/alg/ Azur Lane General #6

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Is this a joke?

I love warspite

Newfag here, whats this San Diego meme?

I got 5-6 of that slut. Sold them all.

There's a dude with 13 Sandys, that's nothing.



Warspite is the strongest.

AL Kongous are mostly disappointing, but Kirishima is decent.

She's in every construction pool and will spook you constantly especially when trying to build

>There's idiots trying to min/max their equipments and ships in a game that is a super casualized version of the RNG simulator known as Kancolle

For literally what reason?
There's a difference between being optimal and being full spreadsheet autism to discover one equip has two more points of damage than this other one. Or the people that follow tierlists to a T in a boat collecting game when you can just clear everything with your favorite girls as long as you raise them well.

Because half this general is /gbfg/ and they don't know any better than being autistic.

>Try to get takao
>get warspite instead

Sounds like everything went better than expected

This. Easily the worst fanbase.

>try to get anything but Takao
>get Takao instead
She's even the medal exchange boat on my server, like goddamn, of the 5 SSRs I rolled since starting 3 have been Takao and one has been Sandy.

>KM event was so hard Chinese players ragequit en masse and JP is skipping it for the time being
>dude just use whatever this game is so easy a fleet of 1 stars can clear all content
Who do I believe, the people who give me something to work towards or the people who tell the same lies about every single game?

The PVP in this game isnt even worth the autism considering all you get is points toward shop and that's it.

Someone playing normally but making smart/optimal decisions will get less points than someone being full meta autism but the difference is so small that I dont see why even bother.

Can't get over how dumb the cow horns look.

Again, there's a pretty big difference between being optimal about your choices and being full meta autism must only use the very best, level only the very best and everything below is garbage.

Yeah it's really dumb. Besides that she's appealing looking. Every other Kongou is bland as fuck.

GBF is a wonderfully crafted trap where its really easy to get caught on.
You autistically grind for years until you discover you're grinding for absolutely nothing because you can enjoy all content in game for a TON less effort. Instead, people get caught in grinding this raid so I can be more useful at the grind event at the end of the month to finish grinding this summon so when you're done grinding everything you want to grind then the game is over because all you can do with it is wave your big dick damage around.

What if I want to min-max all of the boats
All of them.
Well, not min-max including +10 equip because I would like to finish before 2421 but you know what I mean

What about Haruna?

Done with the mines for now.
6-2 here I come

Painfully generic.

She's cute, I like her

What's worth farming in 6-2?

what's in 6-2

>redhead with skirt
Wins by default

Oh that's actually really disappointing. I'll stick with KC Haruna then.

There's a difference between suggesting good/useful/"you might want to have access to this" type of things so people don't overinvest into something they're going to regret later, and going full autism as you suggest.

Fairly sure the majority is coming from the former place, and you're just taking it personally because you're waifu a shit.

And equipment is actually super incredibly fucking important to do properly in the game, running the right equipment on a shit ship can make it usable. Running the wrong equipment on a good ship can make them garbage.

Looks nice. Post the rest of the sisters please.

I want to rape the cheekiness out of these foxes

p-put your best equipment inside of me, shikikan

>you doing the raping

If anything, Akagi will rape you herself before you even start thinking about it.

Now i remember where her name came from. No wonder her design is futuristic.

I got her a few minutes ago, why is she so thirsty? I'm starting to fear for my butt



selfcest doujins when?

Which of them will have a dick?


delete this!

Oh yeah boy, now we're talking

>1 copy of akagi

North Carolina when?


A few threads ago someone asked for a webm of Hood's barrage/there have also been people asking why Hood is so good.
Here's a webm of 6-4 boss, with Cleveland running trash detail:

Also to note; she will also increase the RoF of your other backline ships by up to 40% every time she proc's her barrage. Which means your CV's next to her air strike faster. Or other BB's with her fire a lot faster.


I need to farm that BB gun for the reload speed.

Where I can get purple 127mm? Only from boxes? Any decent replacement for this one?

Who's the third girl with sunglasses?
I got Cleveland and Prinz in my main fleet already.

Uncrop this or else.

I want a Cleveland. He is so cool.

>six inch micro-penis

Top tier big bro

The coolest. She's like a combination of Kancolle's Yuudachi and Tenryuu.

>There's a difference between suggesting good/useful/"you might want to have access to this" type of things so people don't overinvest into something they're going to regret later, and going full autism as you suggest.

Isnt that completely agreeing with me?
I'm only shitting on the people that go full spreadsheet autism that take tierlists to heart and take the esports too seriously in a game where there is no esports.

You can also use this 356mm if you just want to proc her barrage fasdddd, though obviously won't hit nearly as hard as a +10 410mm.
Significantly less investment to get to that level of speed, though. (and the 410mm will get "obsoleted" by the 381mm at some point, whenever the hell JP gets that gun in).

Drops from Jap boxes, also farmable from 6-4.
It's not any specific/super special gun, though. I just put it on her since it gives +25 FP and I don't use them at all on CL's/CA's/DD's. Other optional equipment for that slot is the American single-barrel 127mm(3-2), the American 102mm(7-1, which JP doesn't have yet) and the British 120mm(4-2).
Basically, so long as it's purple and it gives full firepower instead of a mix of firepower/AA, it's fine to use that there on her and you won't lose anything for it.


Five tech 4 boxes or one tech 5 box?

The thing that will give you orange guaranteed.

>busty, tanned aryan
She hits all the checks, but feels like a complete fucking waste.


Should I get the gold bullin even if I dont have anyone to use themthem on?



Thanks, I'll try out the 356mm.

I really hope the ugly girl with the dumb hat that accompanies Hiryuu in 3-4 is just a placeholder.

Get Takao too

Nothing but shitty exp expeditions today
don't even pretend that one of those will actually give me that cube

What determines chance of getting expedition reward for those sweet diamonds?

Oh we're in the same server. Get one if you want. You'll still have enough for the next ship in two days.

Those are cubes, not diamonds. And all extra rewards are RNG. Dunno if morale plays a role, could be, like Kancolle, but still.

Don't bother saving, next ship on Maizuru confirmed to be Sandy.

Has anyone been banned for outing themselves as a filthy gaijin?

Seriously? Oh damn it.

how come some collection rewards are hidden while others are fully revealed?

pretty big difference between the t3 and t4 rammer/auto loaders.

dunno, I generally and consistently tell people that X ship is shit and that Y or Z are better for their purpose, but it's entirely for the reason I mentioned, which is that it's better for them to work on something that will be good/useful/that they'll probably want when the time for events come, instead of wasting their time/energy on something they can only possibly make mediocre with maxed out equipment setups.

Though, I'm the one that did this shit. So take that as you want.

The JP version is region locked on google play specifically to both Japan and the US.
They don't give a fuck.
I've also sent in a ticket back when their account rebinding was sketchy as fuck that was written in both mediocre-tier Jap and then restated in proper English, they don't care.

No, the rotation is random. One server having X SSR and then getting Y SSR, does not mean that the server that then has X SSR will the get Y SSR directly after.

There's also level and sacrifices to the altar to keep in mind. My Hood is at level 98 and fully fed.

Level with your dick.

no regret at all, she deserves it.

Tennessee and Cali buff when


On a related not, can you murder married ships?

Kaga come home already. The yandere fox and me need you


i dare you!

Are remodels always going to be few and far between? Is there any reasoning behind who gets a remodel?

>First clear of 6-4
Holy fuck, I'm gonna get hit by a truck aren't I?


>leveling a whole slew of ships to 30 for expedition purposes
I'm disappointed there are no expeditions beyond level 40 other than the always-long-fuel-costing one you get at level 50

I will be driving that truck.

Hold on a sec, can you give me your address? I'll send a truck over

Congrats user!

>people are going to take to bait and isekai someone for free.

I have done worse than hit someone with a car.

Any data for hidden stats like 命中 and 動力?

There are, user.
They're just RNG proc expeditions and don't really come until you're level 70+.

This is one of TWO random expeditions picked up from sorties that require player level 60 (source: JP wiki)

So I've been following the thread's advice and avoiding limit breaks for now, but 3-1 onward is getting pretty tough due to the lack of good equipment. Should I bite the bullet, give everyone a set of LBs, and start worrying about the fuel costs once it's actually time for the fox mines?

I'm currently using a Takao/Fletcher/Raleigh frontline and Saratoga/Langley/Long Island backline, everyone's at level 35-40 except Takao who is fully out of control.