>Heroes FAQ and Links
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>Heroes FAQ and Links
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can't wait for the new battling Alvis banner tonight, people will be outraged
nothing personnel Sigurd
*Blocks your path*
I'm not implying anything other than you shouldnt throw a bitchfit about not being able to kill a unit that's 100% designed to not be 1rkod be any mage in the game with that very type of unit. That's his entire thing.
I want to be softly molested by Deirdre!
that animation is fucking LIT
>4* merge redditors actually exist
hopefully in the upcoming TT
Does Green Tomebreaker and Trinangle Adept work together?
holy shit, even the correct special line
who made this and how?
Redpill me on Brave archers
Anyone have a download link to the Thracia On Drugs hack?
The Hacks folder in the FAQ was taken down.
>be Sigurd
>get summoned to a new world after my death
>see my wife getting all lovey dovey with yet another man
>don't do anything about it
Breaker skills don't give weapon advantage, they only let you attack them twice, or to quad them if you're fast enough/using a brave weapon.
>with 17 def
>Have to resort to glacies or iceberg for maximum damage
>on the BBQ man himself
This isn't right.
Fuck, should I just give sigurd DC?
>716 score for an arena match, the highest I have had yet
>think I'll finally be save from the cancer
>B. Lyn+10, Reinhardt+10, Cecilia+10, Azura+8
Ah well that sucks.
>not making them S-Rank each other
>I trust you.
Give me one good reason why not?
To be honest, these looks like shit.
Why is Xander so ugly?
Theory: next TTs won't have seal rewards but units instead, like Arden this time, and they'll add new seals to the forge instead.
The color on xander looks good, but his face doesn't fit
>my fifth unique team to clear infernal bhb
I swear if you fuckers tell me to grind more SP, as if I don't have multiple builds learned already, I will go PSYCHO
> I lived like I wanted!
Why is that boy so precious?
We don't need anymore dirty hookers in heroes.
>Valflame has the spinny triangle from FE4
when did IS become this based?
His level 40 quote is some cuck shit
He probably won't mind if Deidre gets plowed in the hallway by all the male heroes
I mean, I really shouldn't have to because it's basic-ass math but sure
Notice how atk+3 and luna together become a contender because of the quad effect of the breaker
why do these remakes all look so shitty
I was joking user put DC on sigurd. its his best A slot
I think you need a better explanation on Steady Breath and Heavy Blade
SB: If the enemy initiated, everything that would lower your CD by 1, will lower it by 2 instead. The enemy hitting you, and you hitting them.
HB: If your Atk is higher, when you hit them, your CD will lower by 2. Regardless of who initiated.
If both skills are present, it will lower by 2 whenever it can. As often as possible, but not by 3. Brave Roy can already do this, but usually doesn't for obvious reasons.
List 'em
Grind SP
>Pressure Ploy
>if hp is 5/3/1 higher than opponent in cardinal direction, reduce their mov by 1 (cannot reduce mov lower than 1)
arvis GHB is coming tomorrow you fucking idiot
Doesn't it mess with Crusader's Ward though?
Remember when /feg/ said
>just get high enough score and you'll avoid the horseshitters and dancers
Yeah, they were full of shit because the average /feg/poster is a t17-18 false flagger. Fuck you /feg/.
I gave mine melon crusher
Make the underside of his gloves white instead of dark blue, like his legs
>Sigurd still looks good.
>Xander looks like shit.
The City of Nohr
not against Rein, who he should be worried about anyway
high end arena is all armor and bikes its easy mode lad
whoops I fucked that up. Far right image is suppose to be this
just make it gravity ploy instead and have it apply gravity effect
t. scorelet
Why does Sigder look like Dio?
You can hack in any units. Just don't do it on your account where ISIS can see.
>only inheritable by armors
>Can't be inherited by cavalry
There, I fixed it
Which of the following should I do?
A. Try going for P!Azura on the dance banner with a 4% pity rate
B. Go for Deirdre with no pity rate
I want to impregnate black Eirika!
Um no, Deirdre is for me. She shares a room with Julia.
Julia's room is my room by the way.
yes please
Ah, the colorscheme of a person who gets lots of alts.
>before you reach the promised land you have to break through +10 cav hell
I-I'll make it someday lads...
full summon on dancer banner until you break pity and then do 2 full summons on the fe4 banner and then snipe green
Grind HM
Damn he's strong.
yes yes goy, be sure to keep paying money for merges so you'll avoid the horses
>siegfried vs nightmare
Sigurd is just Percival at this point.
>rolling for Sigurd
>no red
>guess I'll roll for public woman
How high are we talking here? What score? I'm sitting comfortably in T20 but all I face are horses and dancers.
What score is that?
The issue with QP is that it's only useful for one encounter and provides zero buffs afterwards while +3 attack is there for every single hit AND the special. The meme duel simulator isn't going to show the value there because you're not taking a full map into account and just one single fight. The value isn't there for QP unless you're trying to meme wins in arena defensive games, your brave sweeper is much better off with +3 ATK.
Personally I like using QP on my secondary damage dealer in the arena and I use it on my utility character in Tempest Trial. It's amazing in TT because you can always keep your special up on units that don't attack much.
>never got a banner unit
I agree, it should've been one of the fire AoE specials instead, fits better to his character
So I messed up badly. Anyway I can get out of this?
I'm in the same place. It's hell. But a bit more and we leave cavs behind entirely.
not necessarily. The hot spots are the scores that match you up against either unmerged or +10 cavs. I think something like 693 is between those two and is thus easier.
Always prioritize limited units.
Shadow Dragon versions of units are going to come with huge amounts of powercreep at this rate. Can't wait for SD Marth with the Fire Emblem prf skill and SD Caeda with Wing Spear.
>losing to AI controlled armors
You deserve it.
>Average pony user
>already have sigurd and his memory challanged hippie wife
>roll for blues because I have 0 good blue tomes that aren't on horseback
>+speed -res
>4th 5* lance cav
What do I do with him? Just give him a decent A skill and throw him at reds?
Man his eyebrows really just disappear with the light blonde hair
>cavmeme shitter can't beat armormeme ai
git gud
>cavniggers losing
He's very good at firesweep/brave memes
>Ayra is going to be on a second genealogy banner.
>losing a unit
Regardless, cant your Olwen bust Ike's ass?
very true. Going by numbers alone even on a custom meme simulator can be misleading. You've gotta check what exactly changes. If QP lets you 1-round gimp someone important that you couldn't otherwise then it's probably worth it for arena use.
And yes. QP is excellent for TT
Unless your Olwen can oneround that Effie, you're fucking dead kiddo
hit with owlen, drawback/repo, and then hope vantage on ike kills her you shitter
I'm going to say above 720 personally.
718 and 720 matches seem to give me +10 Thundercock and +10 Lightning and +0 dancer from time to time. If you lucked out and got a 726 point match, then it usually isn't like that.
>leaves his sword in range of Effie
>can't even nuke effie out of existance with bow/blade cav memes