/srg/ - Speedrunning General
Other urls found in this thread:
list of truly skilled speedgames:
If your game is not in this list, it is a piss easy memegame.
"fuck you dumb autist," i say as i close one stream to open zfg's, and then proceed to post in this thread
why did you delete?
nice blog, Beneziaa
>no XCOM
>no Hotline
DsS killin it in Cuphead Tbh
why didn't you sage?
alttp is a piss easy meme game, though.
thanks for the late response!
Game: The Simpsons: Hit and Run
Grind Monkey: LiquidWifi
Truly Skilled: RobotCrocodilz, Duke_Bilgewater
thanks for the late response!
zfg is playing on a modified rom. it's not reasonably possible for someone to be so lucky with dampe.
Duke? /srg/ is literally wrong about everything
>oot community announces that a romhack to first try dampe is now accepted
>this results in more completed runs and more tailored competition involving things other than rng
>tfw cosmo at agdq2014
Why stop at Dampe?
I don't fucking run OoT, lmao. You tell me.
It's not a modified ROM. It's a GameShark code, and it's been confirmed for many years now. The only reason he hasn't been publicly called out on it is because the only people that care about his precious meme category are also massive nuthuggers.
We have to get our boi wq on the cse.
who is we?
who is wq?
lay a fat stinky meme on my chest, /srg/
specializing in one game
randomizers, they're going to completely replace the stale meme known as speedrunning
You have to specialize in one game if you want to be any good at it.
Unless you run piss easy meme games, then you can get like 5 wrs.
does werster count
He runs piss easy meme games, so no.
lmfao these are hilarious
I know, I fucking love monkeys.
Thoughts on PJ?
Runs piss easy meme games that his stupid viewerbase thinks are hard.
Beat his time then
t. piss easy meme game runner trying to bait people into playing his piss easy meme game so he can pretend like his game has competition
define meme game
Anything that isn't SM64.
>he le broke it again xD
This will never not be funny
This won't never not be unfunny.
>clint does it AGAIN
Wow she's actually kind of...cute.
no you're not, narcismo
now a pic without the wig
>game for children
>not a meme game
Nice try.
so the only non-meme game is the tree's game? being able to rent a car is the true distinction between boys and men
>so the only non-meme game is the tree's game
imagine being this butthurt that someone dropped your overrated game for autistic children and still beat diddeh even after months of obsessive posting
thanks for the late response!
lying incorrect butthurt freak can’t handle the exposure
Goldeneye is tough to watch.
No it isn't
Yes, it is lol. It is the pinnacle of mindless grinding
somebody should let grindxcucklet know
nah, your obsessed posting for 3+ years is boring and unfunny and doesn't apply to the actual runner you're obsessed with
*bonobo howls*
stop spamming this erp shit
*banshee screeches*
stop spamming this monkey role playing trash, you are not funny and its been over 3 years. boring.stop posting
>de hippie spacing
why did you delete?
thanks for the late response!
>people falling for witwix's "suicide" posting
Post your speed contribution documents
why didn't you sage?
>mr shasta
>temp wr in superstar saga glitchess
>hopefully sub 3:40 one day
>any% wr holder comes along and gets a 3:32
>mr shasta
>temp wr in new metriod game
>our boi mirby mastah blows him out in one run
>"boo hoo i'm getting kicked out of my parents house, this is such a big life change for me!"
>his parents are still covering all of his living expenses for a nice apartment so he never has to work.
>Hippie changes his name to some gay shit like Pichi
>Thinks anyone will call him Pichi over Hippie
why didn't you sage?
>they just want him to get the fuck out and will do whatever it takes
thanks for the late response!
>sonic 2 is a meme game
thank me for the late response and shut the FUCK up after, slut
thanks for the late response!
>not a meme game
Who is the speedrunner you wish could come back?
>a game's dimensions qualifies its meme status
>super mario bros 1 is a meme game by this standard
go away stream monster this is a thread for adults
>super mario bros 1 is a meme game by this standard
it literally is lmao, even more than most 2d games
Cosmo (male)
except it literally isn't, you might just be a little bit retarded
>hold right and jump with RNG simulator precision tricks that work once every 800 attempts
>not a meme game
> that work once every 800 attempts
so you're a casual, then? why are you here?
that's for the top runners. ask any of them how likely fast 4-2 is to actually work on any given attempt. it's a literal RNG simulation.
give me your definition of a non-meme game that doesn't have RNG shaping its run in any form
>that doesn't have RNG shaping its run in any form
Who said RNG doesn't have to shape a run in any form?