Ok next time I will say "Burning Abyss Phantom Knight" instead of "PKFire" or "Dante"
Literally this has been said every single main set we get expect during 2015, specifically July 15, that was the most skillful most intense most diverse format we ever had and will ever get.
Nathaniel Johnson
Because the Discord is fucking trash and nobody in their right mind would go there.
Colton Wood
I would, but they never share the link.
Daniel Long
They did I'm just waiting for Destruction Sword link
Nicholas James
Unban The Tyrant Neptune, he won't do anything officer, we'll keep him in check
Brayden Gutierrez
Your deck is still irreverent and will remain so.
Isaiah Hill
Infernoids are literally the only things besides SPYRAL to have topped in the OCG recently.
William Reyes
What exactly was the reason for neptune to be banned? I'm don't really care that much about meta so I have no idea it was some loop or FTK wasn't it
Joseph Evans
>Your deck is still irreverent >irreverent >"showing a lack of respect for people or things that are generally taken seriously." I'll have you know my deck is VERY polite.
Hunter Jackson
Wow its a good thing that Marzipan is an OCG player where that matters and the deck isn't trash!
Oh wait
Isaac Foster
Please just keep calling it however you like, don't take me too seriously.
Wyatt Campbell
Nekroz mirrors were fun as fuck, really not looking forward to spyral mirrors.
Nathaniel Thompson
Too late you faggotini proletarian bolshevik. I will be here forever until you bow down to me and accept me as your overlord.
You guys are aware Discord is literally trying to exploit its users? Also they are using the "new" soundwave tracking among others
Independent Nightingale is too independent to rely on a strong huge male to do the task. Even if she'd risk her meta career.
Lyrical Luscinia - Independent Nightinggale, Tribute her for the tyrant neptune and neptune will become a 5000+ ATK Towers that burns for 5000 every turn, which wasn't impressive when the decks dedicated to this build leave the extra monsters on the field, which you could run over and ignore super beefed up neptune
Adrian Cook
>instant fuse out Independent Nightingale >tribute for Neptune >Congratulations, you now have an immune 5500 beater that burns for 5000!
Ryder Sanchez
he was involved in some FTK shenanigans with Lyrilusc Independent Nightingale
Christopher Bennett
>Implying I give half a shit I top at my locals and win product so why the flying fuck should I care if Noids win a YCS or not? If anything I'm glad they aren't "good", it keeps my cards off the banlist.
Caleb Torres
>I-i don't care if I suck! >I-i-ill have you know i'm great at my locals! No one cares that your trash deck can beat other trash decks
Sebastian Cox
>Also they are using the "new" soundwave tracking among others Soundwave confirmed for a spy botnetting /dng/
David Young
How in the fuck do Inzektors, Ritual Beasts, Madolches, Shaddolls, or Metalfoes not make sense?
Benjamin Butler
Samuel Bennett
I already hate this thread.
Cooper Cruz
>Inzektors are getting a Link Will this be enough for them to finally unlimit Hornet and Dragonfly?
Lucas Parker
rate my ojamas, /dng/
why is corrupted Lee coming out of Shell's core?
Thomas Sanders
and yet you're bragging like you're some tough shit and yet your deck is just trash
Andrew Mitchell
Nekroz mirror was by far one of the most intense and skillful mirrors in the game.
Because of the consistency of Nekroz (even higher than fucking Pepe) luck was a nonfactor.
And because you'd clear your own field constantly it literally would just come down to who does the first mistake.
>pic related is Lycoris, literally
12 year old spotted.
Go to any discord page under Unix machines and watch what they do with the audio output/input. Even worse go to discord servers on unix mobiles and then watch the local fs and audio input/output then talk again.
This soundwave tracking was found end 2016 by some US uni.
Madolches because they are too slow. In a case you have 2 Madolches youd always make leviair or queen.
Shaddolls because instead of giving them a Link they just need construct and they are meta.
Metalfoes maybe but it does not fit the "legacy" support.
Inzektors because Konami learned their lessons (and Dragonfly AND hornet are at 1), Ritual Beasts because they cannot link summon without setting themselves 20 turns behind or the link monster being more broken than Ignister, the most broken monster ever released,
Parker Long
And when was the last time you topped a YCS, scrubbing bubbles?
Dominic Fisher
Threadly reminder that feeding (you)s to tripfags and shitposters is the cancer killing this general.
Angel Taylor
So any of you like Rank10YGO or is he the Versilify to /dng/'s /vp/?
Dominic Diaz
>TCG babies thinking their format matters The OCG has better meta breakdown tracking (they even track decks played on locals on top of having a tourney dedicated only to female players whereas in America you have SJW's crying about females not having respect) The OCG has better rulings on top of having said rulings in a database literally anyone can look over as opposed to the TCG where the rulings are all over the place and the only reason head judges are a thing is to shut people up from delaying games. The OCG gets to have a better PSCT than the TCG The OCG side of the world has won worlds more than Americans. To rub salt into the wound, european players are actually BETTER than american sheeple (4th and 3rd place of this year's worlds were Italians)
And despite all of this, people circlejerk each other and go for the "HURR ITS SHIT IF IT DOESN'T TOP" mindset? Pathetic
Grayson Murphy
>want to build PK Red-eyes since Red-eyes will literally never stop getting support ala Blue-eyes and Dark Magicians. >Also want to build Rokkets since they're an anime deck that's bound to git gud and I want to buy up the secrets while they're still shit. What's a better investment bros? or are both destined to be shit so I should just buy ABC's?
Jace Long
Any top after Novemeber 2016 list is an irrelevant top.
Just before DUEA came out Yugioh skill and general deck strength was at 2/10. From DUEA until start-mid 2016 both were 9/10. After Nov 2016 it went down constantly every format, with now (post Circuit Break) being at around 4/10
Jaxon Foster
exactly like that
Owen Ward
It doesn't looks like Lee desu My first tought was some sort of "soul" Qlis have Duel Terminal animu when
Daniel Richardson
you forgot your rata here
Lincoln Clark
>tripfags an user is shitting up the place right now how the fuck are the tripfags to blame??
Andrew Jackson
>HAT had no skill t. underage
Carson Phillips
Tops in general don't matter here because I fucking guarantee you nobody here has ever done anything relevant.
This is Petdeck general. And there's nothing wrong with that. Just have fun already you fucks, quit caring so much about irrelevant charts and numbers that have zero effect on you.
Eli Roberts
The sole fact that you have to live in such a place like Japan already is reason enough to love TCG. Also if I'd live in Japan I'd most likely be a chink instead of an Aryan. So no thank you. I'd take TCG anyday.
Also all cards that have a lasting impact are always TCG made. Allure, TGU, Tengu, Spyrals, Kaijus.,
HAT, compared to something like full power Nekroz, BA, Dolls or RB was literally a 5 year old playing with massive bricks (literally)
Chase Green
>AND SHITPOSTERS Seems like illiterates are also part of the problem.
Joshua Martin
Why did we have to get the shit end of yugioh? Why can't our burger cards grow and develop properly like the soy breathers?
Chase Rodriguez
>muh skill DUEA babies, everyone
Samuel Miller
>an user said something bad about a tripfag >they must be shitting up the place lol
Cameron Ortiz
>the shit end For once our banlist is much better than theirs. Count your blessings.
Jacob Rogers
>Tops in general don't matter here because I fucking guarantee you nobody here has ever done anything relevant.
You said something does not matter because it is not happening. So it would matter if it would happen?
How dumb are you actually? You just prove the whole world that you are beyond terrible of a playre. Like seriously dude never had any high-scale event top its not that fucking hard.
We had so many autopilot formats.
That literally is the one thing I will not argue about. DUEA/THSF is literally my religion. Everytime I go to sleep I thank god and my mom and dad for letting me enjoy the gift of what they called DUEA/THSF era.
Cameron Mitchell
back to messing with discord somehow radio
Jason Phillips
>Also if I'd live in Japan I'd most likely be a chink instead of an Aryan >You have to be asian to live in japan Then again im talking to the user that said he lives in a place where education is not necessary.
Adrian Mitchell
>You just prove the whole world that you are beyond terrible of a playre. Like seriously dude never had any high-scale event top its not that fucking hard. Did you have a stroke halfway through typing this?
Wyatt Rodriguez
>Seems like illiterates are also part of the problem. i was referring specifically to why bother mention the tripfags. i already know you mentioned the shitposters. seems like you're the illiterate one here you nignog
Carson Adams
No, see, he's totally highly educated despite the fact that he has the diction and sentence structure of a 9-year-old.
Robert Rodriguez
he was reffering to the user that answered every user that gave him a (You)
Nolan Sullivan
>You have to be asian to live in japan Considering that in Europe people get told that 99% of people in Japan are native chinks then yes I am proud to have my double MSc and live in affluent educated Central Europe. Literally there is no more affluent place in the world than this region.
Good you prove the world again how uneducated you are. Good job mr. bolshevik.
Dominic Reed
>Claims to be Aryan >Mentions Discord botnetting >Fedora typing We're getting raided by either /pol/ or /g/ or both
Joseph Martin
I'm just going to filter "Bolshevik" and "Proletarian". That should get rid of the majority of your posts.
Hudson Morris
don't you have some rick and morty to be watching?
Jayden Smith
So how about that children's card game?
William Hughes
Fucking dammit Marzipoo
William Gonzalez
Reminder to awaken the star relics, /dng/!
Jace Foster
got 'em
Dylan Bell
>star relic Get with the times, they're called World Legacies.
Colton Bennett
fucking fairies
Ryan Moore
Exactly. That is why people here do not start wars but instead only get more and more money by exploiting idiots like you.
We understand that at certain times you have to act childish. You have to try to talk in your sixth acquired language even if you are intoxicated. Because that is life. We understand that you proletarians.
Well I define Aryan in an ethonlinguistic way not in a racial way so yea.
Also the discord news is pretty public at least in places where you have some sort of computer knowledge. But let me guess you use Windows/Mac so who cares anyway. By using those you specifically agreed to provide them with all of your private data regardless what (not even kidding read the privacy agreements).
See that is why I love this board. If I'd go to the street and find the poorest guy that is sleeping in his own shit he wouldn't be as dumb as you.
No I actually just came here to wait for my time to run out. But since you guys were all so funny I stayed longer.
That deck should die and be gassed and castrated. The only reliable way of playing it is summon Gameciel with 5 counters which is the most disguisting way to play.
Another of those really educated guys.
Juan Thomas
Can anyone explain me why metafags hate petdeck shittiers so much? why don't just ignore them to get "free wins" if winning is the only thing that matters for them? Why care if petdeck shittiers have fun even when losing if tehy reach their goal after all?
Eli Sullivan
That's actually a good idea.
Wyatt Rivera
never trust a fairy
Evan Turner
But ok if you want another thing toexpress my joy of your "intellectual achievement"
Believe me when It ell you Marx and Engels would be proud of you. And since I know how gay you are theyd love to be sucked off by you.
Mason Watson
>The only reliable way of playing World Chalice is by summoning Gameciel what the fuck
Brandon Richardson
So how many major events have you topped?
Mason Young
Because they have an ego to protect, the only way they can enjoy themselves is to win. Typically it would stem from an inferiority complex, where one needs to establish themselves as better than someone else to feel anything short of incompetence. As a result, the concept of "fun" and "game" is lost on them, and they compete for the sake of self gratification and nothing more. However, this is a strictly case-by-case thing and it doesn't apply to all meta players. I've met plenty of bros who play meta decks and respect pet deckers. Some of them even have pet decks themselves.
Andrew Baker
>Make flower-based archetype of all female cards >Make that archetype with LP effects >Ignore existing flower-based archetype of all female cards with LP effects "Trickstars" were a mistake.
Samuel Ramirez
>I'm totally an intelligent guy! I just type with horrid grammar, spelling and sentence structure to fit in, despite the fact that everyone else notices that I'm typing weirdly!
Nicholas Peterson
>implying petdeck shitters don't hate metafags even more
go into a "meta only" game with a petdeck and they'll either silently leave or play anyway. go into a "no meta" game with a meta deck and they turn into a salt mine. they also turn into a salt mine if you bring a petdeck and beat them anyway.
Owen Thompson
>how many events you topped >answer >give me your eal life address and name I dont believe you since I am terrible buhu
We had this discussion 20 times now. Why even trying ?
Dont worry I wont ever forget you my Nigerzipanian friend.
Wrong. The problem is that Yugioh is not one game. There is yugioh for the competitive side as one game. And then yugioh for the fun side as another game. People mix these often up that is where the frustration from fun players and the disguist of meta players come from.
>Caring about the syntactical level of my typings in an online forum where I could not care less but still getting the semantics.
You sir are really worse than your Nigerziparian friend. Like did you ever finish 3rd school year?
Tyler Wilson
Because their so called top tier shit is not prepared to a so called garbage deck eventually sack wins out.
I remember during the pepe days when they had a single week of life, i went to an event with Deskbots and i sacked out someone 2-0 and i could see his fucking flaming red hot angry face because he spent so much money to lose to my 40 bucks cheap kitchen table deck [if you ask how the fuck did a deskbot deck cost so much, i got CyDra Infinity and Natty Beast for $40, the rest felt like free]
Joseph Myers
The sole fact that the whole time people discussed about cards ranging from Mokey Mokey to Nigerzipanian (aka Marzipan the Jew) but no one expect me mentioned the card that will break the meta (pic related).
>I wonder why people think getting a high level top is something hard.
William Kelly
Aromas deserved better
Nolan Powell
>make Aromages >they're unfixable garbage >make Trickstars >they're better in every single way don't see the issue desu
Jose Howard
>can't be played on turn 1 >it will break the meta! I swear! Mind to explain? or this is just bait/waifufagism?
Matthew Walker
>the ventriloquist twins of doing fuck-all are going to break the meta Alright, you actually made me laugh. Here's your (You).
Aaron Long
Threadly reminder to run Dark Law in all DARK decks, including Speedroids since you are summoning that Burning Abyss link sooner or later
Jace Cox
The small issue here is that trickstars are also based on flowers, virtually stealing the theme of the Aromage. I understand that Aromas are garbage unless you make them a Demise.dek stun helmet but i feel like Aromas could get some support to make them a decent petdeck to hit people's faces fast, pulling pic related was a fun play
Jackson Myers
What took you so long Trip
Blake Mitchell
>The small issue here is that trickstars are also based on flowers, virtually stealing the theme of the Aromage. And Arcana Force and Prophecy are both based on tarot cards, who the fuck cares.
Cameron Garcia
I had 2 exams today and got home to eat a delicious burger
Austin Evans
Samuel Gonzalez
I do not understand the pregnant yoshi meme. Is this a /v/ thing?
Asher Diaz
Summon A or B. Equip C. Link Summon. Effects. Summon Tengu. Link.
And those are just two examples.
You are so dumb it is beyond sanity really. People think if a card has 0/0 or level 1 or no effect it must be terrible since beginning of the game. And they have been proven wrong since nearly 20 years.
Brandon Collins
>yfw Lee, Qliphort Genius and the World Legacies all came from Tierra >yfw there's no escape from DT
Henry Wood
>Summon A or B. Equip C. Link Summon. Effects. >The link 1 in question can only be summoned on Main phase 2, something you don't have going first Some fucking one give me that TGT reaction image of hitler crying while drinking cheap whiskey on his shower being no longer secure of being the most hated person on this world
Angel Adams
All comes from Tierra. And in the end all shall return to her. Praise be unto the one true goddess.
Jonathan Cox
What are you studying?
Henry Ramirez
Nevermind i found it deep in my folders
Kevin Lewis
Are you dumb or what? You literally are saying "I do not want increase my chance of performing broken combos although my risk of bricking does not increase with it".
Even if you just can pull it off in every 100000 games you will still play it because it literally has no downsides apart from the one Extra slot. Obviously though your chance is way way higher. But obviously passing out one BP is not worth going +4 and summoning a Buster you are right..
I I understand more and more why it is "special" to have ahigh level top in this board. Let me guess none of you idiots ever even was to a YCS.
According to lore the one true goddess is Sophia. And since Sophia is dead the one true goddess is Nekroz of Sophia.
Nathan Hughes