Is Islam inherently evil Veeky Forums?

Is Islam inherently evil Veeky Forums?

>Is Islam inherently evil
that all depends on whether or not Islam is true

Judaism promote greediness, unreasonable hatred,, and so on.
Christianity promote weakness, cowardice, stupidity, and so on.
Islam promote submission, unreasonable violence, stupidity, internationalism-ummahism, and so on.

The three are shit, but Christianity is the less dangerous while the other two are deadly, especially Judaism every time the jews controled a country they commited genocide.

What is inherently evil about it? What is evil exactly?

Islam is manmade like all religions. Humans decide what to make out of it.

Are the mods inherently not doing their job?

And no, it's a pretty sweet religion, don't take Fox News as an actual source for anything.

t. Abdul al Jafari al Awlaki bin Riyadh

t.Cletus McShartburger

>What is inherently evil about it?
It will kill you for not believing its brand of the truth

Believing fox news kek

I don't see any muslim death squads forcing me to convert and I live in a Muslim country, that's pretty retarded.

>having a backbone is considered "evil" now

you're on a price water house assignment in Qatar for six months aren't you?

Did jesus cut the hands of theives? did jesus do jihad? did jesus authenticate wife beating child sex and killing unbelievers? Where jesus do or teach these things?

Jesus spoke of his God as a father, is allah a father? who is allah a father to?

>who is allah a father to?
Allah literally is just arabic for the Abrahamic god.
So it would be hezues

Albania and Bosnia don't count as muslim country.

Yes. Islam is shit and the true religion of satan.

Christ is the one and only savior and hope for mankind.

no, I'm actually a permanent resident in Saudi Arabia.
Let's have fun debunking the Stormfag

>Hudud being practised before 1970.
>the Quran doesn't ban wife beating.

>Jesus spoke of his God as a father, is allah a father? who is allah a father to?

They'd be Christians if they thought God was anyones father. You seem like the one who can't tolerate other people having different ideas.

Oh, so they haven't tried to kill you yet because you accepted and conformed to their shitty religion. What do you know.

>Where jesus do or teach these things?
In the soon to be translated notes about him being a gay tolerant transvestite.

>any muslim country that doesn't conform to my specific idea of a muslim country, is not a REAL muslim country

>no, I'm actually a permanent resident in Saudi Arabia
Be careful. They still execute people for necromancy.

>Islam is shit and the true religion of satan
>Christ is the one and only savior and hope for mankind
Your people and your religion are slowly dying because you couldn't keep your religion together due to it's mass amount of lies and untruths.

No, I live here and I'm not muslim. It honestly is chiller than my stint in Uganda, where The Lords Resistiance army tried to forcibly convert and kill a bunch of people.

Do you deny the divinity of christ?There is no way to heaven but through the son.

Quite the contrary christians are literally exterminating the islamic heresy in Africa(by breeding) and Asia(by converting)

So you have no problem with living in a country where gays are whipped and possibly killed, apostates and blasphemers are killed and executions are carried out mainly with swords? Cool

>a permanent resident in Saudi Arabia
But I thought you hated islam, habibi.

Sounds like /pol/'s fantasy of America desu

The fist version of the Mecca Quran is pretty decent but it was retconned when Muhammad wrote the Medina Quran that where you get the warlord crazy killer shit from.

Muhammad couldn't write. His companions wrote the Qur'an. He just spoke it from divine revelation.

And what is warlord about fighting oppression. Not only did he fight anti Muslim oppressors but he fought oppressors for christians and Jews too. And he didn't force Islam on anybody. Persians even helped rebuild churches and monasteries destroyed by the oppressors. There was a tax to those who chose to not convert to Islam but they never oppressed them. And this is all in non Islamic history books of the Persians during the time so not being biased. Islam then was more peaceful than it is now.

>He just spoke it from divine revelation
Explain the satanic verses

>There was a tax to those who chose to not convert to Islam but they never oppressed them.
Being taxed for not converting is oppression.

Kys Abdul and take your goat fucking religion with you.

Pubically say that you have left Islam, I dare you motherfucker.

My dude, even Buddhism has terrorism. While there is violence in the Qur'an, most don't follow it and those that do are the fundamentalists.

The only group of people Buddhists have been militant against is Muslims.

I wonder why that is but I'm sure the Muslims dindu nuffin.

>Being taxed for not converting is oppression
Still better than being slaughtered or having your temples destroyed like most pagans suffered during the rise of Christianity.

Being taxes for moving to a country is oppression
Getting a loan and being forced to pay it back is oppression

Politics is oppression under your logic. How dare a country make me pay to live there?

Considering there are millions of muslims that wouldn't kill me for not believing in the religion, that would indicate the problem isn't inherent to the religion.

Setting aside a special tax for the kuffar is different Abdul.

kys and take your goatfucking religion with you

You stop country a from invading country b and oppressing them. You help country a rebuild their infrastructure and help defend them. They refuse to surrender their land to your nation. You tax them for the help you've done.

Damn I had no idea foreign aid is oppression

Help country b*

As opposed to pagans under Islam being left well alone?

Fuck you and fuck your "help"

kys Abdul and take your goat fucking religion with you

They are a classic example of chaotic evil.

Are all Muslims this delusional?

I'm always perplexed when leftists defend Islam; even at it's most liberal it's an expansionist right-wing philosophy.

Just because most muslims are backsliders does not stop the religion from being evil.

ISIS is just the latest manifestation of its indoctrination and intolerance.

And yet I can still find old religious communities in the ME like Zoroastrians or Yazidis but no hellenists or celtic pagans in Europe that aren't LARPers trying to revive shit.

Jizya tax is for non-Muslims living in Muslim owned land. If you don't want to pay tax, then move somewhere else. The Persians conquored land where Jews and Christians were being oppressed. Jews and Christians were considered Muslims at the time. They were offered to submit to Allah and believe Muhammad as the mesisah or don't. If they didn't, they would be taxed if they wanted to continue living in the land. Islam didn't go around forcing people to convert and killing them if they didn't. They faught oppressors of Muslims. I don't know a damn thing about Islam religiously and their values. I just studied history on Persian Wars and remember most of my information from history books of the Church of The East.

Would you rather be oppressed by Pagans and other empires refusing your religious beleifs and destroying your churches and monasteries, or have Persia run them out and offer you the choice to convert, or pay tax in return for helping rebuild and protect your religion. Muslims don't hate Christians and Jews. They consider them ignorant, but they were never ordered to kill them not believing Muhammad is the prophet/messiah described in their religions. There's lots of historical literature from the Church of The East and dealing with Persians.

A letter written by Ishoyahb III, a Patriarch of the Church of the East from 649 to 659.

"You alone of all the peoples of the earth have become estranged from every one of them. And because of this estrangement from all these, the influence of the present error came to prevail with ease among you. For the one who has seduced you and uprooted your churches was first seen among us in the region of Radhan, where the pagans are more numerous than the Christians. Yet, due to the praiseworthy conduct of the Christians, the pagans were not led astray by him. Rather he was driven out from there in disgrace; not only did he not uproot the churches, but he himself was extirpated. However, your region of Fars received him, pagans and Christians, and he did with them as he willed, the pagans consenting and obedient, the Christians inactive and silent. As for the Arabs, to whom God has at this time given rule (shultana) over the world, you know well how they act towards us. Not only do they not oppose Christianity, but they praise our faith, honour the priests and saints of our Lord, and give aid to the churches and monasteries. Why then do your Mazonaye [Omanis] reject their faith on a pretext of theirs? And this when the Mazonaye themselves admit that the Arabs have not compelled them to abandon their faith, but only asked them to give up half of their possessions in order to keep their faith. Yet they forsook their faith, which is forever, and retained the half of their wealth, which is for a short time."

>this is what Muslims ACTUALLY believe

I'm not Muslim. Just a history major with minor in religious studies. Im atheists. Back to /pol/ with you

>If Muslims aren't jihadist terrorists then they aren't actually Muslim
>No true scotsman

You don't get to define what is or isn't Islamic. Muslims by definition follow Islam. The vast majority don't practice what you believe is inherently evil about Islam. Which would seem to support that it then isn't inherent to Islam. No more than pedophilia is inherent to Catholicism.

>ISIS is just the latest manifestation of its indoctrination and intolerance

ISIS is just the latest manifestation of the extreme fundamentalism, wahhabism, being exported by the Saudis. Now those fuckers are evil and it really doesn't have anything to do with the religion.

Please go back to /r/Islam Abdul

>I don't actually have an argument but I can't admit I'm a moron

Why do you even bother posting?

Shup up Abdul and get your apologies for the religion of peace out of here

>You don't get to define what is or isn't Islamic.
No but the koran does that...

The subjugation of non-Muslims (Q.9:29), the beheading of non-believers (Q.47:4), the permission granted husbands to beat their wives (Q.4:34), the permission granted jihadists to take infidel women as slaves (Q.4:3), the supremacist command for offensive jihad 'until religion is all for Allah' (Q.8:39).

suggests that Islamic doctrine is to blame for the atrocities committed by ISIS

We get it you're a basic Tariq. Now go put your suicide vest on and prove Islam is about violence.

kys Abdul you will never charge me the jizya

This only proves Muslims are highly incompetent

9:29 The injuction to fight is only relevant in the event of the agression against Muslims. Read 2:190-191. Allah only permits violence in self defense. The Quran also declared unprovoked violence is unlawful. Read 22:39-41. This verse states that if there is an act of agression on a Muslim, then every able bodied Muslim should participate until the threat is equalized, either through physical jihad, with your voice in spreading awareness, or your money in paying zakat.

47:4 Muslims were taking people as captives (slaves) from people they were not fighting. This verse states that you can only take captives through prisoners of War, and encourages them to free the captives instead of enslaving them if they could pay a ransom. This is one part of Islam attempting to abolish slavery.

4:34 Inflicting physical punishment on women was sadly common, and many justify their cruelty because of this verse. But the word Adzribu is derived from Dzaraba which has meny meanings and it's also used in other verses with different interpretations, such as put forth an example. Most scholars do not believe this verse allows men to beat their wives simply because that was against Muhamad's teachings, and it is just translated wrong. Muhammad says: You will not find these men as the best among you who beat his wife then lie with her in the evening" Duad 12/42.

4:3 Islam attempted to abolish slavery, but it did so in phases. There are only two lawful ways to attain slaves in Islam at the time of Muhamad. Through prisoners of war or from the children of slaves. Muslims were permitted to free and marry believing slaves as it was a great reward to Allah. Men are also permitted to have sex with consenting slaves, but rape is unlawful in Islam.

8:39 Reading out of context again. This states that a Muslim should fight for no other reason than eradicating oppression or out of self defense. Fighting for worldly (political, for wealth, for power, etc.) affairs is unlawful.

>This verse states that you can only take captives through prisoners of War, and encourages them to free the captives instead of enslaving them if they could pay a ransom. This is one part of Islam attempting to abolish slavery.

impressive mental gymnastics

Oh please Tariq I know you're just trying to justify your belief of your ISIS Daesh buddies

Except most of those can be interpreted a visit fighting persecution rather than outright war.

>Quran 8:39 - And fight them until persecution is no more, and religion is all for Allah. But if they cease, then lo! Allah is Seer of what they do.

In defense against persecution and if they stop fighting, to stop fighting in return

>Quran 47:4 - So when you meet in battle those who disbelieve, then smite the necks until when you have overcome them, then make (them) prisoners, and afterwards either set them free as a favor or let them ransom (themselves) until the war terminates. That (shall be so); and if Allah had pleased He would certainly have exacted what is due from them, but that He may try some of you by means of others; and (as for) those who are slain in the way of Allah, He will by no means allow their deeds to perish.

Literary just the rules of war. The first part speaks of battle not random beheadings.

>Quran 4:3 - With respect to marrying widows, if you are afraid of not being able to maintain justice with her children, marry another woman of your choice or two or three or four (who have no children). If you cannot maintain equality with more than one wife, marry only one or your slave-girl. This keeps you from acting against justice.

Yea no this doesn't say anything about taking Infidel women as slaves.

I'm ribbon out of space for the others

Who's more qualified to interpret the Qur'an? Islamic scholars or tariq from Veeky Forums? How is the internet speeds in Syria there brother

kys abdul

you will not take slaves ever again

P.s. three more muslim toddlers just got their skin melted off by Israeli white phosphorous

Christian raped his toddler daughter before killing her and the rest of his family then committed suicide. Such a terrible religion.

>hurrrr Islamic scholars make the claim that taking POWs as slaves and that if they pay the ransom you should free them is somehow anti slavery therefore it is

Hurrr durrrr durrrrrrr

Keep reading tariq. You'll open your eyes one day. Hopefully before you put that suicide vest on. Stay safe brother and may Allah help you get off the strayed path

>implying a European Muslim country is the same as an Arabic or African Muslim country

wtf does this even mean

You /pol/acks DO realize that Islam is what would happen if christians actually followed their religion, right?

whatever makes you feel better about worshipping a literal pedophile, abdul

He's mocking your ignorance. You pol fags literally have the same interpretation as wahhabist terrorists. Just fuck already.

>Religious scholar of religion xyz said anal rape is permissible as long as you lube up before, therefore from this passage this religious scholar can conclude that his religion is anti anal rape


Pedophilia is the sexual attraction of prepubescent children. Muhammad didn't consummate marriage with Aisha until she hit puberty. All of his other wives were older. One was even twice his age.

You sound like an underage kid who likes to make up definitions. I bet you unironically call people cucks and autists.

Great job tariq you are very intelligent scholar. What are your credentials

I'm not doing any interpretation of the Koran. I don't have to. I'm merely calling out the interpretation out as nonsensical. Allowing people to take slaves but letting them go if they pay the ransom cannot be interpreted as anti slavery in any circumstances. Maybe a "nicer" kind of slavery. But very obviously still very pro slavery.

But whatever. I suppose being a "scholar" of Islam requires you to eschew logic anyway so might as well completely abandon it.

aisha was 9 Abdul

child marriage and child fucking is common and acceptable throughout the Muslim world

you can buy a loli for three hundred euros in raqua

wew Abdul lay off the khat it's rotting your primitive ape brain

That was one phase. Please read the Qur'an before having such harsh opinions of it tariq. Inshallah

Has nothing to do with Islam tariq. You're implying women don't hit puberty at 9?

yes I am Abdul
your prophet (piss be upon him) was a child fucking pedophile

Don't talk about your god like that tariq. Just because you'll become a martyr doesn't mean you can say those things

your epileptic god king fucked a nine year old child and all the mental gymnastics in the world won't change this fact Abdul

back to chewing khat you stupid monkey

p.s. u will never get jizya again

>Implying African and Arab Muslim countries were what was specified by that user
Learn to read

Islam is a shitty Abrahamic ofshoot designed to give some cohesion to primitive tribalistic desert tribes. It's repugnant at best.

I don't want your jizz tariq. Just bomb the poor Muslim tribes in Syria and praise Allah for your bravery

Oh hey Saudi

It's because most of their followers are brown people, it's contrarian to Western philosophy (good for cultural Marxism), etc. It's another minority they can pander to

Are you a Serb?
>not lynching and abusing minorities trying to live their life is a bad thing

Kill yourself Trumptard.

Girls usually hit puberty at 12. If you define hitting puberty as menstruation then back in the ancient days they would have to be at least 15-16. Menstruation now happens at a much earlier age because of improved nutrition.

There's no historical evidence that long ago recording the ages of menstrual cycles in the middle east. Any claims is just heretic predictions. History blogs also assume ancient aliens helped build the pyramids.


For Islam, Judaism and Christianity there are multiple interpretations of it. The secular, peaceful manifestation occurs naturally in times of stability and socioeconomic welfare. The fundamentalist, warmongering manifestation occurs in times of instability and socioeconomic decline or instability. If the United States were to be plunged in some shitty proxy war with hundreds of factions backed by all kinds of foreign investors, the christian fundamentalist faction would automatically become the most powerful. It's very hypocritical to blame Islamic fundamentalism for what goes on in the Middle East, as fundamentalism is the result of civil war and instability, and not vice versa.

I'm not blaming religion in general either. Religion is simply used as a casus belli for what would've otherwise been a purely socioeconomic or political revolt. Atheists can be just as dangerous.

Forgot to add, you will call me a cuck for this, but secular Arab countries of the 50s and 60s were pretty dope. See Afghanistan before the CIA backed 'freedom fighters'.

>implying ISIS is muslim and not CIA controlled mercenaries.

No but it shouldn't exist in white countries.

Not evil, but really more a aggressive expansionist.

Its a religion, so yes