Definitely not HOHOHOHOHO edition
Definitely not HOHOHOHOHO edition
Other urls found in this thread:
best cow
xth for my wife Syndra
>I hate Lux!!!!! Why do people say that she comes from demasia.Honestly she comes from hell and she came in the game to burn the mid
"We have a champion coming out that agrees with you....
Opps, forget I said that!"
WHAT THE FUCK did they mean by this
fuck blonde sl00ts
Relentless Sexual Aggression Tier: Evelynn, Ahri, Vi, Nidalee, Leona
Teasing and Control Freak Tier: LeBlanc, Syndra, Orianna, Lissandra
Definitely Dominant But Not Quite As Sexual Tier: Elise, Shyvana, Sejuani, Zyra
High Tier: Cassiopeia, Karma, Katarina, Vayne, Diana
Mid Tier: Jinx, Akali, Fiora, Caitlyn, Riven, Miss Fortune, Quinn, Sivir
Low Tier: Lux (some Elementalist forms are much higher), Ashe, Soraka, Janna
So Submissive She Can't Even Talk Tier: Sona
>tfw knowing Illaoi will never get a skin and if she does it will be meme garbage like dunkmaster
Noxus with a fire weapon
>win 2 matches in a row
>reach promos for silver I
I'm fucking nervous
I don't know if I should play more matches right now, feels like I'm tempting fate
is this a good enough champ pool for top
anyone i should replace?
what is this skin
what have you tried so far :>
Some jealous bitch that hates Lux because she is prettier and smarter than her.
Girls loving girls!
>tfw no qt petite gf
rate my ahri top build
Rod of ages
The rest is tank
>Get a pussy team who refuses to fight ever
Is this the most infuriating thing in LoL? I don't mind losing if we at least put up a fight but for fucks sake stop running away from every fight that you can't clean up with a single auto
Get a true tank as a pocket pick
Who /CSashechroma/ here?
Fuck riot for making us wait 5 weeks to get it.
>ranged top laner
fuck you
>Not a lulu thread
Thank you based Zed poster
Reminder that femdom doesn't exist in any way, shape or form outside of male fantasies
>qt mage grill who hates Lux
It's a shame Vel'Koz already has an evil version of Lux's kit gameplay wise
I'm not Zed I don't know what you're talking about.
Ranged top laners are fine,just ask your jungler to gank
Aryan women are the enemy according to new riot
can someone explain it to me why TSM have such big fanbase and why people likes them please?
i'm watching esports since s2 championships and i liked them before kicking oddone but then they became very unlikeable team for me i can't understand how people can like doubleshit, sven, hauntzer or that one support guy which is replaced every year
there is many nice teams like IMT or C9 even CLG is cool
t. eufag
Can someone explain to me why it makes sense to make Demacia an elective monoarchy when Swain had literally said that Jarvan IV and his whole family was handed his position and undeserving to be rulers. I know blah blah that's old lore and not canon any more but that was a defining trait of Demacia and one of the reasons why Swain despised Demacia. If Demacia has elective monarchy Swain wouldn't hate Demacia if you knew anything about his character.
>20 games in match history
>15 of them are defeat
maybe i should just uninstall, this game is the most frustrating shit ive ever played
Leave WE to me.
Awwww fuck you can already tell the """cool""" female mage they are making is going to be some sassy negress using ooga booga black voodoo magic
Top 2 most years. Promotes their brand massively through streamers and being in a bunch of different games. Buys "superstar" players.
They do very well in the NALCS and they're just a big name that people recognize. It's like when the world cup rolls around everyone who knows nothing about soccer starts rooting for Brazil
I used to like them when they were all about baylife but now they're boring and soulless, adding bjerg was the beginning of the end
Swain is filthy liar, that's the answer you needed
Lulu is the cuddliest! THE CUDDLIEST!
Rate my support runes
Don't give up user. I believe in you.
Mix up your picks a little, maybe its just you got a little rusty on a champion.
I expect Sneaky will give first blood and Impact will not be at any teamfight...and then somehow they'll win because of luck. Only to lose in semis.
>but that was a defining trait of Demacia and one of the reasons why Swain despised Demacia
You dense fuck.
So I got Soulstealer Vayne in one of those Orbs. The thing is that I dont have any essence and I dont own Vayne nor do I find her interesting. What do you say? Do I get it and feed with her or disenchant?
>meme garbage like dunkmaster
Then what do you want?
>modern riot
>find imgur album of lolg posters
>all of those girls (male) and twinks
holy shit
you guys weren't kidding when you said this was the gayest general
>Top 2 most years
But the highest they ever got was third in season 1, they've been irrelevant ever since.
elderwood, grave lord, dragon sorceress, all good options
Is a sin.
i dont play illaoi and dont give a shit about the character, but always felt like prison guard illaoi would be neat concept.
This so much. If the next champion isn't a minority I will upload my nudes on here
Why would anyone even hate Lux in-universe?
>no klepto
no fun
Buff Caitlyn
Demacia was objectively a divine right kingdom so why would Swain hate Demacia and Jarvan now? Because they hate magic? That's way lamer.
Elise makes my dick horney
why hasn't there been some porn of her x nid scissoring in their new skins
>gays shove themselves down people's throats
>straight people are normal and keep their body to themselves
>"clearly, this album of gay people who posted on /lolg/ proves there's mostly gay people here"
xth for breast metal waifu
xth for the smile that will brighten your day!
>Another edgy mage
Letting Shurelia leave was the biggest mistake they ever made.
You're a sin.
Holy shit someone actually read the gigantic wall of asshurt and butt bleeding Swain's thoughts were during the judgement and actually thought they represented the real lore.
No fucking wonder Riot had to stop writing lore through judgements and journals, people obviously can't pick up on the most basic shit.
Get it just for rarity's sake
I mean we don't know what Swain would think until his VGU. It could also be because he would consider Demacia his greatest threat because they are both inclusive and difficult to invade. They can't use their renowned mages against Gallo.
Demacia was a constitutional monarchy even before the lore crushing
>so why would Swain hate Demacia and Jarvan now
Noxians hate Demacians and the other way around too
really nigger? Name one other general that spams trap nudes as much as this one does. How new are you?
No damage for Q spam
Champion roadmap when?
I love Camille
Link my friend
I'm going to the store, you guys need anything?
So this is pretty much the official /lolg/ Pick 'Ems setup right?
does overheal count lifesteal?
also whats the best tryn runepage on pbe?
>one guy posts gay porn once in a while and gets banned
>one guy posts remi
>the entire general spams traps apparently
We don't even know what the fuck Swain is. His background has always been "lol mysterious". Who knows why he hates Demacia and Jarvan in particular, and specially now that he's in line for a big rework and retcon. But it was obvious that what he thought during the judgement was supposed to be completely biased and show that he goes frothing at the mouth at the mere sight of Jarvan, not that Jarvan is undeserving. Much less now that they actually have to win the throne.
How are these runes for darius?
No new yordle female I guess....
Precision is better.
I hate when people are super undecisive ive seen this happen so many times
>5 v 5
> our team pussies around they engage kill one of us while the team just runs away
>when teammate is dead THEN they go in
Get me some Kraken in that nice ceramic black limited edition bottle
C9 will defeat WE.
FNC will defeat RNG.
SKT will defeat LZ.
Does new eve do 0 (zero) damage or am i just a shitter?
>Ahri vs Zed
No matter what happens one will fed out the ass and afk instead of playing safe. I really wish I can ban these two to save me a loss.
>Mix up your picks a little, maybe its just you got a little rusty on a champion.
I play everything, but I dont think I'll be able to stop the enemy ADC from going 5/0 at 9min, I don't think I'll be able to get rid of that non-level 30 guy in my team getting matched against plats
I'm seriously not having fun, I can try as hard as I can I'll always end up losing because of stupid shit, I have no control over anything because I have to play with 4 other people, my MMR has gone to shit because of that lose streak and the more I lose the worse it gets.
I think I'll just go back to osu, at least it's skill-based not team-based
We have to go deeper.
Same as old Eve. Snowball or be a fucking noodle
So Blue Kayn is pretty much a meme when you have shit like this right?
To be fair if you read JoJ and Swain's judgement you can see from a third person view that Jarvan was an asshole though one with a good heart. A jerkass with a heart of gold basically. Similar to how Jayce is now. I don't know if they changed that personality in his new lore but though Swain was incredibly biased it wasn't like Jarvan was completely innocent.
C9 have once again accidentally earned a seat at the adults table and will once again be swiftly escorted out of quarters 0-3 by their opponents
Booties only get you to targets, I feel like you either want sticking power from Phase Rush, Glacial Augment, or Fleet Footwork to stick until you get full stacks or raw damage from Press the Attack for targets that can't escape you. Maybe Dark Harvest so your resets can easily get multi-kills.
>twisted memeline
Demacians are very skeptical of magic. Most of them don't even believe it exists. And those who do are terrified of it. It's because Demacia is located around a lot of and was built out of Petricite so magic is very rare there. Lux has to hide her magical powers when out in public, because if her secret got out, people would hate her or be scared of her.
Who wouldn't hate demacia?
Shithole country of people that hate magic and think they're better than others but also have Africa tier punishments for petty crimes and also government sponsered duels where nobles families kill each other because someone hurt their feefees?
meant to write "received". They didn't "earn" shit.
>if you read JoJ and Swain's judgement you can see from a third person view that Jarvan was an asshole though one with a good heart.
The only minimally assholish thing J4 did in the JoJ was publicly tell Garen to fuck off. And it was an emergency because Garen was about to ruin his plan to solve the situation at Kalamanda.
And in the judgement J4's only fault is cheating for the trial, and it's because his father forced him to. His own thoughts reveal that he wanted to play it fair and square, but then he might have actually died in Swain's ambush.
All they have to do to fix him is remove the healing on his wall walk. There's no reason why red kayn needs a heal on every single ability.
I have a very small penis.
Which ADC would be the best choice for someone in with my "situation"?
Tristana. She's tiny enough.
Now im ready to play!