>Recent News 2 extra chocobar restock on shop McDonalds SkyCompass Collab - Eat burgers in Japan, get damascus crystals and a sunlight stone Fourth Crew Skill - Available if you have 21+ members CCS Collab - Dark Unknown Staff, Sakura is the loyalty character
>18M Player Celebration *Co-op won't be affected by MagFest 10/10 - 10/24 - MagFest(Login Raffle, Half AP/BP cost for Raids, Half AP cost for Free Quests/Main Story/Special Quests, x1.5 RP/EXP bonus, Double effect for Journey Drop Buffs) 10/11 - 10/24 - Free Single Rolls and 200 Crystal Login Bonus
>Schedule for October: 30/9 - 9/10 - Violet Violence 10/10 - 24/10 - Sakura and the Mysterious Sky Journey 25/10 - 30/10 - Rise of the Beasts (Rerun) 31/10 - 8/11 - New Story Event
>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning gbf.wiki/FAQ
>Giga Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something. pastebin.com/8xELSDu4
Do some Sakura raids give different rewards? I feel like I never get the little hexagons.
Henry Williams
so is levi x levi legit or a meme
Easton Wright
UBaha HL only with a full AA grid.
Logan Clark
>finally 10m chips >can get anat >not sure if I even want it as r139
Jose Ortiz
I love this game. I won't switch to some chink boats.
Nathan Edwards
It's trash play ely with daggers, call of the abyss causes drastic diminishing returns to with small atk/da fists
Parker Turner
This game needs more delicious choccoretto cuties. Playable flamglass when?
Gavin Price
why does this dumb doggo make me weak in my knees?
Jayden Fisher
Ryder Reed
Roughly how many half-pots/berries will I need to get 4 gold bars next GW?
David Howard
William Sullivan
If it took you 139 ranks to farm 10 millions, then probably no.
Samuel Robinson
Do I actually need a crew for GW? Not the whole thing, just getting the Revenant Weapons and basic supplies
Dominic James
It's a better stat stick than tiamat summon unless you have setekh friends
Carter Rodriguez
Caleb Garcia
Fuck, I meant ROTB
Asher Thompson
Lanchan please
Isaiah Barnes
nope, you only need a guild if you want to actually compete in GW to get valor badges
Chase Baker
You dont need a crew to get crates. You need a crew for valor and sunlight stones
Levi King
You mean celestials? Took me around 500 berries for two bars and roughly another bar worth of other stuff last time.
Leo Roberts
I hope that goddamn sieg from the last thread isn't etched into my memory. That shit is stuff of nightmares.
William Nelson
Awesome, I'll be in good shape then. Thanks.
Isaac Sanchez
Completing the eternals or 5* 3 of them? I'm in a dilemma
Juan Allen
how many points is a bar again 400k?
John Ross
Liam Jones
you get 5 nuggets from dailies and 10k per extra nugget. maybe it's cheaper if you haven't bought any, I don't remember.
Julian Hill
Brayden Lee
It is still a proper question since you can A tier buy 4 gold bricks by burning pots on winning But for rob have ever bought bricks? 10 15 20 20 nugs that's quite a chunk of tokens
Jaxson Turner
>it's a Noa didn't go with his boyfriend to the yogi and he was never inside Lyria so he gets cucked by Tia episode
Sebastian Ortiz
Reminder that doing kirin trains and getting brick flips is the best investment you will get out of your pots in this shit game
Leo Bennett
Join a crew, sooner or later you will want valor badgets and since the carry over might as well get 20 or so for joining a D tier ghost crew. Maybe you land in a tier A by accident and you end up being carried to your first sunstone too, who knows
Julian Mitchell
Jordan Diaz
John James
Evan Perry
I wonder how the Japanese feel when they see coop/raids rooms demanding shit in English.
Brayden Brooks
Sticker Lyria is the cutest cute that ever cuted. Actual Lyria is shit. I'm not sure how to reconcile these feels.
Nicholas Nguyen
How hard is to make an Eternal? I'm lvl 167 and I haven't done a single one, mostly because I'm getting bored of the game, might as well make them and use the gold bars I have
Luis Ramirez
That's a cute Vas
Nolan Martin
i want that sticker so bad but i will never have it
Nicholas Martin
what the fuck
Blake Baker
>4* Easy
>5* Not hard per se but long and annoying unless you're a supreme luckshitter in Dimension Halo
Chase Williams
It's free and purely farming out materials, most of them are a great boost to the team
Juan Morgan
They join in anyways, I think plenty of japs who play this game may know english as well.
Aaron Harris
>I'm lvl 167 and I haven't done a single one are you serious stop slimeblasting so you don't feel so bored, nerd
Andrew Martinez
Why bros?
Dominic Thompson
Aren't the sticker versions their Grand Blues equivalent?
Adrian Bailey
Post 'em
Luis Ortiz
>I'm lvl 167 and I haven't done a single one I made Esser when I was Rank 110
Noah Brown
fuck you, you can't tell me what to do
Charles Adams
>this is your average slimeblasting retard
Liam Parker
english is like one of their mandatory lesson in school there pretty sure they can read at least, writing/speaking on the other hand
Grayson Lee
So how many jew10shoes does an average /gbfg/ user have?
Luke Ortiz
Yes. Some are even cropped from the grandblues
Colton Perry
Aaron Edwards
>homofags cucked by hetlords wew
Isaiah Mitchell
My guess is 2
Ryder Long
2, 3, 9 and 10.
Easton Garcia
>how stupid is /gbfg/ bull fucking shit
Angel Garcia
Song 5*, Sarasa 5*, Six, Esser
Charles Morales
Probably 1-2, with like 95% not having a single GW 5*.
Daniel Carter
>this fucker
Tyler Fisher
993001A2 Makky HL 2/6 uncap your stupid daggers
Nathan Martin
third one
Alexander Morales
Lads, I got Dirt DLF with my meme roll today, is she better than cag?
Justin Powell
3, 7 and 9. Working on 2. 40 box is tiring so I'm gonna continue next GW.
Aaron Adams
Why mac and not whale then
Jaxon Diaz
Esser and Song are 5*. Sarasa is next but I need two gold bricks
AT Timings (jst) : 12-13 , 23-24 Our requirements are as follows :
-At minimum, multiple completed Magna Pools (Level 150 SL15), primal pools very welcomed -Able to join First and Last hour of fights REGULARLY, you don't have to be available 100% of the time due to IRL commitments, but you must at least show us some effort -Aim to be within Individual Rankings -Communicate on Discord regularly and can follow orders during GW -Willing to progress in the game (Ranking up, farming for the eventual powercreep, JUST PLAY THE GAME etc)
Not a definite requirement if you have the pools, but being rank 170 and above is beneficial.
Interested applicants please PM me your pools and ID
Elijah Sanchez
>slimeblasting faggot
Isaiah Smith
>Song 5*, Six, Siete, Okto Still deciding if I should get Quatre or not.
Connor Russell
Logan Lopez
>is a bejeweled proper woman with a sexy voice better than a old man This shouldn't be a hard question
Carson Morgan
She is good but overlaps too much with ely, she fits pretty well with atma gao
Isaac Powell
Macula is a lot easier?
Oliver Rivera
She's cuter than Cag and she's only marginally better as a healer/buffer.
Blake Lopez
I got one at rank 91 Are you even playing the game?
Connor Gomez
that's what happens when you slime your way to HL
David Jenkins
should I feed my summon +1s to anat if I don't have any good summon? she seems like a good stat stick and I don't see myself replacing her anytime soon, I'm saving for a spark and am only 1/3 of the way there
James Gutierrez
from /gbfg/'s e-celeb shitposts i know that he's autistic enough to go 10 gw chars, but is he 5* gw char autistic as well?
Logan Evans
3/6 bring whatever
Ryder Johnson
I'm still using anat as a stick at rank 170
Tyler Collins
Thanks, I was reading the wiki and I saw that I have enough masterials to make 2 or 3 if I farm a bit, I guess I will get to it. Also I see the annoying part is to farm the rare weapons for the store upgrade.
After 2 years playing this, is not hard to be at that level, I never bothered to make them as my SSR/Grids were enough for every single content the game has to offer
after reading the answers, I guess the Eternals are some serious amazing core shit based on the reaction I see here. (well, I know Water's ones are fucking amazing, but my Varuna is very crappy).
Joshua Cox
I didn't slime my way to HL and still don't have an eternal.
Michael Morgan
Is the Sakura event a good place to farm fodder?
Wyatt Cox
>falling for his meme
Elijah Scott
Moving a full stack of +99 costs like 30k or some shit.
Josiah Rodriguez
Is Watery or Thunder the better raid to farm?
Landon Perry
Curls are shit though.
Ayden Peterson
no, it has terrible drop rate, because dark and light