dumb autistic arguments about Super and it's quality until ToP ends.
No you aren't Pumki. You're going to tell us how SS4 looks good on girls and how Dimps needs animated tails for XV3. You would rather spend time discussing something you like.

>But you are right about best girl
Good taste.

Raditz & Nappa (17 and 18 deal)
Super Vegito
Super Vegito Blue
Goku Black
Goku Black (Super Saiyan Rose Goku Black)
Nova Shenron
Omega Shenron

Who is your favorite Raditz.
Mine is ocean Raditz
Don't tell me what I'm gonna do, only I can tell me what to do.
Now lemme explain why SSJ4 is great on girls
>warm soft cuddling
>Nice velvet red fur to put your face into
>tail to wrap around you
>big wild hair to scruffle with your hands
But this can also apply to boys as well. SSJ4 looks good on everyone, even demons

Pumki that's Super Demon 5.

Ocean is great but I prefer Kai Raditz

the red eyeliner looks like shit on girls

Japanese Raditz is best Raditz.

It's just poorly drawn, it looks shit on guys too, if it's drawn like that.

It's hot as fuck is what it is
>Kai Raditz
Another good choice
I'll fucking cut out your eyes
I actually haven't listened much to JP raddy boi

Would Goku be better off with Suno instead of Chichi?

>I actually haven't listened much to JP raddy boi

Japanese Raditz is best Raditz.

>Who is your favorite Raditz.
SSJ3 Raditz


>No Chichi nagging Gohan constantly
>Still loving and supportive, still kinda badass for a normal human
>Gohan has red hair
Shame it would never happen. If Goku didn't end up with Chichi, Bulma would have rode that Power Pole like there's no tomorrow.

Possibly, but she would've ended up the same as ChiChi most likely with how Toriyama is
He is pretty good. Man I love late DB/early Z's style
Magnificent locks for best boy

>implying they would have a boy

holy shit that's adorable

If Toriyama's still writing they would.

more i actually like chichi post cell saga

Any daughter Goku has will end up like this
>excessively tomboyish
>exceptionally physically powerful
>extremely powerful energy attacks
>golden super form

>more i actually like chichi post cell saga
Post Cell Pre Super. God she's just worse than ever in Super, and she doesn't even have the excuse she did in Z.

>hot a shit but dumb as a rock
Would you a fem goku?

Why would they be violent?

Nah, see, while you bring up good points, she'd be less like that, more like this. Lina is too intelligent to be Goku's daughter. Plus, needs Power Pole.

Would you?

COULD you?

-SHOULD- you?

Yes to all

p-pumki that looks kinda gay

Monkey anger needs an outlet. If they don't have an outlet, they bottle it all up and then explode at something.

But if they don't bottle it up and let it explode how will they get SSJ?

It's not, surprisingly.

>It's kinda straight actually
If you're into that y'know

>girl sucking dick
fucking gay

well sorry, SSJ4 looks fairly mannish
my mistake

Girls are pretty gay aren't they. They need to break the conditioning
I forgive you

Are you sure?

>be gay smut artist
>draw pecs like tits

where that Girlku from pls
Man tiddy is nice, and Goku and Geets definitely got some good man tiddy goin' on

How the fuck did she remain so young into GT is my question

She's supposed to be like late 40's early 50's here


Good genes, healthy diet and exercise.
The only girl who really looks bad in GT is Bulma whenever they decide to draw her with lipstick
You dare mock the son of a shepard
teen Goku is too cute

Minimal stress and healthy living. Never married, no kids, never had to deal with Goku's antics for prolonged periods. Unlike the rest of the GT girls she isn't trying to show off a five-head. Either that or she's such a bestgirl that not even GT could ruin her like it did to Bulma.

You say that and yet you post worst Chichi and second worst Videl.

>tfw no ssj4 futa saiyan gf to brutalize your asshole

>worst Chichi and second worst Videl.
Fuck outta here with that. Worst ChiChi and Videl, design-wise, is Super's versions. GT ChiChi and Videl are cute and I'll kill you the next time you bad mouth 'em
I know that feel

>GT ChiChi and Videl are cute

What if xv3 is console only?

I'm glad you agree
That'd suck

Why is vegeta so smug?

But that's just wrong.

It goes like this:
23rd Budokai Chichi > EoZ Chichi > Pants Suit Chichi > Future Chichi > Saiyan & Androids Chichi > Yo! Son Goku and His Friends Return!! Chichi > Buu & Super Chichi > Loli Chichi > GT Chichi


Pigtails Videl > Saiyagirl Videl > EoZ Videl > Yo! Son Goku and His Friends Return!! Videl > Short Hair Videl > GT Videl > Super Videl

The only reason Videl looks decent in that picture is because she's Saiyagirl. GT Chichi looks too old, not anywhere near the more gracefully aged EoZ Chichi. You can't kill me, and failing to do so will only make me stronger and more right.

>Buu & Super Chichi
>over loli and GT
Yeah, no, you're fucking dead. You were so close too

Loli Chichi is too chubby and GT Chichi is too granny. At least EoZ Chichi has her hair done nice.

Objectively, though, 23rd Budokai Chichi is best. Even Zamasu would agree. Don't question me, I checked.

GT Videl is better than Super Videl. GT chichi >>>>>>> Super chichi.

People are talking about chichi
>people talk about bulma
>people even talk about fem versions of male characters
>no one is talking about true best girl
Pic related!

who dat?

But that's just wrong.

which Saiyan is that?

Remember that canonically, blonde Launch is at least as strong as 21st Budokai Krillin.

>But that's just wrong.
No, it's easily right. Super Videl looks awful and mostly lost all personality. Super Chichi is too simplistically drawn to look her proper age, and she acts like an enormous cunt, even worse than in early Z. While Chichi does look a bit too old in GT, both GT versions do it much better.

No she's not, she's weaker than Pre-Budokai goku.

I want to fill launch up with cream!

>Short hair Videl that low
Disgusting, also never got the love for pigtails.

>short hair videl good
Only with the blue shirt was she good looking with short hair.