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>Heroes FAQ and Links
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I want Arvis to fuck me
you *are going to use 20k feathers on me right user?
Defend this.
>arvis has triple ploy base
Don't you love it when characters base skill sets make sense with their lore
>The Virgin Tactician
>The Chad Holy Knight
Fuck off Sigurd
Y-yes sir...
The fanbase
>the virgin magic user
>the chad swordfighter
S T R O N G E S T .
L O R D .
Sigurd the Mage Killer.
Even with a guide I still like an idiot when I finish infernal ghbs/bhbs.
Fuck yeah I will.
So I'm going into FE4 Chapter 10 with Julia at level 26 with 25 Res, capped magic and speed, and a speed ring. Am I fucked?
>mage that can work wonders without the use of bladememes
probably, yeah
>weapon advantage
these guys are 3000 years apart on the timeline. How did such Chads evolve into such virgins overtime
>have a jaffar ive been sitting on for L&D since before CYL
>every unit that wants it just gets a free swift sparrow
>had a spare genny since she fucking came out
>no fucking Elise ever
>no dc
Its shit
>No Moonbow proc
>Only needs 6 Spd to quad (Hone+Support)
>Likely taking minimal damage on the second round even if he doesn't kill.
His 3 mov means he might be a threat since he could reach squishier targets but overall it's sadly underwhelming.
depends on when you come out, i have 68k reserved for my wife once i roll her and once arena rewards come i'll have about 71k total
>Valflame gave +10 Mag, Def and Res
>Now it reduces enemy attack and res, achieving the same result in a different way
Def Ploy makes no sense though
No, rolled this Mae so the question has now become "proto-Serra or Ursula?".
Why didn't Tailtiu get an uninheritable version of Wrath with the exact same effect just so that she could get it despite being a tome unit.
I would have if you had been an armor mage like you were fucking supposed to.
Should Sigurd keep Close Def?
Well, yes? That's because you're a retarded brainlet that has to use guides, so it's logical you feel that way?
Acquire proficiency
Gimme the fury Hinata!
>actual utility character in a game full of blowup sessions
>top tier heals on top of ploys thanks to ring
Hell yeah I will just because playing 4d underwater chess sounds fun as fuck
Do you think BB+ takumi is strong enough to clear this on infernal?
Because she's shit.
Bonfire or Moonbow for S I G U R D?
Summer Reinhardt next year where he's riding a seahorse and has a dire tome with an ability canceling effect
>He actually trained Julia
You pleb I beat Julius with a level 1 Julia. Naga basically makes her invincible, the real issue is getting Seliph over there without getting fried by Ishtar, or having your home castle destroyed by the 3 pegasus sisters.
I must've spent 50 turns slowly routing the enemy with Seliph alone until Ishtar was alone so she didn't get buffed by her allies before he stabbed her to death. I had to give Julia the Return Ring so Ishtar didn't kill her either.
Long story short you'll be more than fine.
Because after all that dick she ain't wrathful no more.
sure unless you have a spare hector
which is better, a -Atk + HP or a -Spd + Res Minerva? Both are terrible but they've what I've been given and the worse one will be fed off as LaD fodder.
>Arvis voiced by Xander Mobus
Yes. He basically can't die to ranged attackers, so it gives him good coverage
Felt good to jape this fag
Is there a reason Tailtiu got all the whore memes this time around out of the new characters?
If you want him to be an enemy phase physical tank then yes. Otherwise you can do swift sparrow or fury for an offensive build.
i guess the +hp one, you shouldn't be facetanking mages with her anyway
I'm actually leaning towards giving him Fury with the Spd+3 seal. He has enough defence to survive close range attacks when he doesn't get doubled, and the extra speed and other stats from fury should improve him significantly overall.
I did Robin without a guide and felt even dumber somehow since I just kinda stumbled into the solution.
He has >39 atk? Should be fine.
No need to wait till Summer, Vampire Reinhardt will do that too come the end of this month.
She won't stop smiling no matter what we do, so we assume she likes it
>nips friend request me
>Friendlist too full and active to delete inactives
I guess I have to resort to deleting leads of units I don't like/ care for
Please forgive me
I didn't that too, fuck that map honestly. Fuck all timed maps.
was there a reason elincia got all the whore memes
>BK is pulled from PoR before the Ike fight
>Sigurd is Ghost Sigurd
>Michalis is Ghost Michalis where he didn't survive from FE3
>Arya is ghost Arya
>Eldigan is right before decapitation
When will we get Ghost Dhegensea?
So nigger's at it again on Twitch (tomo_23) playing GhebFE (inb4, not him). Check him out for top tier tactical prowess
>wanting nip friends
>just listened to Ayra's lines
holy fuck her voice is SEX. hope this new VA does more characters shes awsome
Jap twitter releases statements about the new characters
Unofficial translation twitter automatically(?) translates it
Public woman comes out of it
She was also the first of the three to get a post so that doesn't help.
Fuck Reinhardt. Stupid npc nobody who doesn't deserve any of the attention he gets. Just let him die already.
>hit him once and stay in his range
>let him do 1 damage to robin
>kill him next turn
wew lad
Resetting the game after a unit dies
>turn game off
>turn back on
>accidentally resume chapter instead of restart
>get to relive that unit getting fucked
>unit dies
>mash start to skip enemy turn, watch as maybe other units die but it doesn't matter because you're turnwheeling but you still have to watch it
Every other game:
>have to turn console off, back on and sit through console bootup while trying not to acknowledge the fact you fucked up and wasted a bunch of time because you can't live with your mistakes OR just play without fucking up
I think IS underestimated his newfound popularity, so I doubt he'll be on any seasonal banner for the forseeable future. Or maybe all those "look how many people S-ranked Reinhardt!" and "look how many people paired Reinhardt with another unit!" posts they made on Twitter is them softening people up for the big Reinhardt costume reveal.
>Betraying your /feg/fellows for the Nips
>significantly better utility than any colorless "support" unit by a longshot
Alright they're in the middle of powercreeping so lads: HOW DO WE SAVE COLORLESS HEALERS? WHO WOULD SAVE THEM TOO?
tomo_023 actually
trip back on
>had a spare genny since she fucking came out
give it to clarine
I love my slutty dragon loli who protects me from the dangerous new swords.
Fuck off
What if it's MUH PEACE pre-PoR Dhegansea and he ends up spanking Kiran for taking part in the Askr-Embla conflict?
Sara and Mana.
I was just thinking of clearing all my friends with foreign names. They can be called "Fuck Boy" for all I know.
They should allow some kind of messaging at least for having friends. Hell, fucking Love Live SiF lets you message your friends.
Defend THIS!
Please add, I have 12 spaces open
Your anus is not a vagina Kiran, I don't care how many men use it like one.
kill yourself
>there are people on /feg/ who have never enjoyed a nigger LP thread
>adds them and deletes after
What an autist
Fuck off
If they've got a good taste male lead I don't care, but I get your point, time to clean my friendlist a little
I've only added about 3 people from here
so did ayra die at belhalla? or was she captured and turned into a statue and/or cocksleeve?
i hope when azel comes out, he reveals what happened to him
Why is pre mind wipe durrdruh so fucking smug?
Me too bitch
Are they gonna ever make a Prf Staff?
Prf heal of some kind?
Sara Tina or Safy with their unique staves are the only ones that could even come close. Or maybe Lena with Warp or Again
I want to +10 my wife some day!
>"I will remake the world—tear down divisions and make things equitable for all."
>still getting new defenses
Who the fuck is doing arena 30 minutes before deadline?
>tfw heroes will affect the echoes remake of games
>reinhardt's role in thracia will be greatly expanded
He is actually neutral I believe so at lvl 40 with BB+ he will have exactly 39 Att not including any skills. I just don't know what I should give him. Thanks for the reply though user.
>BK is broken
>Ayra is broken
>Arvis and Arden are both amazing as well
Is it just me or has IS been really generous with the F2P units lately?
>just a young man out for vengeance for his cucked and fire-grilled dad
>plan to end that faggot Arvis's bloodline and take vengeance for father
>shit's going good
>freeing people and fighting for liberation
>meet a cute, amnesiac lilac-haired sweetheart who somehow reminds you of mom before she got disappeared
>keep fighting on
>bitches getting jealous over you
>you and lilac-haired cutie have a whirlwind romance, get married, and are bedding each other faster than she can say "What?"
>you feel damn good, because you saved people, did the world good, and even managed to get laid while on your quest of Shakespearean vengeance
>then things start going to shit
>lilac-haired cute gets abducted when your back's turned, and your dick misses the sex almost as much as you miss her
>keep trooping onward
>you finally confront the motherfucker who fucked the woman who looked like his mother and who made your life fucking hell
>you are ready to kill him, make him despair, and take everything away from him
>then you look into his eyes and realize that the man is already dead inside, that he is READY for you to kill him
>the vengeance wasn't sweet at all
>then mom's and dad's ghosts come and tell you to fucking FORGIVE this wife-stealing ends-justify-the-means shitter
>you plan to destroy his bloodline, at the very least, and make THEM beg before you end them
>then you find out that your precious lilac-haired cutie of a teenage wife is his daughter
>she has already begged and cried your name, in fucking bed
>you can't fucking kill her, you love her
>at least you can make the asshole-looking son beg
>then you find out that the son is long-gone and can't beg for his daddy because he's possessed by Satan
Was Seliph the most cucked Lord?
Mila when?