/ink/ - Splatoon General

Last thread: Redirect to current thread: splatoon.ink/ink/
- Splatoon 2 Map Rotation: splatoon2.ink/
- Booru: booru.splatoon.ink/

> News
- Vampires have won the latest North American Splatfest!
- Stamina has won the latest Japanese Splatfest!
- Version 1.4.0 has been released! Check for patch notes below.
- Custom E-liter 4K and 4K Scope has been released! Sub is beakon, special is bubble blower.

> Patch notes
- en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/27028/~/how-to-update-splatoon-2

> Big S2 Gear & Weapon list (contains unreleased weapons)
- leanny.github.io/splat2/

> List of possible main abilities for gear so far (contains unreleased gear)
- docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18ip1HahYq8DRZRgSEXoRqa915aThLXPb79AFF91HCe4/edit#gid=0

> Latest updates on what the Splatnet store is selling
- twitter.com/splatnetstore

> Resources
- pastebin.com/6UaR6zHL

> Wiki
- splatoonwiki.org/

> Loadout planner with weapons, gear, abilities, and stat calculations
- loadout.ink/

> View schedules for stages, Salmon Run, and current Splatnet gear
- splatoon2.ink/

> View Nintendo Switch online services on your PC
- github.com/OatmealDome/LoungeChair/releases/tag/v1.0.6422.34538

> Add your FC to the list of FC below:
- docs.google.com/forms/u/0/d/e/1FAIpQLSfrpLqYcIcxHjNbeVoBql4HDGqUseArmbUePz71gXqBgHlHtA/viewform?usp=sf_link

> List of FC:
- docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1y-zt8u4va5GuDYnX_ToKfRUFRHu-1izMtE6ifaRK4II/edit?usp=sharing

> Splatoon 1 Artbook
- archive.org/details/TheArtOfSplatoon


This thread is now over.


Brb Decade, need to upload some screenshots

Why is Callie the best squid

>finally got a silver flag with my inkbrush

Those thick meaty tentacles

Holy shit, I thought the Forge being good was a meme, but it's one of my mains now. It's so good.

Posts in the square from salty Marinafags are the best.

am I retarded or is teh spreadsheet for gear annie has released not in the OP?

I think its the former but I can't fucking find it

Don't forget to update those blocklists /ink/

wasn't spla2oon released long before pokken was on switch?

>Haven't plated since launch
>Get on turf war
>Win 5/20
>about 5 of those had a player down on my team

How does one get good?

join splattershot squad

anyone have this with ninja squid?

its the only splash mob shirt with ninja squid that I know of

>you will never be blocked by blacklistfag

Why live?

Use gyro.

Why not call them the splattersquad?

Because you aren't worth blocking dot.

She's not, she lost the splatfest.

scratch that

shirt and tie and pink shrimp polo also have it but I don't like those

Already do


because someone suggested that name and no one would join splattershotas


Why are you doing this

man im getting sick of you

I'd join that and I don't even use shooters



Somebody splat that poor spaghetti so he can reform properly next time.

Delet this now Kier

stop posting this garbage here


I get this is your kink and I'm cool with that but come on dude, just stop.

Should I stay up for another 45 minutes till 1am to host salmon run or should I go to bed and try to scrape a team together when I wake up?

I'm worried people don't want to play with me any more since lately my rooms never fill up like they used to.


I'm not that great at SR but I'd be down

>tfw kier drew your squid before he fell into guro/amputee/futa

Dodged a bullet lads

Kuro, 1900 points in Turf War isn't that impressive.

not even worth keeping your around anymore

Post Splatfest art please. I missed the fest last weekend and I like to collect interesting art.

Post your Woomies / Yebbies! at night

GGs rust

or any of those other gangs either they seem kinda dangerous.
Maybe y'all should join one of the ones that's been posted.

For your safety?


there was like 7 pieces if good art and it was reposted all over the square over and over

remember that half the art was furshit and there was maybe ONE good werewolf pic

*unzips rapid blaster*

When did I say it was tho
2k is always the goal

Aim for ur dreams

zero everyone loves you go to bed

>he didnt draw mine at all
guess its lucky i have a woomy

I'll cherish his non-shitty lewds though, before he went off the deep end

I. . . Love him
okay this is over the line now, I was chill before but this annoying

it is for certain weapons

obviously, its piss poor for things like short range shooters like custom jr or aeros

kier please. I'm getting pretty damn close to doing the same as but I really don't want to cause I like playing with you. Just stop posting this shit here please. I get it's your kink and all, you're free to draw it, but goddamnit we don't want to see this shit. At the very least spoiler image and warning but best case scenario post shit off site please.

that looks fun... i wonder what it feels like haha

just for laughs, what do you think it would feel like to be that squid? not that i want it to happen to me haha, but what would it feel like though?

FUG I forgot to take photos

what if callie and some octolings joined in haha

I think I was like the 4th member and I still haven't engaged in any brush gang activities with you other than sneaking into some of your turf war matches.

I love you too but I might stay up now, I've already started making a cup of tea and I'm finally back home from a ten day vacation at my parents house that had garbage internet

Delete this pic RIGHT NOW


Star is a KEK! KEK!


We should totally just make a brush lobby right now and see who joins.

Or see if any rival gangs wanna start some fuss

Now get that red flag, boi

Only one I took

You and your gang are too easy to bully

t. dualie dude


I thought it was red silver gold?

was the previous one orange and red is at 25?

>Guess it's lucky I have a woomy
He'll take yours, too. There is no safety.
I thought the same thing you did once, and the next thing I know he gave her a shrimp dick.

This is DJ Octavio's granddaughter. Say something nice to her.


>you've lived long enough to see kier turn from the anti-hero to a full blown villian

do it , i dont care.I dont even remember 3/4 of the people on my friends list.its not like im flooding the thread with it .
im not into futa , the whole drawing was a joke

That's already more than most do it's fine

That'd actually be fun but I'm about to head out with my roommates for food so I can't join this time. I've been ignoring them for the longest because of splatoon and marathoning Bojack Horseman


Why's he look turned on?

>Kier is slowly kidnapping, raping, and dismembering /ink/
We should have killed hin when we had the chance

Add me as Jacket

i want to touch her tits

>mfw fag spag is more tolerable than kier

Did you just reply to Kier's post?
You're really dancing with the devil, now.
Better look out, or you'll end up with the same fate

>tfw he drew my woomy before the shift but I actually like futa/dickgirls

Maybe next time

I love your grandpa's music! you must be proud to have such a talented musician in your family!

It's not even futa, though, it's just a spag.

Are you literally trying to push away everyone who potentially cares about you and you care about? Cause that's what it looks like.

Also I feel like you'd notice me gone

>This is DJ Octavio's granddaughter
interesting idea, but does that mean Octavio got BLACKED or his children did?

Oh right, I forgot 15 is the last rank

Didn't take any around the square like the fool I am, but I do have this from Moray Towers at night.

who the fuck is this person

A kids cartoon that got cuckolded (From Star vs the forces of Evil if you were wondering)

give me back my jacket you whore

kagey what's your highest league rank

i did say i was a tsunshun

how do we know that octavio isn't actually a cute girl

Please explain, I don't want tv or cartoons

But my block list is already full.

what the fuck
what even is this show?

>nintendo put an arbitrary cap on a blocklist
I'm sorry what? What is it anyway?

It's been this way forever, where have you been?

>all the disgusted reactions
Has anyone here even accidentally clicked on /d/?
no I mean like really have I become so dulled to these kinds of things I've forgotten how even I originally felt?

kier please draw woomy guro
and make their blood the same color as their ink

idk user I think most of the people who come here are newfriends