/dg/ - Destiny General
First for I don't even play Destiny
So what are the changes? Is the raid out yet
fuck off retard
>People that cap C on Emperors Respite
What the fuck is with these cunts? Can't you see how it just makes you lose in the end unless you're so far ahead?These cunts need to be dealt with
Fuck off retard
Well, /dg/?
Fuck on retard
there are things on this list that are wrong. also this list shows some bias
What is the one thing you miss most on that list /dg/?
Well what? It's a half assed list that includes random things some of which aren't even "regressions" given the definition at the bottom.
Fuck off retard
>need 300/305 legs to get Titan to 305 for 3x305
>Flashpoint - Arms
>Clan EXP - Arms
>Nightfall - Arms
>Call to Arms - Chest
Daily challenges are effectiively bounties. MIDA quest is a Gunsmith quest. Rerolls have been out of the game since 2015. List also ignores Sparrow Horns.
Whoever made it was a fuckwit and is trying to inflate the list.
>Alpha Team still runs this thread
literally only for seven more days!
What said give me back my fucking random rolls Bungie it’s a large reason I played your shit game for so long
Is there a good set of Warlock gear for resilience and recovery?
What's the least shit hunter set? EDZ?
you mean one more day? Xgods are going to slay alpha cucks when prestige raid drops
fixed to only be actual issues and/or valid complaints
>thinking this makes it any better
Whats wrong with it?
Nessus gear.
>What's the least shit hunter set? EDZ?
FWC gear
>It isn't an issue that they'e removed player choice of selecting what game types they want to play in crucible
I really don't see how it is, besides, it makes matchmaking way faster
its way too early in the morning to be sucking that bungo cock this hard m8
Because it's removing player choice as an option, and it's especially terrible since D1 had so many option for what to do in crucible, yeah sure, some playlists weren't very populated but that isn't an excuse to remove gametypes and choice as a variable
>play BTB in Halo 3
>sometimes it's Slayer
>sometimes it's CTF
>sometimes it's Assault
>these should all be their own playlists
nope. I'm totally fine with jumping between gametypes, desu
Actually playlist population is exactly the reason those options get removed.
>reset day
>don’t want to do the NF there’s no point
>can’t do the raid until tomorrow
>PvP lmao
this is not okay
It's still not a good reason to completely remove choice from the equation
I'm genuinely surprised there's seemingly not going to be a big balance patch or something akin to that before next Tuesday.
Why? What kind of retard are you?
I just hope they embrace the popularity of Overwatch's custom games browser for when it comes to implementing D2's custom games
gee, I wonder why, you dolt.
reminder that if you don't own every exotic, you're a casualfag
So you're actually retarded then? Why would they put out a balance patch for a game that's not even out on all platforms yet? Christ, fuck off retard.
because shit like having one single weapon with a TTK half of that to the next fastest is dumb no matter the platform?
There isn't a weapon like that in the game though retard, unless you're crying about being killed by a sidearm when your within sidearm range.
Exodus crash is hot garbage.
Is he stealing a TV
Can you shard from outside the game? I need to get rid of all the dupes I've accumulated over the past three weeks.
nope, DIM only allows transferring and not sharding.
What's the best way to order my shit in the vault then? Right now it's a major clusterfuck. I just vaulted everything purple and how I have too much to handle.
Click the sort button on the side and decide which one suits you best
The vault auto organizes now.
You can change it on the left side of the menu, right by the items themselves.
tfw no fulminator gf
>What's the best way to order my shit in the vault then?
make a post on Reddit asking Bungie to add better sort functions and group sharding for after tagging items and hitting 'delete all'.
>posting on reddit
I would rather do it by hand.
>people unironically want random RNG rolls back
Fuck off
I'm with you, user.
It would be better than not having anything to work towards like we have now.
I just want mods with perks on them for fucks sake.
>cant remove multiple shaders at once
>have to delete all 200 atlantis wish one by one
I wonder if we end up with exotic mods and that's exactly what they are
They should just overhaul the mod system so we can customize weapons the way we want. Fuck RNG rolls. People here complain about RNG Engrams and you want RNG weapon rolls back? Give me a break.
>exotic mods, w/ actual perks
>two artifact slots w/ a multitude of RoI-tier artifacts to obtain
>ability to toggle individual skills on/off in sub-class trees
>3 hunters
They like playing at a disadvantage
>D1 introduces weapon re-rolling
>everyone rolls the same weapons the exact same ways to end up with the exact same loadout bar none
>everyone complains about it so they remove it
>"wahhhhh why don't we have weapon re-rolling again"
its like everyone who plays this game is legitimately retarded.
They should allow armour stat rerolling or even better change mobility so it's not garbage
Rerolling was a bad idea as HoW proved.
Mobility being not garbage is a good idea though.
>when you woke up without a full IB set
What's the best shotgun? I wanna shotgun people.
>rerolling is a bad idea
So what, do you people actually just want your effectiveness in both PvP and PvE to be determined by a dice roll? What the fuck do you people want?
Do you want pew pew, headshots at distance, or power?
I don't know that feeling
Power. I want to blast car sized holes into their torsos.
Get acrius. Insanely wide spread and over penetration. It can and routinely does teamwipe people clustered together. Only draw back is its range is maybe 10ft.
Fuck I need to do the raid then.
FWC feels too bulky for a hunter
Which hunter gear provides the best recovery?
It's kind of a neat pve reward in how it's really an ideal pvp weapon rewarded for completing high end pve. A definite answer to any raider looking at a full set of raid rewards and wondering "what now"
are the festering halls the best location in the game?
>deliberately wanting to look like shit
my festering balls are
I like Destiny general too.
>tfw still no xbro to quickfang the edz with
Getting rid of all that pointless shis has made D2 better than D1
t. normie shitter with a fulltime job, wife and kids
How did you know?
He fucks your wife doggystyle while playing Destiny when you're at work.
I pray to Quickfang everyday
Mechaneers, Raiden Flux, or lucky pants?
Did they fuck with my Uriels Gift? Shit doesn't seem as broken now.
what is don holding
Looks like booze
Why does Better Devils feel weird to aim compared to other Handcannons?
Anyone want to do the nightfall?
>h-hehe I'm so alpha
>tfw no xbro to crown-splitter the edz with
Why is crown-splitter the worst sword in most scenarios?
>Rerolling was a bad idea as HoW proved
Rerolling wasn't bad. Shotguns and Hand Cannons were the only things people rerolled in the first place.
Also nobody even mentioned rerolling they said they said they wanted random rolls or mods with perks on them.
Does it? I think Better Devils feels great. It's pretty much all I use in pve
I-i like it
is there a single Destiny YouTuber/Streamer that's not a fag?
Why tho
>check nightfall
>exodus crash
>>sharded mine before I realized it was unique
I barely used it, but it felt clunky compared to other swords. Unless it hits like a tank, I'd rather run with the raid sword.
>Exodus Crash
These threads need to die
>Nightfall is Exodus Crash again
What's worse?
>wwwwwwwwwwwhhhhhhhats up guys, it's ya boy
>hey guardians