Fighting Games General /fgg/
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wow skullgirls looks like shit
xrd for best team
>오시게의 딸이라 너프될일없음
>Cammy is Woshige's daughter, she'll never get nerfs
the koreans know
go play your anime, nii-san
Can you get banned for using Cheat Engine on SFV?
I know it has rudimentary detection that will terminate the game if it detects the Cheat Engine open but that's easy to circumvent.
I don't want to cheat or anything, just want to do some research.
>tfw no p-mommy gf
so does zeku have any moves that makes the opponent red like in leaks?
wtf i love woshige now
no, i dont think you can. either way try doing shit on a separate account
Korea is legit so pathetic Japan should worry about getting bombed if they make changes to the biggest money maker in the Korean economy
those colors are probably AE related or nothing at all
Capcom had updated models to use in SFxTk but couldn't use them ingame due to consoles, so they only used those in cinematics and pachinko machines, sad.
I wish my mom was asian
>Character is created with the sole purpose of being a playable Gill
>People completely ignore his existence and demand Gill anyway
Poor Urien.
Mai is literally Juggernaut going the opposite direction, Marvel should sue
Am I the only person who thinks the default costume for Abigail is the best one?
Solid mid tier team
Go away yanderedev
>due to consoles
how. downsampling assets around hardware limitation is a thing that's always existed with everything
Gill has a better design and is a cool character overall
what is this pic even trying to convey?
Gill's a gay mashup of a Greek Adonis and a professional wrestler. he's shit
Me too, would make the sexual abuse a little better.
Stop sexually abusing your mom
"Hey let's make a character with ice and fire powers because it's super original like light and darkness, opposites u know?"
"cool, let's start some brainstormin?"
"Nah, just paint this nigga blue and red, and re-use Urien"
how clean are your mix-ups, /fgg/?
I wish it was that way. All I want to do is play fighting games when I get home from work. Not fuck my mom :(
Yes you can. Don't use it online or you desync.
You wish you sexually abused your mom? It's not too late to seek help before you hurt the ones you love bro
List characters with pathetically ass damage (low tiers preferably but high tier ones are good if you say how they overcome it).
Gill is a master of the elements prophesized from biblical times. he also literally implies he's the reincarnation of Jesus
>reuse Urien
Urien was introduced in Second Impact you doofus
The PC version is never going to recover, is it? This sucks. Fucking Sony. Fucking Capcom.
headswapping Urien's nostalgia costume and slapping a new moveset on there with the same animations (like they always had) wouldn't be too much work
Oh yeah, Fuck Disney also.
such is the fate of all fighting games on PC
outing cheaters and beating them anyway is some of the most fun I've ever had with video games desu. don't be a scrub
Best skullgirls.
Literally the most boring designs
he went from near highest non-infinite damage in the game to nearly no damage.
>things that have never happened.png
...uh. user?
What did you think of the gameplay, if you've played it enough to have opinions. You're somewhat out of the norm in the games you play apparently so I'm interested
Jive does fine because of crossplay, Tekken's fine too. KI did alright apparently, had crossplay but it was with a dead fightan platform
Mahvel is just a failure
>playing video games
yeah I'm sure it comes as a shock
Give me all Thor tips and footage, going to play him and Sigma
You're being facetious and intellectually dishonest. Console users are down right paranoid.
>everyone but me is using a lag switch!
>that guy was on PC! Must be cheating!
luvcheez breaks his joystick during every game he plays
Skullgirls is pretty good. manual-mapped assists is fucking genius. art direction is weird imo but the sprite work is very good. people who want Cable should give Peacock a shot.
SG is pretty anime but nothing wrong with some simplicity my man
nice autobiography. do you have a copy I could buy?
spotting cheaters is easy if you aren't a fat dumbass and play games instead of just watching them.
>Dorm thorns beats Arhur's level 3
Just another reason not to bother with anyone besides the top tiers
so when does mvci update go live?
SG was made by like, a career MvC2 fan, an amateur artist, and Michiru Yamane. and that's practically it
define your life in one word
It's really telling how bad anime designs are when RWBY characters fit right in.
How do I play Black Panther? I have the character pass but cant select him or the other DLC chars. Playing on PC.
You're sad, and stupid. Average PS4 user lol. Go pull your white tighties up and put another notch on the internet arguments won board, you win kiddo!
He's not available yet m8
Should I buy uniel on steam or wait for uniel st to hit na?
I'm sorry you're so triggered. Might I recommend some Animal Crossing to decompress? Or maybe The Sims. those kinds of games are for people like you
moke is playing Black Panther, it's out for him
I feel you on the art direction being weird, but I love some of the characters.
>manual-mapped assists is fucking genius
Definitely, great fun. Probably helped with the smallish roster too.
That guy is our resident insane user. Please ignore him.
Hi ki-mikez!
or if those are too casual, there's always Persona to serve as the friend simulator for those gentlemen of more euphoric taste. perhaps your autism doesn't agree with playing it for a 40th time, though. try Dark Cloud
Does he play on Xbox One? Because the characters are only out on Xbox One as far as I know.
no one has an xbox over there, that's ps4 ui
who ultron sigma team here?
Maybe ask in the blazblue general or the steam official forums? They ought to know. I think the community is playing the latest version with JP copies.
>MvCI game what must cost 30$ for all stuff or be f2p
>It's cost 60$
>have season pass for 30$
>Have fucking costume pass for 30$
People still defend this LMAO
Who reality stone here?
>When you thought you were finally getting good because you won a couple of matches.
>Then you lose the next 27 in a row and wonder why your mother didn't have an abortion.
good ol fightan.
>no one has an xbox over there
I love this meme
I traveled overseas to play fighting games and beat someone who owned a 360. it was console of choice back then even over there.
you are one fucking retarded weeb. I pity your gay mom.
>he doesn't main /ourguy/ of vappa triggering
I'm overall neutral on this but my autism is fucking triggered
Either call him kikez or do the usual hi mike shitposting but don't combine the two like that it's fucking awful
that's why i Jive and get all chars for free
>you are one fucking retarded weeb. I pity your gay mom.
Man, what? I was telling you to ignore
>that sweater
would buy
How do I become asian?
>71 sales
>outsold by the ps3 a week before that
Xbox is to consoles in japan what Guilty Gear is to fighting games.
Sometimes i wish Christ never touched man's finger
>xhe mains orca stacks
tell me you don't do this
I beat extreme hell with abigail and almost died at stage 97 with a dropped combo but the ai didn't block the last part of it. I spammed jump HK as a meaty and reset with online about 10 times. I recommend just waiting for arcade edition when they update this shit, I'm sure they will by allowing multiple powerups.
its on amazon.
Get the fake buckteeth and pull your eyelids back