/dg/ - Deadstiny General
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>spend all week grinding fucking shitty iron banner
>XD now dont forget to do your call to arms guardian!
fuck this shitty fucking piece of shit game
post ships
>destiny population dropped 400,000 since yesterday even though today was a milestone refresh
>exotic ships don't have exotic spawn effects
6th for ded game
I haven't even gotten on since Ib ended desu
I want to fucking kill myself this game is boring as shit, I just want to finish acrius quest and I’m dropping this dumb game
k keep me posted
Joff is a pillar of the community, and you guys need to show your respect. My only hope is one day joff blesses me with a kind word or two.
the young pvp god we truly are not worthy of him
good i hope this game fucking dies
any game that forces you to play hours worth of the worst pvp ever fucking deserves it
This user gets it. Honestly, they should kick zippy out of alpha shitters so joff can lead the team into the golden age.
>enjoyed all iterations of Halo PvP
>enjoyed Destiny PvP
>enjoy Destiny 2 PvP
Feels good not lamenting what something isn't and enjoying what it is, desu.
Fuck off, people should be upset being tricked into buying a piece of shit for 60+ dollars
Does anyone need an extra body for anything non-raid?
>needing milestones
305 with all exotics except darci. I ain't doing shut aside from prestige raid
What is after beating the prestige raid, the Acrius quest requires you to beat each challenge mode?
I could see Bungie doing it.
Halo pvp only worked on 30 fps because of how slow paced it is. If they took sprinting and really fast movement supers out of destiny is could have potential.
>enjoyed D1's pvp but ultimately quit early because didn't have time to play the game
>play d2, have alot of time not but pvp sucks ass and already maxed out on all characters in just 300 hours
Feels bad
>create a group on lfg specifying 295+ nightfall
>people ask for an invite
>ask for their LL
why do these people think they are slick
>lost two million players in a month
Were you doing prestige?
what are some good secondary SMGs?
>hop on to do public events
>see guy with the emblem
>he's done 980 heroics
>only done 480 heroics
>people still call me a nerd when they see it
The good SMGs are kinetic.
Use a burst side arm for close range energy weapon.
what's the best titan set for res/recovery?
>Despite recent mass suicides my KD is still better than it has ever been during D1
PvP in this game is piss easy, even solo.
Titan Future War Cult set is the best for res and recovery, gives 0 mobility.
You need mobility for strafing in pvp
is that it?
Crown Splitter is a great sword. If some day we get ahamkara armor sets in the game I can actually cosplay this fucker.
>using any shader with the nessus helm removes the black visor
fucking why
It's the only one I know of, It's called Simulator, I use the full set except for helm, where I use skullfort.
4/6 for fresh Leviathan
Anyone under 300 in there?
Are by any chance a complete fucking retard?
3 of us at least. Last faggot hasn't joined yet so I'm not sure.
im not joining if you so nonchalantly call people the f word
blacklisted retard
mic req?
gb2 leddit, nigger faggot
Metro shift fampai
more or less
still 4/6. C'mn, it'll be fun
How many of you have done the raid before?
you have to be 18 to post here
>Jason, Marty and Joe doing commentary over Halo CE
>before Activision pushed Jason into firing Marty and scrapping Joe's D1 story
bby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more
>wearing dragon bones as a Titan
Kill yourself you disgraceful fuck
Still 4/6, and we're at the gauntlet now
i get way too much nostalgia pain from these old halo docs
>capping C on Emperor's Respite
>HDD space required: 68gb
I was hoping it would be around 50 so I could fit it on my SSD
9 (nine) more long days for the pc version and then i feel bad for you 30fps 65fov nigger nuggets
>tfw only 100gb SSD
i can only keep two games installed on this small piece of shit at a time and it’s usually just flavor of the month + OW
Wow there is like actually no one online in this game
ded game
there's no reason to play until prestige raid drops or at least for there isn't
Who unironically regrets buying the season pass here?
Nvidia just dropped all the pc settings
weuw lad, shame they didnt get MSAA working.
>he's buying destiny 2
It is we who are sorry for you my uniformed customer friendo
Nigga, 6.
I didn't complete my milestones, I did 2 crucible matches and decided I'm done
I'm just curious, when DLC drops in the future I'm considering switching from trapper to gunslinger. Please teach me the ways of DPS and boss melting
it's very hard to quit for some reason even though the game is absolute shit maybe im too far in
>1070 runs fine at 1440p
nice all I needed to know
>that console vs pc fov
Oh i am laffin.
>also runs FWC w/ Skullfort
someone tell me who Bungo sacrificed to the gods to get this game so optimized
Didn't they source the port out? I could of sworn they did.
if I remember correctly from the beta the pc "port" was literally handled by a different studio
ah yeah I remember that now too. At least they were competent enough to let people who knew what they were doing handle it
If this is true it's actually going to make me angry that people will praise Bungie for it
>stomping both premades and randoms in IB, easily able to carry
>crucible weekly engram milestone comes
>back to reg crucible
>premades every game, weapons hit like marshmellows, quitter every game, etc.
>lose forever
So why exactly isn't IB the regular crucible? This vanilla shit is not fun at all. Crucible is premade to win, IB actually took skill.
I'll give bungie praise that they knew to get out of their own way. They deserve that. A lot of companies don't.
I feel like they planned for this
everything about this game was designed like a netflix series, its just algorithms and behavioral scientists coming up with ways to extend usage beyond the sum total of what the parts are actually worth
they were expecting the dropoff to happen this week, and will be saved by cucks that waited for a PC version
that's the reason for the PC delay, to bolster the expected drop in numbers
I wont praise them for it but I'm happy they realized they hand't made a pc game in a decade and realized "oh shit better not fuck this up" and outsourced it
it's hard to quit because you're exactly the type of dumbass casual that game was made for
yeah you're probably right
it's could have, you fucking neanderthal
bungie has literally never made a pc game. Halo ce was done by gearbox and all their 90s games were for macs. So yeah, they would have probably fucked it up if they tried making it
that’s pretty damn ingenious Luke Smith surprises me more and more every day
No bully cuz i no speak so gud user. If I lie and say english isn't my first language does it make you like me more? Or less?
most companies outsource the PC port but after review bombings have become prominent, and the Arkham Knight debacle companies started outsourcing to more decent studios
less, since that means you're most likely to be a shitskin.
Thank god. Now if they could just make console's with somewhat recent hardware the whole thing would be easier.
user, i'm white, thank god.
>also running scathelocke
i prefer the astronaut arms on my femtitan though
This is just painful to watch. Most games tend to grow for at least a couple weeks after launch before they top out and start leaking players. For bungie this shit started Week one. Which is fucking weird, even D1 didn't hemorrhage players this badly and we had no seasonal even. We had Queen's wrath launch month which was literally just recolored bounties and that was it. There was genuinely less to do than D2 by far back then and we still stuck around more.
I don't understand why bungie is so fucking weird, think about this, something as brainless as ensuring that smart look is still in didn't happen. But they actually went out of their way to improve the exotic ornament system so you can now shard them as soon as you get them and they're applied to your account so you can use them infinitely.
They made a massive improvement on IB by making all the gear available with each event, but then they removed the vendor ability and you're just fucked with the lack of smart loot.
Every step forward is accompanied with two steps back and its befuddling because when they do something right they do it amazingly, but when they fuck up, shit turns almost unsalvageable.
2/3 for some nightfalls
hopefully Sony and MS don't become complete jews since Ryzen and Vega are available and are very capable hardware
Hit me with that r8
Delete and make female hunter