Go fish edition
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WF news: semlar.com
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THE JORDAS VERDICT: pastebin.com
Warframe Raid Schoolbus: Hide your power lvl and follow the rules: discord.gg
DPS calculator and weapon build planner: github.com
DPS calculator and build planner No.2: warframe-builder.com
Top guns: lunv.io
Frames and Modding: pastebin.com
CURRENT UPDATE: Plains of Eidolon (Update 22)
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/wfg/ - Warframe General
bounties are fucked nuke [de]
Been gone for a while, before I left Ivara used to be the best for solo focus farming but now it seems Equinox fills that role? What changed? Is Ivara still usable to farm focus?
More FemOberon Freyarch porn when
Mesa is the cutest.
Ok so what's the fucking deal with Murkrays? I spent 5k standing on the bait, but I've used 15 and haven't attracted a single one. Been using it at the proper place on the coast and everything. I'm not going to be happy if I end up wasting that standing for nothing.
Where are the Excavators??? I've run this U 3 times now looking for passages I've missed. The mission is the second Archwing thingy, I need to located and protect Excavators. Is it bugged? If it is, how do I leave without losing my loot, I picked up 2 rare mods and one of those start things...
*tips aimbot*
>start bounty
>finish first objective
>second objective sends me back to cetus
>no reward
two hotfixes
Reminder to Use Nidus to stand in the Helminth Infirmary doorway, then switch to Operator and walk into the Helminth Infirmary, then interact with first the chair and then the bed on the right to kill your operator and make your warframe sentient. Do it as soon as possible, it'll get hotfixed soon.
I think Hok's daily special is an optimal machete build. Better damage and crit chance than the Gazal Machete.
During an endless fissure if you select a relic and your group decides to extract, do you lose the relic?
Remember that twitch drops aren't fucked, no matter what Jew streamers might tell you
Also, sigil drops have been unfucked so you can get them now
Does it need to be Nidus, or just someone with a matured cyst?
Today has been the first day since the drops began that I've gotten nothing at all despite having 15 or so streams up at once the entire time
Idunno man
first time firing the lenz, and i down myself with the first shot, i'm pretty stoked about it.
no, you only lose the relic once you have the reward from it
I've baked two potatoes but I can't decide who to use them on. I've got Nova P, Vobby P, Banshee P, Nekros P and Nidus.
I decided I should finally set up some proper loadouts for different content. Which elements/status do I use for each faction?
This is what I thought but two of my squad mates were under the impression that you lose them.
These fucking vaults keep getting bugged all the time, is there a way to sleek inside that shit?
Probably Magnetic+Blast for Corpus and Corrosive+Blast for everything else?
Just punch it in the face!
I don't know, I used Nidus, but I guess anything that has a matured cyst would work too.
Titania is CUTE!
twitch can be pretty laggy at times, and if a stream buffers you get fuckall from it
Nice graphics
This is an octocore CPU, jesus christ Edge. It's the only browser that doesn't start killing pages past eight though.
you'll get it back
we now know that potatoes are here to stay, no matter what memes you believe in
but then what will i do when potato only missions come out
IGN: Exiof
I was once in Warbros
But then you kicked me out
I was only gone for a few months though,
So I don't know what that's about
I'd like back in the dojo,
So please don't act like Tojo,
And be good boys, let me back in
So I can see all the new toys
Before I put this game in the bin
I really want the Frost skin. Also that one firefox instance is eight twitch tabs. I don't get why there's such a huge disparity.
You'll turn yourself into Potato Frame
Why gas?
wtf you lied i can't do anything in the room with the kid
why did you give me hope you bastard
If you want to avoid slapping corrosive on everything, use Rad and toxic on good rof weapons and gas or viral/slash on low rof weapons against corpus
magnetic is a trap
it honestly depends on what weapons you're using though
best spot for power leveling now? been afk for a long time
Hydron because you can do it with randos.
so guys what do I mod oberon for havent played since before his buffs.
>all of these "I was in warbros but I was given the boot" shitters trying to get back in but always fucking up the test
I wonder what would happen if I just made proper applications for random eligible clan-less shitters I find in relays.
Just start mining bitcoin or something at this rate
Reminder that Bolkors need a hard nerf, fucking omniscient instant-tracking cunt boats that will ACTIVELY turn to leave over your head if you hide.
Did you follow the instructions properly?
You might have just infected your tater instead of completely killing it. I think you have to wait seven days or something before you can try again. But by then the sleek will probably be hotfixed out
>be 10o
>go fish
>get shot
Please advise, in desperate need of livers.
>pets ignore the operator and focus on your warframe even if you're operator mode in orbiter
god damn it DE even they know better
I do have a 290x, the thought has crossed my mind. Then I remember I pay a shit ton for electricity and that people only seen to care about ASICs now.
>magnetic is a trap
thanks champ
corrosive+cold for 95% of the game
corrosive+fire for the remaining 4.99% of infested
radiation for 0.01% eidolon farming
you're welcome
that's why you can't have nice things
that's because twitch uses the flash player in Firefox, switch to chrome or something
Only good vs shields, the most useless hp in the game
Since when electric damage drains energy?
>not knowing about Mag's benis
>Lech Kril assassinate
Zzz, how do you guys do it? I'm tired of just jewing it with Wukong
You're better off just breaking the shields and hitting their non-regenerating HP, or bypassing the shield altogether with toxin damage
it's not electric damage, it's the "shock" status effect
and it's done that forever
b-but I have a lot of trouble with shields
Thank goodness. This patch didn't nerf Nakak's huge vagina.
Its only good on sortie 3 (and sometimes sortie 2) with enemy augmented shields. In all other situations viral has a higher TTK on corpus units, especially if it can proc
I must've never paid attention to that then. Weird
I've got a bunch of Chrome tabs open too, but they start shitting themselves after I open too many.
It's an upgrade from 8.1 and I've got no particular attachment to 7. Classic Shell fixed all my issues with it.
Cold has a nice bonus vs shields, and toxin bypasses them entirely
How should I mod vaykor hek?
>Augmented Enemy shields S3
>Just kill everything instantly with bleed
Feels good
>tfw every time I see this I am reminded that the drawfriends have forsaken us and talent only pops up on ledditand all I do is make shitty edits
primed ravage/blunderbuss, the rest normal
if you don't have primed ravage, just level it to 30 and then switch back to the normal Hek for now
I like using a gas ogris on those
This is your time to shine, then.
bring a weapon with punchthrough and just shoot his backpack through his head until a tube falls off
take cover and he'll freeze himself, come out to shoot him in the face
rinse and repeat 4 x
after that the fire mode is easy , just keep moving
I could be a drawfriend, but my drawing tablet is broken. It's all up to you amigo
Whats the least resource heavy way of running 12 streams at once? Even with them all at 160p and muted chrome still rapes my computer.
So sometimes (most of the time) on the plains, my sniper combo counter completely resets after 1 second. I assume it's shitty sleek?
They pop up sometimes, some of my shitty reaction images have started circulating here
An user drew a little bit back, datareaper showedd up recently and did requests too
I've worked all kinds of jobs, in all kinds of places...
they can't nerf it, it's part of her character.
nova p and nidus/vauban
>minus impact on a impact weapon
primed (if you can) point blank, hell's chamber, seeking fury, primed (if you can) ravage, blunderbuss and 2 90% elementals. I use corrosive/viral + blaze
are there even good warframe lewds
im not worried about the stats, im worried about the weapon
you can reroll the stats so they're not shit
but nobody fucking uses the broken scepter
>Boar Prime has no polarity
is that even a question
these frames were MADE for lewd
Warframe on the switch never Nintendo blown the fuck out
prime ravage
prime pointblank
hells chamber
90% ele
90% ele
blaze/vicious spread/shrapnel shot
seeking fury
without prime mods its about equal with normal hek
should i stick a potato in my volt prime or wait until my nezha finishes baking and put in on that?
Mostly just SFM animation with glued on dicks
Sadly there is little worth saving
>8 ammo vs. 4
Volt Prime
literally go to any booru and type warframe
Does multitwitch work?
>I could be a drawfriend, but my drawing tablet is broken.
Are you me? actually I just can't find mine, I just moved a couple months ago
I also made a lego ravenous golden maw on lego digital designer and I was going to make a teralyst but mostly I just look for reaction-image quality warframe-related images and crop them accordingly.
>tfw missed drawfriend
>tfw didn't name pic related "WhyDidItHaveToBeRavenous.png
Nezha Prime
I like the BS Vs Corpus for infinite energy globes.
im on windows 10 and ive had tons of tabs open
16gb of ram. i set every stream to 120p and muted the tab.