/civ4xg/ - Endless, Stellaris, Civilization and 4X

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>The Development of Stellaris
>Steam group

>Official and Unofficial Wiki
>Community Hub
>Planets Stats
>Ships Stats
>Horatio splicing guide
>ES2 politics guide.
>ES2 prequel


>Browser Civ Game, plays like civ2
>Civ IV XML fix
>Civilization Analyst (Civ VI, Civ V, BE):
>Civ V Giant Multiplayer Robot:
>Civ 5 Mods
>Civ 5 More Mods
>Civ 5 Drafter
>District Cheat Sheet:
>/civ4xg/ steam group

>Essential improvements:

>MoO 2


Other urls found in this thread:

steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=861936608&searchtext=k diplomacy

elder god ramses a best

First for Please do not bully the Riftborn.

Whats your offer?

What are must have mods for STELLARIS right now?

>do not bully the Riftborn
nigga the riftborn are the ones who fuck everything up in my games. either them or lumeris or cravers. thankfully they're about as loyal as unfallen so ally up with them as soon as possible.

That feel when just want a Stellaris DLC that fixes shit instead of causing more problems

Is that too much too ask.


or vodyani

usually for me the cravers become #1 shitstompers, with UE/vodyani being the runners up
riftborn usually end up dead last bullied to death



is that some courage the cowardly dog?

unfallen just want to snatch everything up from you while you're at "peace" and can't actually retaliate

>make peace with the space frogs
>they backstab me
>make peace with the genocidial vodyani
>they never backstab me

explain this

pppppffffffffffffffffff heheheh

230+ hours and I've never had them pull back out of an alliance. They're the best friends you can have, if you can ignore them spreading their roots across your systems.

steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=861936608&searchtext=k diplomacy

Mod fixes diplomacy

>ignore them spreading their roots across your system
t. unfallen
it's like a nuclear bomb waiting to go off if you ever want to go against the unfallen

Space Amphibians are the most backstabbery of the bunch. I've had vodyani fuck me in the ass too with an alliance, but never with the riftborn, unfallen or sophons.
t. tree-hating craver


>vodyani leave the alliance 5 turns away from supremacy victory and immediately declares war
you fucking judas.

What mods do i install guys? just got the game after bored with civ 5.

3rd one on the right

Is there a list of mods for the best gaming experience?

>even the fucking cravers were more loyal allies then the frog jews
Something's not right here

How much are you willing to pay?

AI personalities
vodyani (and i think UE) have paragon, which means that they are "honest" diplomatically; they hold grudges for a while, but if you get on their good side they'll do right by you

in contrast, horatio and lumeris have treacherous, which means that they are quick to forgive and quick to stab you in the back and twist the dagger


>that alliance name
did you pick it yourself, because that's a pretty fucking metal name


It's a default name

Looks like they're gonna get subjugated like the elves they are

how come no one ever plays with vanila traits and governments?

>yuri elf empire

no bully

Cuz it's boring?

Have they fixed the mid-late games stellaris yet or is it still an absolute slog?

>a young female horatio drone covered in sauce

Please do not bully the Horatio


most of those traits are vanilla? And vanilla governments don't really exist anymore

they existed in ES1 to help supplement the cloning facilities; granted, they were literally exactly the same as male horatio, but instead of a dick they had a vagina

>not creating females clones of yourself

Who's this ugly faggot?

Now you've done it.


Why does she wear the mask?

>insulting horatio

She's a big breasts

I imagine Horatio would go to war over some Anonymous image board user calling Horatio a fag.

if a bunch of horatio argue with someone, is it samefagging?

>Horatio a fag
Is is faggottry to have sex with oneself?

not if it's a female clone
the real question is, is it masturbation or incest?

If you procreate will masturbating then yes it is

How do I clear scourge planets? I can't land armies on them, and smashing it down with a 253k fleet is doing nothing.

you don't.

I just pirated the game a couple days ago and autisted a bit.

Speaking of which, tell me about being a lazy piece of shit. If I buy the game on Steam and use something like CreamAPI to get the DLC, can I still get achievements? If I can, will Gabe look at that and figure out something is wrong?


>words words words words
short and sweet user

It was six AM user. If I ever buy the game I'll remake it, had fun for a few hours but now I'm curious about buying it for real/maybe trying out Endless Space 2.

I just want to pause for a moment and be thankful that the great Horatio has single-handedly purged this thread of its uggo spider infestation.

ok this is weird, some planets they have are infested worlds. Which I can bomb into oblivion and they flip to what they were previously.

Some however are just colonised like a normal planet and have a single scourge pop on them. These I can't take as far as I can tell.

stellaris isn't worth buying user

So when will Civ 6 get a SE Asian Civilization? What will it be?

It's still getting patches/expansions ain't it? It looks really pretty but Distant Worlds did feel more engaging despite it being so weird.

when will hyperlanes be fixed so they aren't shit???

Still better than warp drive.
Also, try playing hyperlane-only games. It adds more tactical depth to the game.

Literally the same site you just linked
Do you make an effort to be this ignorant, or does it just come naturally?

Playing a Feudal Realm empire is amazing.

I don't build frontier outposts, I just colonize distant planets and turn them into happy little vassals that expand on their own and support me in every way.

It's amazing.

Is there a website to see the branches of ES2 quests? I just finished the Cravers one and I don't want to start another fucking game just to see what happens if I choose the options that doesn't make 'em endless cocksuckers

That sounds like a good time
Very cozy description

I don't own Stellaris yet but this makes me want to purchase it

I played once or twice with the Mancouver Exile, it was actually pretty fun that the game acknologed their backstory and followed all the way through the start. And then I found Earth and absolutely fuckall happened. What a fucking waste

So you're creating single-planet empires, and they use AI cheats to afford colony ships to expand?

Ok question for planet tiles in stellaris. Is the tile resource optionable? Like can I build a mine on a tile with one food resource?

yes. you'll get a warning about suppressing the natural resource.

Don't do it. It isn't worth it.

DlC will fix it..

>new unique unit for Khmer can move and shoot on the same turn and has ZoC
This sounds really stupid-good.

Wait, what? I thought cravers couldn't do diplomacy with anyone? You can ally them?

When palincka finally kicks in.

They cant make peace only if they are militarist

Continuing the proud tradition of selling overpowered Civs.

I've been playing and enjoying Endless legend after the humble bundle. Is the dlc worth it?

Yes. It's a matter of taste but I like all of them.

Yes they're all good. Get whichever ones appeal to you based on their mechanics/races, or just get them all when they're on sale.

Khmer, you.

Alright guys. When I get home tonight I'm starting either Stellaris or ES2.
I own the former, but I'm happy liquidating (((dota))) hats because fuck that game honestly.

I've enjoyed Total Annihilation, Supcom and Civ games in the past. I like the look of both of these but admittedly ES2 is really beautiful. So you choose pls

come where


ES2. It is closer to those other games anyway. Stellaris is like a joke of an attempt at GS in space.

Well if you own Stellaris you might as well start with that. You can pick up Endless Space 2 once you want something new. It might be slightly on sale by then.

I just wish there was some mod that made the combat and diplomacy not so annoying..Combat is just DoomStacking with one fleet and diplomacy has so many little bugs and annoyances that its bettter to genocide then to make people tributaries, vassals, allies or federations.

I would say Civ 4 did Doomstacking right, you could Doomstack but you could also build defensible fortress that would take many turns to take. In Stellaris you can't really build military stations and make your planets fortresses. I remember in galactic civilizations 2 you could build buildings that would make land invasions on your planet impossible even if you used full orbital bombardment tactics,

Don't play anything. Get and and start your life, focus on achieving something and fulfilling your dreams.

inside me

Don't die, I haven't finished with you yet.

Man, Vodyani have a rough start but if they can get their abduction program going they get really scary mid-game. They're a lot more like the Dosh Lords than just a "buy your workers lol" mechanic.

Once I get my 3rd Ark is usually when I start snowballing hard

I get why people think Psi is the best ascension, but I find it really hard to beat the erudite, venerable, natural engineer, talented, charismatic master race. If you're feeling spunky, you couls go erudite, venerable, very strong, though you likely have to change your ethos to make good use of it.

what determines if and when a hero appears on the marketplace for you to buy?

Can the AI buy them before you, or everyone gets their own?