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where were (you) when Arvis single handledly saved GHBs from extinction

Cum inside Cumilla!

Thank you based orb bearer.

>her tits bounce in that armour
>her hair is completely motionless even though it'd have the most bounce to it



Time 2 apologize haters, FREE Japanese voice pack


anyone have any good builds for this guy? pulled a +atk/-res one

>Alongside free downloadable Japanese-voice pack
Now they have to give us Japanese audio for Fire Emblem Switch, right?

>free weeb pack


>forced to do those shitty "do 10th stratum while doing a handstand 80 times in a row" quests just to scrap for orbs


I hope we get some more orbs soon, I blew all mine and didn't get Sigurd.

thats pretty good!

>tfw in around 12 hours I'll finally have him

I want daddy Travant though!

>her hair is completely motionless
You are literally blind. Her hair is flopping all over and even clipping through her tits.

>le Jap audio

Even worse than tryhard contrarian weebs insisting on using Jap names.

Fuck off brainlets

>now jap audio is bad and nobody really wanted it except for raul

brilliant historical revision

Damn, maybe if it was content for a good game I'd care.

>nowhere near a feasible armor or flying team ready to do those quests
just give the halloween banner so i know if he's coming soon or not


nobody wanted this game since June you dumb warriorscuck

That's a cute toy. I bet she was really happy when you gave her it.

I wanna have very sexy sex with Deirdre!

......So this looks like a one-turn clear. Yellow and B is Brave Lyn though she's probably unnecessary. I wonder how they'll mix up Infernal.

Japanese voices are fine as long as you don't mind some generic anime voices.

Her eggs will reject your sperm and will accept another man's sperm quite easily

>sticking in mentally damaged goods
have some decency

>a new season
>another 14 horse teams that need to be beat deathless on maps with 2 layers of breakable walls

Tell me again why we still play this cancerous shit? There is literally no excuse for the bullshit that is 3mov, especially when the trees placed in arena maps literally only hinder infantry and might as well not exist to horses

I wonder how many meme builds we are gonna see. I'm gonna feed him all the red tomes

So tonight we get the Arvis GHB and a free Arden via the Owl?

>Japanese voices are fine as long as you don't mind 90% of them

I've actually been preferring Heroes in english in general lately, the profit from gachabucks is letting them afford a wider range of VAs and probably better direction too

Nigger, how the fuck is different audio gonna make this a non-shit game?

It fucking sucks that I am more interested in the DLC than the game despite the DLC pulling from the exact same games.

>I'm tired
>My feet hurt
>This armour is heavy (but not as heavy as my crown)
>I wish I had my axe..
>I wonder what Samson's doing right now

The problem with the dubs aren't that they're in English. It's that they're cheap dubs that had nothing put into them in comparison to the original audio.

There is reinforcement you dumbass

BK and a 4* Effie did that quest for me. You just have to reroll till you get a good match up for what you have.

>1 boy away from the ultimate gayboy team
>can never roll him

What's the non-meta dream team you want to make but can't roll the units for?

They will have high Def and Res because they know everyone has blue nukers and CYLyns.

They'll probably carry Distant Defense seals too for maximum trolling.

>Brave sword plus
>Hit and run
>Hone cavalry

As if, he comes stacked you fucking brainlet, Why do you ask stupid shit like this

>the original audio.
Weeb detected

>free Arden via the owl

What? Why would it happen?

Wanted Deirdre got Julia...




post arena (you)s

Retard question. Does putting a bonus hero on your defense team increase the score you get from a successful defense?

>Ursula's coming back
>got rid of my Ursulas for Death Blow before
>now no one really needs it

What will I do with that slut once she comes again?

He's apparently a gift unit.

there are on reinforcments if you do it in 1 turn, the map end right away, that why story defends often have 1 unkillable unit

>because they know everyone has blue nukers

I hope you aren't talking about blue mages, because aside rein good blue mages are behind 5*.

i mean for his A slot. i have everything else put into play already.

good taste


Good taste, user.

I agree. Some still sounds like street hookers and random people they pick up from the street, but they are in general becoming better in quality of character.
I agree that some of the english voices in FEH was horrible. But Echoes was actually one of the best dubs I've heard in gaming.


50 orbs

[ ] Roll for Deidre and Sigurd (already had Julia and Seliph)
[ ] Roll for Axezura/Inigo/Water's son (already have Olivia and currently at 3.50%)
[ ] Save for Halloween

Japanese voices ? Niiiice.

>killing five enemies + reinforcements in one turn

Some maps end once you kill everything in one turn, like Legion's map. Not sure how this one works obviously.

I think so too. They won't make it that easy. Also I wonder if Brave Archers can trivialize this again. IIRC the guy who post videos of Brave Bridelia/Setsuna + 3 Dancers has never missed any GHB with that team comp.

I only need a Raven for this. Haven't seen him in any rolls yet.

You didn't fuck her, so I forgive you.

I want to build a Sophia. Is making the free neutral one into a raven tome a good idea?

I forgot how cool Raven is. Way cooler than that aids ridden gayboy Ike. Damn, are Ike, Soren and Mist just the "Reddit" versions of Raven, Lucius and Priscilla?

where do you get that from

Im gone for 3 days and the first post i see is from a retarded tripfag.
Fuck this place.

How do we know this tho

Source? There's nothing about that on their twitter.

and.or his special but i'm thinking bonfire but idk

roll for dancer banner

this is some football shit


When is she gonna be playable?

>projecting this hard
Jesus, can you be any more transparent about your closet weeabooness? I personally prefer the jp voice acting because english voice acting quality has gone down the gutter in the past decade or so, across the board (games, cartoons, whatever).

save, and roll at the last 3 days, if there'd be halloween you'd know it and not only have more orbs but know what you want maybe
otherwise dancers since it's limited


I have abandoned decency! Only a desire for self destructive pleasure fuels me!

You dastard!

When breeding becomes a thing.
Hope you've been S ranking them heroines son.
Now post the axe pegasus.


is a meme. Roll on the dancer banner.

lol, retard

I agree.

Close defense is one of the best skills in the game especially for sigurd.

Now, if you're like me, you kinda want as much speed as possible, right? But fury hurts his sustain and that's the only other A to consider. Really, yo can Chuck him into a Mon and watch him shred, so fury hurts that.

Me, I'm using the speed + 2 seal for a solid 34 speed and using Deirdre (supported with him) to soften enemy speed to he can double with speed ploy.

>forty-two (42) new images


But Ike doesn't want to fuck both Mist AND Soren like Raven does with Lucius and Priscilla.


If you really want one of the dancers, wait until the last day to see if anything is announced, then roll. Otherwise, save.

Close Defense 3 and Distant Defense 3 on him makes him one hard nut to kill.

Leveled up those 2 sluts
How to build them and make them serve different roles ?

Good taste

okie doke. thanks. what do you suggest for his special?

>How to build them and make them serve different roles ?
you don't
just use them both for arena assault

>everyone expecting Arvis GHB
>instead it's the Ursula rerun tomorrow

Somehow Bike and BK are the key to getting tons of defense wins, over 30 combined the last two weeks, already 2 today.

inb4 "I'm just pretending"