*dabs into the catalog*
What would have happened if he survived Kaedes plan and the mastermind did not kill him?
*dabs into the catalog*
Everyone would have died by monokuma stampede, or Smoogie would have wiped everyones memories and tried again.
We don't allow Danganronpa threads here.
*spoilers in the catalog*
Jacksfilms did a really epic dab recently, you should check it out senpai squad
>Dabs into /v/ after being deleted
>Spoils the game too in the OP
Absolute madman.
All the high IQ JP players would get an eargasm during the trial for whatever from dat Midorikawa Hikaru.
>monokuma stampede
Dont tell me anyone actually believes this.
>browsing /v/ when the game you are currently playing is talked to death on it
>unironically makes a dab OP after the old thread got memed to Veeky Forums
If you're worried about spoilers use the filter or stay off of /v/ until you finish the game. If you're here with no filter and somehow STILL haven't beaten the game you've got no one to blame but yourself
But I did finish the game
The only reason threads are getting moved is because people are breaking the rules
No they aren't
Not true, it's because of one single mod. Once he's gone the threads are never moved
This is true. Sadly it is Sunday so he is just sitting on his ass with no work or school so he can bully us all day.
It's actually breaking no rules. For some reason this one mod and a bunch of people are getting their autism flared because there's a single Danganronpa thread on /v/.
Meanwhile we can have 3 Cuphead threads up at once and there's no issue.
>sadly it is Sunday
I can identify when this mod started working too. It was around mid September, one week before the game came out. The threads were untouched before then, they had been going on strong for a couple of months
>ultimate survivor
>dies first
maybe that's it? maybe they have a problem that we gather all discussion in one thread? if we were to make multiple threads, spread out a little, maybe then it'd be just fine?
>Sadly it is Sunday
I can tell that you are a neet
Shit. I'm a NEET so I have no passage of time.
Its just this one butthurt mod. He just needs to learn his place
Not the case. Been tried before and all were deleted
The mod probably is one of those butthurts who probably is mad cause kaede died on the first case or didn't understand the v3 ending
IIRC Cuphead is newer and within the grace period.
Regardless I doubt it's a single mod doing this. A few months ago a bunch of shit like FGO and NV threads also got pruned regularly.
Nah it's a single mod. Everyone agrees on this.
Cuphead and v3 both released the same week, DR being an established series shouldn't change that. People will want to make threads about a recently released game. Having a general shouldn't have an effect on that, or else 90% of /v/ should be deleted
Butt stuff with Peko and Kirumi!
>thread about new game
>actual discussion about said game
>somehow this doesn't belong on /v/ - Video Games just because Veeky Forums is also talking about it
when will all the overwatch and TF2 threads start getting moved?
Why has ironic dabbing become a thing?
>because Veeky Forums is also talking about it
If they were this wouldn't be such a problem.
you're right, my mistake
yeah, at this rate why have /v/ at all? let's just lump everything together into generals and call it a day
Everyone is wrong because this trend has been here since at the very least May.
Grace period is usually a month. Veeky Forums exists for a reason.
I'm for this.
He's going to kill everyone who was 'forced' into the killing game.
The joke is they all volunteered.
Cuphead is meme game that will die in a few weeks. Danganropna is a popular on /v/ and will last forever.
This! Don't lose hope! This period of despair is just a stepping stone
foot stuff with kirumi!
I'm still waiting that someone adds the demon picture to this.
The literal NV generals blatantly don't belong here though, fuck those faggots
>Pot and kettle
friendly reminder that they didnt even bothered to do a real drawing of Junko facing motherkuma
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand the despair sisters. The appeal is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of modern philosophy most of the references to Kant would go over a typical viewers head . There's also Junkos despair outlook, which is deftly woven into her characterisation - her personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The admirers understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these two, to realize that they're not just best 2D girls but possibly the best girls in general. As a consequence people who dislike Mukuro and Junko truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the appeal in their constant moral dilemma, with the two being somewhat of an antithesis of one another which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Kodaka's intellectual genius. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Despair twins tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
Can we appreciate this pure girl for a moment
At what points in the game did you feel the deepest despair and the strongest hope?
Beat me to it
>Missed opportunity, the "character"
At least Rantaro is popular enough that people will actually read his novel.
Despair: 3-4
Hope: Seeing the press and thinking "oh man I hope kokichi is in this"
>Kaede's death
>Gonta death
>Kaito death
>almost none since the ending was mediocre
rate the ship
Deepest despair, strongest heart-pounding.
Low tier. This is out of character for Seesaw man, he would kill her not have children with her.
I see 3 new friends for sis.
0/10 try harder
>tfw you try deny it but know it's true
This is after they both have therapy
Korekiyo is only for NEE-SAN
Why would you pair one of the best characters with one of the shittiest?
Crack-ship tier.
Shuichi x Maki is the patrician ship.
How about now?
I dunno about Kaito's death. I like how mad it made Monokuma that he fucked up the execution.
don't think so
10/10 well done user
Whats going on in this thread.
Kaito got to go to space user, it was the best outcome for him
Then Kaede would've gotten pregnant before the end of the killing game.
Damn user. After seeing that photo i now see the error of my ways. I am so, so sorry and am humiliated to say it to be honest. No hard feelings?
don't you dare
Kaito was Suichii's second waifu dying in the same game.
So if Despair is not the enemy anymore, who will be the new big bad?
no hard feelings
T-thank you user-kun
I approve of this.
>tfw we will never get a DR with a new mastermind with a motive other than hope/despair shit
Monokuma will always play a part in these games so every game will happen in the future where robots are common.
Since we already started some theme with Keebo about artificial life being as precious as human life then maybe this will become a theme? Also i smell time travel shenanigans in future games.
Really? If they do end up making another one, it seemed like that's exactly what they'll do.
I want to request her to work barefoot all the time!
Then I'll request her to step on my face!
The real junko, not one of these copycats or fanfics
I love Kirumi!
Have you spent time with your waifu today?
Danganronpa V3 If, Danganronpa V2, which one will come first?
Only if she loves you user.
>Not on your dick
>daughter of weedman is the new protagonist
Shes dead. The only thing linking that could bring her back is regurgitated robot garbage... They have established mukuro clones/lookalikes in Dr kk but they havent established junko clones /lookalikes yet. They are however twins, but clones dont have bigger titties than their counterparts