/feg/ - Fire Emblem General

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Be safe


Here's a pastebin of all the bestiality shit.
And another paragraph about (Your waifu) sucking one off
and a impreg version, which is basically just another line or two.

Where's Mia?

What the fuck were they thinking with Ayra

You ARE going to 5* me, aren't you, user?

Draw your whole deck

Arvis's voice is so sexy.

Giving nino twins!

TT when? GHB when?

>how do we make an infantry sword that isn't abject garbage

Show me another Green Tome that can kill the GOAT
>Activates Moonbow
>+10 damage dealt
>Doubles you
Just admite it, Julia, Deirdre and Nino suck


nino with gtb


How's +Attack/-HP on Sigurd?

If your daughter comes to me with +Speed/-Def or +Res/-Def, then I will in celebration. If not, then eat shit.

Yes AND I'll S-support you!


A reminder that this cute hick is for hugs and snuggles!

Nino can
Hell, Julia and Deirdre probably could too considering you're allowing specials

Come home pls


Luna will do more damage to anything with over 34 defense

Who is her husband?

Fuck off already spic. Your tranny is a shit unit.

>arvis singlehandedly beats the fuck out of 99% of dagger users by fulfilling their role on his own while also being a good combat unit
Based as fuck.

Please add, nighttime /feg/, I've got 8 friend spots left open.

Who is Veronica rolling for /feg and why

[/spoiler]I'm almost tempted to add more, man I'm fucked up.[/spoiler]

Wake that slugabed up!

shovel knight without his helmet on

>550 orbs
>nothing but off banner trash

>New red/green mage releases.
>Raul goes full defensive mode and tries to argue his shitty thots are better.

i married her

They weren't.

I don't know how anyone can look at someone who outclasses every other infantry sword until they're at 5*+5 (or *higher*) and not realize something was wrong.

How can other cavs even compete

but that's her daddy

Where is the 5* /feg/

Everyone because she is lonely

MU jr.

It's Jakob!

blue orb

The most broken units in the game! Any powercreep that happens is because Veronica rolls new overpowered units to try to beat the Kiran GHB! She wants you as a unit so she can 5* and Summoner Support you!

Top left

One of the Jo Bros. Isaachian sluts are built for Dozel Dick.

Should I roll on this banner, the dancer banner or keep saving for waifu?

On the other hand, beating daggers is no accomplishment


Deidre with 41 res +DD and her Glacies bomb.
Soniafags are idiots

So close

Anyone have the FEH sex grunt tier list on hand?

Why are Jugdral men so sexy wtf.

Lucina is lewd!

We out here

he can also take up the falchion healer role too

Merric's are the best.

>Julia and Merric
>Everyone else

that's my wife!

Not sure if this one is updated mate

>have a +atk Lyn
>have neutral Hanas and Firs
>Ayra is free
Mia when? I must complete my qt myrm team.


They should just delete daggers at this point

rate me new arena team

Nowi +atk -spd, lightning breath+, reposition, moonbow, fury, QR, panic ploy, DD seal
Deirdre +res -hp, divine naga, draw back, iceberg, fury, QR, spd ploy, atk ploy seal
BK alondite, reposition, BLACKED luna, steady stance, WoM, hone armor, panic ploy seal
Amelia +spd -def, slaying axe, draw back, moonbow, LaD, WoM, armor march, QP seal

mostly defensive units with teleporting BK and Amelia if need be, heavy on ranged debuffs

Go for it dude, not like it's going to matter if it's bad

based umayahara

What was the damage?

This tbqhwyf

Been waiting for today since launch

The only retarded part of Ayra's kit is the 2CD special she has, I have no idea what they were thinking with that.
Everything else (including the special's effect) is stuff people here have been saying would be cool to have in the game, and her statline is pretty normal for a memedon, very similar to Athena

Much appreciated thanks

>he didn't go bottom right
Your could-have-been Brave Lyn is disappointed.

Even without her special, her BST is high as fuck.

Keep up

Would you have tea with her?

got this man rolling for dierdre. who wants distant counter?

>not even +spd

What's in it?

Why are Binding Blade units the shittiest in the game currently?

Arvis is pretty much the best support unit in the game right now.

lol what a beta bitch

How to get as many people's dicks hard, and they succeeded.

Even if it weren't 2CD, people would just slap Galeforce on her or something. And still might.

Her tears

>no snacko
why even live

It was actually bottom right!

+Spd -Att

Is she fucking worthless?

Horse Roy and Fae are good.

Loneliness but also love

Just got spooked by Leo should I sad him for QR3?

I already gave the Thunder Twins, Ursula and Cecilia to be mages on my horse meme team... Is he even good?

Maybe it's supposed to be a holy blood stat boost? Even then it's not huge. She's like a +def/-res Athena

Accept the guy with the LaD Valter lead unit you fag

>Klein best boy

She has a BST of 163, and then her PRF gives another three speed points.

She's almost an armor with infantry movement in terms of statline.

You're still gonna use me right user?

Would Arden get along with pic related?

I would join her side if the game let me

Fought a team just like this earlier today doing my last minute arena run, except it was Sonia instead of Deirdre. Nowi suicided into BIke and the other 3 all died initiating on A.Tiki on a defense tile.

The problem with a team like that is no player-phase threat, so the person facing your team can bait each unit one-by-one into an ideal matchup and let them all kill themselves. Amelia and BK are both weak to red magic damage sources, and the former can be used to charge a special on a red melee safely to beat the latter. I would either replace Amelia or Deirdre with a ranged blue to create some danger.

wheres soren???

Yes Nii-sama because Sigurd never came home.

>have tea with her
>tastes like tears, blood and poison
>not nearly as good as Jakob’s
>Zacharias loudly grinding fonso’s ass on the next room
>she suddenly kills me because the voices told her to

Nah I don't think so. Tailtiu has minor blood like Ayra but didn't get it.

Should I?

>merric not tiered
cmon, step it up