Vermintide general /vtg/

New game got a shit-ton of info so let's try and bring /vtg/ back

>What is Vermintide?

>Vermintide 2 trailer

>Reveal Stream

Other urls found in this thread:


thanquol was here archaon is a loser

A keep is less comfy then a inn, but that practice room sounds great

You know, this is a small nitpick, but I wish just for once vidya devs would realize you don't light a castle with fucking torches, you use lamps.

Complain to the devs, maybe they'll make lamps an upgrade or something.

I appreciate having a Vermintide general again, but we literally have nothing right now. Should have just made another thread on /v/, the one earlier was pretty good.

Grimgor Ironchad>>>>>>Archaon the Evervirgin

I imagine it will barely survive, but a new DLC for game 1 is coming out soon as well.

which career would utilize Bok the best?