/dfg/ - Dwarf Fortress General

Helicopter ride edition

Previous thread >Download the basic game here. Current version is Dwarf Fortress 0.43.05

>Official forums:

>Find a bug? Don't tell us! Tell Toady! Complaining in the thread will accomplish nothing.

>Have a question? Check the wiki first:

>Fireden archived threads:
boards.fireden.net/vg/search/subject/Dwarf Fortress/

>Dwarf Therapist (Standalone is out of date, use Starter Pack for 43.05):


>Starter Pack:

>More DF stuff:
Modanon's Mods: dffd.bay12games.com/who.php?id=3558

>Dwarf Fortress General IRC chat:
(to connect yourself: webchat.freenode.net #dwarffortress)

>A bunch of guides to various parts of fort-based living:

>Video tutorials:
youtube.com/playlist?list=PLD1A3FE72C0DCAC66 (Dated, but good)

>Text tutorials:

>This pasta:

Strike the earth!

Other urls found in this thread:


Do strong needs provide any benefits over slight needs, or do they just need to be refreshed more often?

Just got a message that my clothier has been missing for a week and iv got no clue where the fucker could be
Should I just make a slab and forget about him?

If they're missing, they're dead.

my novice woodcrafters keep making masterpiece bins and doors, is my crafting station bel

is DF wiki down or something?

its been down for about a day now

well.. time for Fun i guess

What's the range of marksdwarves? i want to build my entrance through a colosseum where anything that goes through it get execution by firing squad.

Make masterful golden statues, also golden crafts to sell.

>Closing my bridges to an impending invasion
>Military stationed inside to catch stragglers
>Axdwarf breaks formation and goes for the goblins anyway, clinging to the walls to get over the moat
>Gets pelted with arrows, falls into the moat and drowns

Fucking retarded dwarves hold formation

Do forgotten beasts just spawn completely randomly in caverns or do their numbers increase the deeper I go?

I wish I could still make organic forts like that, now everything has to be in their own z levels and shit

Aren't forgotten beasts pregenerated during worldgen?
You probably could technically kill them all but there's just too many of them.

Pretty sure FBs can be generated and spawned at any time. Megabeasts are the ones that cannot be.
Not sure about Titans.

FBs and titans are both generated in worldgen. the only notable difference is that FBs are underground. in history gen, they only attack mountainhalls and fortresses, and in-game, they only attack from the caverns.

megabeasts are raw-defined creatures with the megabeast token, and thus not generated at all.

Also titans are set up in worldgen params while forgotten beasts are fixed, presumably based off world size.

Why do dwarves assign coffins to dead dwarves/pets the have no accessible remains?

it's just automatically done like many things.

10 already? you're almost the proper age for fucking

I wanna fuck toady

What's your go-to Intelligent Wilderness Creature in Adventure mode?

Polar bear man

>Currently, due to a bug, a restrained animal will keep the restraint on their upper body if it's deconstructed while the animal is still restrained. This can be used to "equip" your beasts with decorations, such as spiked chain collars or lavish ropes, but has no in-game effect.

Well shit I know what I'm doing in my goblin zoo.

Intelligent wilderness creature? You have furries in your game still?

DDD < three doors, sides first
+W+ < leave a pillar for the middle door
Remove the pillar once the doors are built.

The hallway at the bottom of this picture has doors like this.

the first time I saw this tileset, I was disgusted. however, at close look, I can see the appeal.

I'm really starting to like those floor tiles, you see. the combination of walkable and unwalkable hexagonal tiles serve to create a pretty complex spatial impression. you can lose yourself looking at it.

Sometimes your first instinct is the right instinct

Will jewellers decorate furniture thats already been placed or only whats in stockpiles?

Only loose furniture. They don't touch stuff that's been built/placed

Thank you

You can deconstruct the furniture and encrust it and put it back later though. q over it, x to mark it for removal, and a dwarf wil come and "convert" it back to a loose item. Good for gold statues and so on.

>tfw no stockpile settings for unencrusted/undecorated goods




Instead of shit like this toady's working on some bullshit rumor system that is 98% likely not to work and will be probably abandoned 2 update cycles in

I hate to say it, but it wouldn't be Dwarf Fortress otherwise.

Yeah, I know, but still. Makes me a bit sour about it

If only he'd make something interesting like chemical reactions or magic

hitting that point in your dwarf fortress learning curve where you realize this games actually a buggy broken mess.

is this part of the !FUN!

Just fought off my first siege, it was only 10 goblins, only injury was a fisherman taking an arrow before he could get inside
Can my dwarves wear all this spare goblin clothing I now have?

Probably, they can wear anything that doesn't have the "LARGE" prefix, that's for humans and trolls.

i consider myself quite adept at dwarv but i dont think there are too many bugs. or perhaps im just so used to working around the bugs?

im hitting the point in my learning curve where im starting to mod (i considered this cheating before).

saw a streamer spawning items to build his forts the other day and figure i might as well cheat for once just to do some very large scale projects

Toady's been VERY transparent about when and how magic will be added. Artifact and Myth are first (and will include a fair bit of magic, esp. magical materials and creatures), and then iirc full on magic.

Yea I think it's learning to work around the bugs that's so shocking to me.

Finding out that marksdwarve bug of the combat/training bolts was shocking.

Finding FPS death while draining a lake was frustrating.

Now I have a 50+ goblin siege with trolls sitting outside my base, and maybe 15 dwarves in my military. Is this possible to defend?

but what about gunpowder

how good are your dwarves at killing

what are your weapons made of

what weapons are we looking at

the myth arc will be THE magic arc, as I've understood it.

just look at everything under "Creation Myths and Magic Systems" on the development page. he goes through pretty much everything you'd expect in terms of magic and magic related features.

>Now I have a 50+ goblin siege with trolls sitting outside my base, and maybe 15 dwarves in my military. Is this possible to defend?
Depends on the training and gear of your dwarves. If most of the squad is a historical figure due to one of their combat skills ("great" or above) and their equipment is iron or better then they won't have much problem.

He's sorta against gunpowder, but he's hemmed and haw'd about adding it when discussing naval combat since he thinks it would make it more interesting, but he isn't sure because then that opens the entire gunpowder can of worms.

I kept the walls/floors but the rest I replaced with the superior vector ones.

How do you build linear walls without a single "special" guy building one right in the middle, suspending the entire row left behind? I tried what it said on the wiki with the LIFO method by making the one at the very end the last one I placed, but they completely ignored it and built in the middle.

Is there a way to make my dumbass militia take off their stupid wool shoes and gloves and put on armor and gauntlets?

well, I still think the walls are shit. I hate when non-square sets use fake diagonals. especially since I've actually succeeded at making perfectly fine diagonal walls for my own non-square set.

it's just the floors I kinda like.

"Replace clothes" instead of "over clothes" on the uniform screen. Don't forget to update their uniforms in the equip screen once you've changed the setting.

nah, but the myth arc has a lot of magic in it.

The magic arc would actually involve societies of spellcasters and so forth. The scholar system probably lays the groundwork for this.

>The magic arc would actually involve societies of spellcasters and so forth.
did you even read the fucking dev page? this is exactly what toady has spent the last year talking about.

>New wizards beyond necromancers: by race, by skill, by object, by corruption, by deal with another power
>Wizards that wander
>Wizards that live in isolation
>Wizards that form groups (councils, covens, etc.), must have rationale (group magic, mutual protection, research, etc.)
>Wizards that involve themselves with civilization


>Wizards that form groups

societies of spellcasters

>and so forth

and so forth

Toady mentioned guilds at some point for dwarf mode. Imagine having a masons guild and building them a rape dungeon with robes and rituals. Cant wait.

Gunpowder on its own isn't that bad. Plate armor and arquebusiers existed on the same battlefields.

Yes but in a game like DF, the inevitable result is PCs figuring out 101 ways to blow shit up.

Granted it barely matters since triggering cave ins is already the ultimate weapon, and deadly dust is pretty close.

I have far too much of the 'tism to to accomodate the changes needed for a true diagonal set instead of the clipped corner version.

What is exactly the significance of these guilds?

"You conclude your performance. You are still surrounded by cackling."


From dev page (bay12games.com/dwarves/dev.html)

Fortress Subgroups

Skilled dwarves should form guilds
Dwarves with similar religious views should formally associate at times
Guilds and sects should be able to make demands for meeting halls, temples, specific furniture or the resources and time to prepare their own furniture, statues of specific gods throughout the fortress, etc.
Dwarves that have grudges or personal altercations should be able to drag their groups into it
Removal of guild dwarves from their professions should result in trouble between the guild and the currently appointed manager/leader
Various benefits to having a well developed guild or sect are under consideration

That picture pretty much sums up every attempt I make at RL socialization

>Removal of guild dwarves from their professions should result in trouble between the guild and the currently appointed manager/leader

Pretty sure my forts will see a lot of purges of Fisherdwarves and Cheesemakers when that update hits.

>you may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

Were they hostile?

I was starting to wonder why I should even bother with a cloth industry but then humans stopped coming because I keep getting goblin sieges those seasons.

Notice the story text? I was a bark scorpion man, bogeymen are friendly to anything with the [NOFEAR] tag.

>examine random dwarf
>he's wearing full set of bright green masterwork nonsense
That's the reason to have a cloth industry.

Good to hear Urist
>Finally get good enough to embark on terrifying areas
>Weaponized undead giant elephants
>Lose whole fort to a piece of undead skin and 2 strands of undead donkey hair because a bug makes them so small that attacks phase through them making them invulnerable
>Know I could kill them using DFhack but just accept my fate

We already have that in mods though
Economy update when? Considering we already had it he should just big fix it and crank that out real quick

So basically what we already have in some mods then, neat

Cloth industry is redundant except for cloaks
Just draft your whole fort into inactive squads and give them leather armor for clothes instead. Better protection and because it's armor it won't decay, unlike the clothes.

Nothing like that really, other than the last line.

I think he said he was going to work on boats before or in the same update as economy.

Now I want to eat cheese

member boteposter?
>i will post bote until toady adds bote

What features that cause the most lag?


multi-tile trees

No, he's right. Myth and magic is a single update cycle planned for after the one we're about to get, which is the artifact update. The myth generator and magic generator that he's showed off at literally every con he's gone to in recent memory are the same generator. He hasn't even talked about them as separate concepts because they're derived the same procedural system he's building.

Guilds were already a thing in DF. If the wiki ever comes back you should read about the economy system that was scrapped after 40d. Guilds were a part of that trainwreck.

Ah ok

Birds. With my 100+ z-level tower fort, the presence of a kea will drop my fps below 10, even after I went to the trouble of overclocking my cpu and dumping 3/4 of my fort's items into magma to get my fps back to 30.

Hey, how do you build an outside fortress? Not that I'm a disgusting star-worshipper, but I don't want my entrance to my actual fortress to be covered in goblin blood and werewolf guts as they find their way straight to my barracks.

First thing you'll want to do is dedicate a couple of masons to just making stone blocks, and make a bunch of wheel barrows so other dwarves can get stones to the masons' workshops.

Use up/down stairs as scaffolding for large constructions.

If you're going to make a perimeter wall for your marksdwarves, put a roof on top so they don't just hop over the fortifications to engage the enemy in melee combat.

make sure you add an overhang on anything you don't want enemies climbing up. look up climbing to see what you need to do.

>blocky steel greaves


nice tileset btw

Yes, vanilla. He used a phyllite block for the cabochons so I guess that's where the "blocky" part came from, I've just never seen that before.

>Use up/down stairs as scaffolding for large constructions.
Bad advice. Bridges are faster, safer and more efficient.

Artifacts have a chance to be foreign items, including the ones with random descriptors that generate for angel entities, which is what that is. It's the same as normal greaves.

Toady's been sorta vague about what "era" DF is in and I think he's looking at a more "Cuirass+Mail hauberk" period than a "fullplate" period

There's pikes and enough solid armor to cover the whole body, though you can't make formations and weapon reach doesn't matter.

So can you affect the world when you embark? as in flooding the market with certain goods in trading, helping another race by supplying it with weapons and army...

Not yet, the full economy isn't implemented yet.

sadly not right now. everything that leaves the map just disappears into the void

That's all economy, which doesn't exist right now. It wasn't as detailed as that when it did. That's all planned for the future, though. Check back in 5 or 6 years.

So history generation happens only at word creation even if you make your fortress last hundreds of years?

no, the world still keeps moving and shit happens. but you can't effect the world economically right now. next patch you're going to be able to send dwarfs out to do missions and shit