/fgog/ - Fate/Grand Order General

Previous: >EoR III is live
>EoR III Rate-up 1
>Musashi and 3* Lancer are always in the rate-up.
4* Archer: 16-17, 21-26, 29-1
4* Assassin: 18-23, 27-1

>HF Movie collab
>New Mystic Code
>4* Lancer Parvati
>Costume for Parvati
>event CEs for people who go near the cinema
>CA Hassan animation update

>English FGO has its own general for now, search /fgoalter/ in the catalog
>Monthly items: Unlucky Bones, Chains of the Fool, Yggdrasil Seed.
>Epic of Remnant 3 ~Stage of Corpses and Streaming Blood~ to be released mid-Oct


>Farming Guide


>Mega Pastebin

>TLs Pastebins

>Friendlist Spreadsheet (last reset: June 29)
View list docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FSN1kmzso2itgjWzaGfysZ5WhEjiL5EcyjGr4k6DffA

>Materials, experience and event AP simulators

>NP Comparison

>Alternate Servant/CE DB

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I love my RoboNinja

How many years until SF ends?

Why don't we have Liz threads like alter?

Tomoe is cute! CUTE!

I love Shuten!

Too many.

Alter has no content so that's the best they can do

I'm glad all the servants got nice in-game art this time after the shit show that was Agartha

Because they're in the middle of their Halloween event, ours is in like two weeks.

The Servant even a Grand can't defeat WHEN?


>Tfw Liz thread user became NAcuck
What is this feeling in my chest?

Bliss that they're gone.

Mindbreaking Tomoe with my penis!

On the bright side brain damage also went to /alter/

Pretty much all the decent posters have moved to NA by now

Visually, this chapter was all kinds of awesome. Good new character art, CGs everywhere, those IZA JINJOU NI SHOBU intros, special effects, it's like we've got budget now!

Except Satanist Amakusa who looked more hilarious than anything

Does any emulator at all work with Fate GO at the moment? Work arounds are fine too if it's possible

I fear Salem will be a letdown. Shimosa and Musashi have always been painted as special since EoR was revealed. Early Servant release with her own trial quest, a unique intro for the seven blade heroes fight and even a NP animation upgrade to reflect Musashi's character growth in the story. I don't know how Salem can top this, DW has put a lot of effort on Shimosa.

I think he left completely.

Is that Akatsuki?

Which liz thread user? the mindbroken one or the other one

Why do people like this generic ayy? When DBZ has way better designs ?

Shinjuku didn't get any of this and was still pretty good. Also Salem will probably tease the big bad of Part 2.

Leave it to Based Meteo, he'll show all these cucks how to really write a story

>Features a loli
Of course it will. It's just a matter of them bringing in enough QTs plus cameos as thats' all what the EOPs care about.

Yes. FGO's Akatsuki.

He is being hyped properly as a threat. He probably has the best build up, I think beating even Frieza.

>the solshitter that made Nasu wrote F/HA and all the other moeshit
Not thanks.

Why is she so perfect?

No decent douijn thread

Because he is the strongest jabroni in DB unless you count the Katamari reject God

He stronk, that's what most DBZ fans care about. Like some people here, really.
But yeah, he's kind of a generic grey alien except with some serious Veeky Forumsness going on

t. Powerlevel spic

How did you guys find the Saber Empyrio.
What team comp did you use?

But Cell and Buu has better hype and design and even abilities.
This ayy only goes around generic beat down with no creativity like choco beam or regen.
He's just "le strongest of their universe" Buu had Vegeta and Goku fighting each other on a timer, Cell had the whole future setting.
In comparison this Ayy really seems bland.

>But Cell and Buu has better hype
Cell, Buu, Frieza, all jobbed to new form. Jiren fights new form and it doesn't do fucking shit to him.

Salem will just have a bunch of funny faces and reaction pics and some boss teasers like Ashiya Douman this time.

>edgy Amakusa literally praising Satan

What the fuck

>serious Veeky Forumsness going on
>skipping leg day

I suppose you could call it a fanfic of Makai Tensho. I'm not sure if the changes differentiate EOR3 enough from the original product since the core concept of summoned shades to BTFO the Tokugawa for vengeance is practically lifted wholesale.

Pretty much. They could still have avoided this by setting it in a different country, or different era in Japan, or just not using Amakusa altogether, but I guess it was intentional, probably as a ill-conceived homage.

He renounced God and wanted to start a band just watch Makai Tensho

DBSpics only care about powerlevels and think that alone makes an interesting character. You could put a literal stick figure in DB and people would suck its dick if it beat Goku.

That's a cute robo-mom

When he first showed up I thought the pointy teeth and the crazy faces would be the silliest thing about him.
I was so damn wrong. Rampaging satanist Amakusa is pure hilarity.

hell its strange.

18 is my first crush

Shit taste desu

On one of his praise Satan rants he actually said that he heard Satan's voice, then afterwards met the Christian God and decided to renounce him then for letting his people get massacred at Shimabara.

To put it comparatively, I’d compare it to historically old man vs all the other servants

He’s a boring, simple design in a canon where everything is kinda zany and unique, so he works for me like that imo

Yoo. Mad luck.

I like Gozen's design. Miko hit a sweet spot for me, how good is she though?

ST NP is good since I slept through the Prillya-event and don't have Kuro. I've got Niggiya as well.
Who's better? What's her job?

I want the robutts, but I'm trying to save for Arc.

Sailor Jupiter was mine.

Would Megaman and /mmg/'s corpse be a good enough catalyst to summon her?

uhh... Musashifags?

I don't see Suzuka there

Now that Taneda is revived we'll get Kiyohi (Lily) right?

>Tomoe Gozen

>Martha getting cucked

>Implying Kojirou is not a pretty boy

>referring to a character by their title
Well gee better start calling all the rounds Sir then you stupid fuck

Stop replying to bait meant for me

Anyone got a clip of Musashi's np after you beat Yagyuu?

Koihime Lily, when?

Musashi was blushing the entire chapter for everyone except (You), it's not a surprise. She's canonically not for (You), Musashifags are just delusional.



Is Daiz /ourguy/?

The fuck is wrong with TM making everyone cuckbait?

He's our number one enemy.

Nasu is a Utenafag.

No you piece of shit he'a the reason we have to rely on APEX for Apoc

I think it's more of a problem of people exaggerating every single character trait.

Nasu is just Japanese Vince Mcmahon, has a great idea once in a while but needs someone to filter all his shitty ones out.

I like Martha

Avenger Amakusa when?

>no more swordbeams

Can Mushishi do it?

>Makai Tensho
lel Nasu began writing Fate/stay night with Makai Tensho in mind.

>implying we don't call our mother mother, Queen Elizabeth just the Queen, King Hassan the Old Man, Hassan as Hassan, Classes by their Class-name or other characters by their title when it's clear who's meant

I love my otaku Berserker

It's still a beam but it just cuts through the void whatever that means.


He might be dead to a buffed BBC honestly

Gacha WHEN


After Avenger Hitler

Honestly it's so fucking shit being forced to use Musashi

Unless he goes nuts and starts spamming NP charge, totally.


>Though it failed to appear in Chaldea, there is some good data left behind as a sample, isn't there?
>After all, I've finally succeeded in finding the lost history (Missing Belt)!
>...This Shimousa was originally twisted.
>A world that vanishes without being destroyed, in other words, a Pruning Phenomenon---
>---not at all. A parallel world? Well, fine. That's close, but it's slightly different.
>This is different. It's something different. This Shimousa is human history and yet not so.
>Gods from another star, observing this otherworld with their alien eyes---
>It is an otherworld that is falsely similar to a singularity!
>How is that, how is that! It would be an interesting case, wouldn't it, Satan-sama!
>Fufufufuhahahahahahahaha, no, no, no no! Even for a false name to begin with, it's just too ridiculous!
>For it to be Satan of all things! Haha. Though I intended it to be just a joke, it got a bit, well.
>Amakusa took quite the liking to that name. However, this Douman, too, went overboard with that little prank.
>My sincerest apologies, mine beloved lord---

Setting up new secret boss for FGO2.

Describe how Tomoe's butt feels in less than nine words.

My slutty emperor

Feels like used goods.

How did you guys beat Saber Empyrio in chapter 15

Misty from Pokemon was mine. I think she got me into the navel fetish.

Switch to the order change mystic code, cause yes it does suck.

I used Moriarty and Memelin