/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General

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>Updated! PVP mode, Beast Tribes, Manderville, and more in 4.1 teasers.

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wtb eb for items

>log on
>eb is erping my good friend in my apartment
>ask why
>she tells me he has a cute voice and couldn't resist
>log off in tears
>contemplating transferring

Is there a drop restriction on orchestrion rolls and cards in rabanastre or can I just grind it out?


>being a little bitch
>ebing someone promiscuous then expecting them to stop erping with others permanently
you're an idiot

EB is the greatest meme. Only certified Grown Men fall for it.

Xth for sky piracy.

If nothing else, RDM is good for learning stuff on, since you have a decent heal, absurd rez abilities, and simple but effective damage output. I'd rather play SMN most of the time if I'm casting, but it has its place.


>tfw no eb and no friends to play with

What server?


what do grown women fall for?

Fair enough reasons, I have a chip on my shoulder about em but maybe their flare and holy feel much less satisfying than their proper equivalents or the 2 nukes SMN has.

I love pub.


kinky gay catboy erp

>tfw friends but no lesbian/futa EB

I enjoy the animations and playstyle. Constant doublecasting is uhnf for me.


no point in making friends here. everyone just talks/meetup with you once and then never contact you again

>Find an EB who is OK with me ERPing with other women
>She shuns romantic advances from other people unless is me
This is the life

>tfw no catboy eb who wants to take my big roe dick all the time

What do you make of catgirls/femlanders who like catboys? Are they just gay men irl that enjoy straight erp?


We have dog girls now, catsluts are no longer needed

Girls plays this game, yes.

they are gay guys that bait straight males that play catboys since most catboys are played by girls

example: acat

I'm trying to learn smn atm, so I can play something different during farm, but I'm having some trouble with it



Why wouldn't they play as male roe bears?

what a bunch of complete dogshit records

What the fickity fuck????

because they are not into bara, and if they were they would only erp with other roes or highlanders

Are you still into frotting?

lol wrong thread

your taste is dogshit but its to be expected when you eat it on the regular


I love dog girls.

Yeah why wouldn't I be.

Does this edgemaster return?

is being retarded and oblivious a requirement to get a tripcode

>Play with girlfriend on main.
>Never once thought about Eternal Bond.
If they gave it an EXP bonus like in ESO I'd be all over it.

Why are you playing this game again? Thought you said it was shit.

>new saints wake gear is a pair of ears
>even more fucking retarded miqo'te with 4 ears on top of their head

I am so fucking mad

I wish seto would leave my fc

omg lol elk

He shows up during the allied beast tribe quests for Heavensward as well and I assume he'll be back for the Stormblood ones too.

Not until the second and FINAL beast tribe

It is, that's why I haven't really devoted time to it outside of poop-socking my alt for god knows why.

Do you wanna do it later today?


I'll call him Jean-Claude.

No because idk who you are and you won't tell anyway.

>Release amazing looking armor and weapons for Feast top players
>Its literally impossible for anyone to ever get those items unless they're involved in hardcore win trading

Should just shame those people on sight for wearing it because theres no legit way to combat people who do it normally.

>tfw you and elk share similar musical tastes in dadrock

why play it at all

>#1 Feast wintrader

But I don't really see their ears here.

>cool edgy armor and weapons I will never be allowed to get wasted on people like this

I'll discord you.

>SE releases some fuck ugly armor you're never going to see
>Bitch about it
Every fucking time.

To waste time between co-op games and conflicting schedules.

Do it you wont

No, Guffy is an extremely intelligent tripcode user, prove me wrong, you can't

the dev blog literally shows how the ears and tail of the set cover the miqo'te one
stop being so clueless and retarded

Just dont shitpost me afterwards please.


I wont


How do I know you wont leak my fetishes?

anynyan wanna get jerked off by a catboy

do you like catboys

i would do anything for a catboy

Idk who you even are


Catboys are shit.
Girly-looking male midlanders are the best!

my nigga

so much this

You know me.

I like a ton of other music, but I listened to a lot of that when I was in middle/high school and oh god I feel old now

Why are you fucks so pretentious about this shit? I've dropped my disc in thread and nothing bad happened so why the fuck are you all so scared?

I wouldn't know

Shut up you cuck he doesnt like you remember

Sky piracy sucks.

Sea piracy's where it's at.

you sound old

I-I'm only early/mid 20's

reposting from old thread since I didn't realize this new one was up
I'm up to the Antitower MSQ, how much longer until Stormblood content?
I feel like I've missed out on so much not playing since labyrinth was the only raid
>never did coils because my ls was casul and war was lolwar back then
>now HW content is outdated too and here I am going through it

fair enough

fucking dead game

Put your trip back on bun.

wtf how do you feel old then youre younger than me

like 2-3 patches of hw

Fuck you

anything, hmm?

I don't get why so few people play tanks in this game. Mechanically they're probably the easiest in the game. I suppose the only hard part is not knowing where you're going, when learning a dungeon, but often DPS players like to lead the way anyway. Some of them are even nice enough to pull the enemies for me.

Anyone wanna play the game?

Fuck if I know man video games though

Don't post somebody else's discord you piece 'a shit

Fuck no. Wanna grind in warframe?