Monster Hunter General - /mhg/

101 days!

>Monster Hunter: World
-MH:World is coming out for PS4 and Xbox One Jan 26, 2018, and eventually PC.
↳TGS Trailer 9/19:
↳Demo Gameplay 8/22:

>More News
-Monster Hunter Stories is out now!
-Monster Hunter XX Nintendo Switch Ver. is out now, region free.
↳MHXX Update 1.2.0 w/ Eng Patch v4:
↳3DS to Switch Save Data App:

>I have a question!
Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.
Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.
Same thing, in application form.

>Where does Veeky Forums play?
Create or find a Gathering Hall
Passcode: 7243
XX, ターグット: Gathering フィールド採集 (page 1, middle right)
Gen, Objective: Gathering
4U, Target: Fishing

Tags: MHWorld, MHXX, MHGen, MH4U, MH3U, Stories, MonHun, /mhg/

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First for Monster Hunter World is gonna be a fun game!

For me, it's the Midogaron. the perfect Volcanic monster.

XX is a fun game

Behave yourselves in this thread or you get the snipsnips!

Why would you tarnish Pansy like that?


I want Handler to be THE cat


Does this mean that more people than ever will turn to men, cats or monsters?


Don't be problematic, Nyanon!

can you castrate the gen/xx/frontier players while youre at it, miss kitty? we don't need more of that in our world

Please leave that shitposting to die in the last thread.

Nice game grandpa
>SnS vs Gravios

To be fair, you need to be pretty skilled to participate in 4U's endgame, the game mechanics are made only for veteran hunters out there. I could easily say it's one of the hardest endgames in mainline history, rivalling Freedom Unite's, maybe harder.

I haven't been keeping up with the latest news, do we know for sure yet if you can really access your whole item box during hunts?

t. G2 HR27 IG in white fatalis posting gog urgent

Should be for freehunting, because you can go in freehunting mode after a quest and there's a pesudotown in the area so you can resupply and switch gear without going back in town.


I have my PS4 Collectors Edition pre-ordered.
Shame I can't pre-order a PC copy.

This is a nice aubergine

Should I play Gen?
Or is it truly bad? I was always under the impression the hate it got was just a meme since it's always about things like catlolis.

I need money first if I plan buy World.
>tfw neet

That's reassuring, I didn't want to believe the team would be so dumb as to break the game like that.

Too fat.

What kind of faggot buys more than 1 copy of a game?

A collectors edition on top of it all.

They're fucking with you. It's available for any hunt.


How about now?

Pretty good, I miss her older style.

SHOULD, I said.


it's alright, just don't expect the standard MH experience. everything is a little "off" and hunter arts kinda just trivialize everything that ever made MH combat challenging, or made certain weapons good or bad for certain monsters. endgame weapon selection before grinding a deviant 40 times to get the "best" weapons is extremely limited. nothing to do with said weapons when you get them.

don't expect anywhere near as much longevity or compelling reasons to forge onward like literally any other game. you have very little unique late game content to look forward to, and even fewer reasons to bother grinding it.

Reminds me of 4U. Doesn't sound so bad.

>doing some G rank expedition as blademaster
>hunt the 5 monsters
>barely used like 5 whetstones
>do expedition as gunner
>ended shooting beans at the monster because I run out of ammo and mats to combine

I don't see the problem if you have access to your stuff in free hunts. Also, nobody is forcing you to come back at the camp if the kid needs some potions.

It doesn't matter whether the item box is wholly available anytime, it will not detract from the fact that World is still ahead of Frontier.

Milsy-chan armor for MHW!!

If ammo is a problem then they should just let you hold more, giving access to the whole item box and giving you infinite healing, traps barrel bombs etc. is a terrible solution to what was barely even a problem.

>those hands

no, no. mustve misunderstood. to clarify, Gen has no endgame and can be decisively 100%'d inside 200hrs. 4U remains the only recent title with a real endgame or longevity. go check that out if you're bored enough to be looking into the spinoff titles. hope i could help, good luck out there hunter!

Come hunt with me, you fucks. I am fighting the hyper mizutsune and I have some sort of room up but nobody is joining. Play with me, mhg

What game?

mh gen. That is probably important to mention

i think you lost most of us at "hyper mizutsune"
try to keep it mainline

If it was XX I would've joined.
I no longer have Gen installed.

You can't fast travel back to camp in the middle of a fight from what we've seen, on one of the TGS demos they had to sprint like four zones away from a Kula Ya Ku before it let them fly somewhere

Good thing this nasty shit wont be in MHWorld

Im still in generations. Should I even play XX?

Reminder that too much anime rot your brain.

XX is literally Gen+more content. Why wouldn't you play that one if you had access to it?

Thanks user. 4U proved to me that a long endgame does not mean a good endgame.

I didnt know if there was an advantage to still playing gen or not. I do not speak japalapa

I want to like gen, but there's always something that makes it feel off. Like the graphics are pretty compared to 4U, but the armor is boring and garbage (until XX). Hunting arts and styles are fun and fine, but lack of endgame and armors sets doesn't reward experimenting with them. "Endgame" deviants are more of a chore than normal farming, so many loading screens and the hub is absolute trash. XX was alright though.
Solo with english patch.

Solo? But I like playing with the online peeps

glad i could help. and yeah hey we can't have all the nice things, but any endgame is better than nothing. just work hard at it, and you'll definitely make it to special permit level in 4U! don't make the mistake of giving up at G2 Gog urgent!

Impersonating others is rude.

So then play online with nips and with /mhg/. If you tell people that you want to play XX chances are that you'll get some people lurking to join.
There's always one person who will join your XX room.

i don't know what you mean, user. i'm just here to ensure you know the basics of not wasting your time waiting for Monster Hunter : World! don't make the rookie mistakes!

monster hunter is too hard

sounds like you're too soft



I hate that bland UI


were a hunter/gatherer society that stagnated in the early iron age and never saw any reason to advance further as a civilization. it wasnt until forced away from their homes by slavers and sold into more advanced societies that we experienced the wonders of technology, agriculture, and the concept of a life beyond mud huts and and rough iron spears.

What about Weakness Exploit?


Is there a XX room up yet?

G1 scrublord here

What will be World's equivalent to 140 GQ's?

don't post racist remarks outside of /pol/ please, africans have their history and you won't change their rich hunter lineage by >>>'ing me to where you came from.

Why would someone even make posts like this? It's like you have a dog in the fight.

Any cuck shit in this game and I won't buy it. Not supporting this cancer. Period.

relax, you've been able to make negroids since MH1

you've been able to make a black character in every MH game ever, and there have been black NPCs in most of them in places where varied culture or high international traffic would make sense.

other than that why would you think theres any reason for racial or sexual politics to have any place in this universe? hell, this is the first game where they even speak a real world human language.

Why is Blagonga such a nigger with Lance?

not that guy, but given the option i'd rather all the characters just make grunting noises and nonsense syllables, voice acting that i understand is too distracting from hunting

Blangonga is an [african american gentleman of prestigious hunter/ gatherer lineage] with every weapon. the backhop is the bane of 2nd gen weapon limitations. back when DB was no more mobile than GS

But there was cuckoldry in 4U?

>you've been able to make a black character in every MH game ever, and there have been black NPCs in most of them in places where varied culture or high international traffic would make sense.
>other than that why would you think theres any reason for racial or sexual politics to have any place in this universe?

Oh my god shut the fuck up and go back to whatever hole you came from
This isnt your hugbox

>there is still no version of MH since the DBs became top tier (aka when they got the spin 2 win) on a non children's toy device
Holy shit. I'm not buying a Switch for XX. Citradevs hurry the fucking nigger up, I can't deal with using my 3DS anymore. Stop fucking around with shit games no one cares about and just get MH4U working.


I love this term
Can we go back to calling each other mongoloid, negroid and caucasoid

World will be out before then


SEETHING. This is the future you chose.

even funnier because the image is just an extremely asian fellow with dark skin slider on max. wouldnt be suprised if world left out the actual negroid facial presets/features all together.

He looks either Mexican or Jamaican to me

That guy barely even looks black, I'd say he's arabic

fuck off /v/

Should I bother grinding out a low rank set with good skills if im about to hit high rank anyway ?


It's not about blacks in the game, retards, it's about cuck propaganda. No one is bothered by blacks per se.

I wish i had more time to draw for you guys.

>cuck propaganda
this is a japanese game. from a japanese company, based out of japan. if you can show me 3 examples of Japanese games where any of this western SJW shit is prevalent to the levels it is in modern games from the west, i'll give you one more (you).

you literally run around killing exclusively mexicans and blacks in RE 4/5 for fucks sake, talk about /pol/ training simulators

The Yamato armor since it has Sharpness +1 and even other good skills. Just make a decent enough GS and kill ~four Jhens. First phase: Stay on his back and focus on his weak spots tehre (you have to hit the ceiling of the hole once the upper one is broken). Second phase: Keep hitting his belly/jaw.

It's enough to break one of his arms/horns for braces or horns. Breaking both arms doesn't change the droprate at all.

Literal retard, those are Spanish villagers. Please take two seconds to google shit before you make your post.
t. has never played re4 before

Literally no u

Don't worry! The Japanese don't care about that kind of shit. They don't even know what feminism is:

>only three
That's so easy, even when just looking at the last year. Anti Drumpf propaganda, giving even anime girls brown skin, modern feminism.

The west is infecting Japanese companies with this shit, especially Sony.

Implying its not just the translations