/feg/ - Fire Emblem General

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>pull Ninian
>get +HP -SPD
>-SPD is the worst bane for Ninian
>no big deal, I'll use her for now but will fodder her for Fortify Dragons when I get a Ninian with better IVs

>pull Ninian again
>get +ATK -SPD
>well shit, this is worse than my first one, so I'll just give her Fortify Dragons to good Tiki, at least the +HP one can use the Panic Ploy seal meme

>pull Ninian a 3rd time while spending real money
>get +ATK -SPD again
Who's better to give my second Fortify Dragons to - Nowi or Fae or save for Myrrh?

(your waifu) pleasing horse cock!
(your waifu) drinking the flowing cum from it!
(your waifu) getting rammed by a horse!
(your waifu)'s womb getting filled by horse seed!
(your waifu) dropping everything at a moment's notice to please another horse!

Look it's Lucina's daughter.

dumb beaner just couldn't tolerate that we went over post limit without 2 or 3 new threads, huh?

(You) will 5* me user. Opposing me is Treason


Post your strongest builds

Is it true there's only 5* data for Arden? And Ayra only has 4* and 5* versions?



The bonus paralogue is BLOCKED

Unless you pre-order Fire Emblem Switch.

Daily reminder that arden has to be killed in one hit or he will kill you

Or you have to reposition urself away from him

So I pulled a +Att -Def Sigurd and a +Att -Def Deirdre.

Did I win the IV lottery?

Wedding and bedding Niles!

>Tharja spic OP

Just use a blue.


I want Deirdre to seduce me accidentally and then softly molest me!

Still have 9 friend spaces left, if you want to add me.

I'll leave it up to /feg/ to decide whether I promote you or not, depending on who gets first reply.


I wonder if they'll ever do what TABA does and legitimately make it so that all the good units are pre-order locked to the actual games

But how does Robin feel about being his own mother in law? How does Morgan feel about being her own uncle?



I want Deirdre/Julia retard oyakodon


>triple ploy
>renewal 4
fuck yes I will


my wife doesn't ride horses though


Go kill yourself.

What do with +SPD/-DEF Corn?

I mean I was considering it pretty strongly but if you insist Lord Arvis, well then I have no choice

Does it matter which units get which or should I be careful on who I give it to

Why don't you promote yourself to a Risen, fag? I have the Carbon Monoxide Seal right here.

I mean when I get 20k feathers again. Last few promotions I just post who I still have to promote and let first reply decide. I still have Narcian, Lloyd, and Ursula left to promote, and if we get Narcian before next arena season ends then he'll be a choice too.

Where did this public girl meme come from

>shit stats
>shitty prf that's worse than a bladetome
>wastes a slot on a non-inheritable renewal clone despite the fact he'll never survive being attacked anyways

Both Robins want to fuck Chrom and both Robins want to fuck Lucina so it's all okay.

play them

google translate of an official tweet

Feeding Deirdre to Arvis! Making Sigurd watch the whole thing!


Dumb Calphy brainlet.

Morgan's such a good little girl.

Trip back on spic.

>and if we get Narcian before next arena season ends
Arvis*, damn.

Ok so let me get this straight.

So the Black Knight, the most popular villain in the history of the series, has a DC legendary weapon, a BST of 169, and a unique uninheritable special that is a supercharged Luna. He is held back by garbage RES and being a 1 MOV armor.

This random swordswoman has a BST of 163, a PRF weapon that gives +3 to SPD and effectively bumps that up to 166 (while also being a SPD version of heavy blade), and a unique uninheritable special that's a speed version of Bonfire with a CD of 2. She does not have 1 MOV. She is held back by poor (but not sub 20) RES and...

Can someone explain what the fuck IS was thinking?

>not stealing another man's wife
>not also taking her daughters
Hand over your Breidablik, you fake Kiran.

Not mine, but really cool one.


>everyone rolling on new banner
>still rolling on performing arts banner since this is my luckiest ever banner
>already got 8 5*s out of it without spending a single cent

I'll just wait for the next hero fest to roll for Sigurd (he's prime hero fest material). I just can't stop rolling in this banner, every single 5* has been a good unit and I can't stop rolling them.

What's been your luckiest banner ever /feg/ and what did you get from it?

>shitty prf that's worse than a bladetome
Now you're just being a contrarian, user.

I unironically think Lilina is better than Tharja

barblade lnd desperation

I went to bed at 12 last night and only now have I caught up. God damn you guys made a lot of threads, but the hype was pretty real though so I guess I understand. Anyways, what sacred seal should I put on Sigurd, Distant Defense 3?

Post more. Morgan is the best slut.

Ah shit yeah I made that meme without knowing it last week

>Implying I'm ever going to play a cuck game
Fuck off grandpa :^)

Okay /feg/ I need your help because I am running out of time.

Trying to clear final stage of BHB with Axura, Hector, Takumi, Linde/ or Reinhardt but he is only 4 star.

I don't think I have enough time to grind SP to give Takumi BB+, or level up Reinhardt if I promote. My Linde has no SI at all right now because she didn't have perfect nature but she is there solely to kill that pesky red mage. I was using Hector to bait Minerva but so far they have been position to where I get hit by the FSL, Minerva and then FUCKING Maria kills me.

I don't know what to do. I finally pulled some good units a while ago and now this stage is fucking me.

Brave Heroes was godly for me.

Finally finished building this cute girl.
I hope her to be demoted so i can get a better ivs one and merge her eventually.

Xplain spur def.

I have a +res doot. That's at level 40:
50+6(db)+4(hone) attack
34(+4) res
Would glacies or dragon fang be better? I'd imagine dragon fang, right?

>Rolling Sigurd for SI


>+def/-res :D
Is she still useable? What good builds exist for her?

Distant Defense seems redundant. He's probably not going to get OHKO'd by literally any blue mage anyways.


2 dancers + archer

Who else /SpentallorbandnoSigurd/ here?

BK's still better because he can get meme buffs.

Ayra's easy top 3-5 swords though.

Tine is Ced's wife

Is draw back the best assist skil for defensive mages that cant use desperation. Im planning on building my deirdre alongside my julia but im not sure if i should make them too similar. I only have one DD seal so im not sure what the other one should have in its place too


Corn, not Femui.

Now that the dust has settled, are any of the Jugdral units worth rolling for?

Use mine if you wantIs a bit expensive but you can change LaD with Fury

thinking that she's a sexE whyfoo


Nice, what IVs? I pulled a +spd -res one I'm thinking of building because she's cute but LaD is expensive as fuck.

What is your opinion on this socially awkward hick?

by "good" Tiki you mean A!Tiki right?
im so sorry. put fortify on someone who'll stand next to fae and give her lightning breath so she can kill tiny hands

Sigurd is fucking unstoppable
Deirdre is a slightly better Julia
:D is like 33/37 and therefore one of the best possible blade tomes by far

All the new Jugdral's are great so yeah.

>not fucking their mother and then them, and then them all together, and then getting tri-cucked by all 3 of them by a couple of island niggers that drugged you with sleeping pills and fucked them in the next room
Do you even cucked bruh?

Sigurd's really good and Deirdre's basically just Julia with more res and a different tome effect

ayra fodder

While usually all units will appreciate the boosts, you should try to plan a bit around which units want the boosts more. Reinhardt really wants attack boosts so putting hone on a different unit works out better. Xander probably would appreciate more defense if you're using him to bait and counter so sticking fortify on a different unit helps him do that. If you have a bladetome Celicia you'd want fortify and hone on your other units.

When in doubt though just go full retard with attack boosts.

Fury or LnD?
and desperation of course

I got summer corrin and cancer after 100 orbs

Jugdral > Tellius

[Ohtomo Takuji] Katekano | Tutor Girlfriend [English]

I run her as a TT healer and the spur defense helps her bulk up whoever she just healed. I don't have that many threaten res to pass down to her.

fury and cursed lance stack, so not a a good idea

I'm Ced's wife

-atk +hp
Is kinda better than a -spd but still kinda sucks.
Thankfully Bladetome and Eirika support patch that damage a lot.
You can go with fury for budget


Sigurd is good
Deidre is just Julia but worse stats and have a situational tome
:D is ok

>This random swordswoman

Ayra was popular as fuck back in FE4's prime and is still very popular in Japan, and this even carried over to CyL where she was the second most popular FE4 unit losing only narrowly to Sigurd. She was also, technically, the first Swordmaster in the series in addition to being the first real female swordswoman in the series (Peg Knights used swords I guess, but Ayra was the first unmounted female fighter that isn't a Mage)

If FE4 had come to the West when it came out she'd probably be extremely popular overall.

the fury damage looks like it hurts paired with his lance, but i dont use the guy so no idea

Damn you the real boss