Destroy them at level 2 edition
Irelia is our next rework:
Destroy them at level 2 edition
Irelia is our next rework:
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FACT: Assassins make the best gf's.
Jinx is my dainty little sweetheart
they also make the tightest gfs
So if I play Quinn like an assassin I guess that counts
Best girl.
Best hips.
Best wife.
modern SKT feels like S3 C9
>feeds early game
>stomps late game no matter what
>implying Akali will be your gf if you're over 10 years old
You forgot the fact about her being a braindead little boy lover.
xth for Futaraka
Karma is perfect for breeding and racemixing.
*leans closer to mic*
Relentless Sexual Aggression Tier: Evelynn, Ahri, Vi, Nidalee, Leona Illaoi Magma Fire
Teasing and Control Freak Tier: LeBlanc, Syndra, Orianna, Lissandra Camille Storm Dark
Definitely Dominant But Not Quite As Sexual Tier: Elise, Shyvana, Sejuani, Zyra
High Tier: Cassiopeia, Karma, Katarina, Vayne, Diana
Mid Tier: Jinx, Akali, Fiora, Caitlyn, Riven, Miss Fortune, Quinn, Sivir Air
Low Tier: Lux (some Elementalist forms are much higher), Ashe, Soraka, Janna Water Nature
So Submissive She Can't Even Talk Tier: Sona
Mystic is garbage
I want to marry Xayah!
>the limit is 15 deaths the first time
>dying even 14 times doesn't count
>no need for going afk
>adjust the system so that it takes into account the games lenght
>ywn cum inside of futaraka's vag while stroking her horsecock to orgasm
The darkest of timelines this is...
>Akali will never lead you by the hand into her bedroom so she can teach you a cool new trick called 'sex'
>ywn make beautiful mulatto babies with Karma
Reminder that vlad is for being femdommed by vayne
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
3 of my 5 sups today didn't build sightstone.
Which Super Galaxy skins did you guys get?
None because they're awful?
>ywn be a Noxian soldier invading Ionia
>ywn rape your way across the continent, impregnating dozens of Ionians
What? Super Galaxy Annie is cute as heck
>you have to be a normie to not post cringy fanfiction
Did this yesterday and it was kinda fun. Post your mobalytics and guess mains.
xth for breast metal waifu
Add a post-game statistic for how much gold the enemy team got from killing you
Singed clearly
Xth for Malz being free elo until high Gold
Guys Annie Bot hasn't streamed or posted on Twitter since the 10th, is he ok? His last tweet was about the fires getting close to his house
every time I get a midlane jayce they died like 15-20 times
how does that even happen? Jayce's range is so damn long that he doesn't even need to be in danger unless he wants to be
it pisses me off, I can't believe I have to play auto fill support in matches like that where people straight up feed for 30 minutes
the day that vr interfaces directly with our brain and is nearly indistinguishable from reality will be the greatest day for humanity
Sona lore update when?
It looks like absolute ugly garbage in game. Easily her worst looking skin and I don't know why anyone would buy that shit when it makes absolutely no sense on her anyway. I'd rather buy Project: Karthus than that low effort attempt to suck money out of Annie players just like they did for Ahri/Lux/Ezreal/Janna mains this year.
Changes you never noticed until recently because who even reads skill descriptions anymore?
>Ashe ult only stuns one enemy instead of all of them.
>her shots no longer count as crits
When did this happen?
He is gone the FBI caught him redhanded.
He asked qt and other streamers to remain silent so he doesn't lose his popularity.
No one likes Sona.
He's like an abstract representation of a concept
but he's also a talking catfish in a hat!
>ywn become the Ghengis Khan of Runeterra
>ywn be written into Ionian history textbooks
>ywn be the great-great-great-great grandfather of half of Ionian citizens hundreds of years after your death
>feel bad for taking 100 wins (200 games) to get to plat 5
>meet someone who is silver 1 with 450 wins (900 games)
Only Rumble's is good. Corki needs one too
Would you date a Fujoshi user?
gz please
>No Akali and Kennen ss doujinshi
Kill me man, why does fucking nobody do doujinshis for this game? Overwatch has been out for a year and it already has higher quality doujinshis than League. There might just straight up be more than League's ever had already
Super Booty Shyvana is the only one with any right to exist.
playing bot lane makes me want to kill myself. why cant we just go back to s3. its so fucking boring now
>the effort put into the MS paint Kraft peanut butter
It always makes this shit feel too fucking real
years of hype and the robot fight turns out to be a bunch of scripted garbage. time to off myself.
My girlfriend's a shutin neet who plays loads of league.
how many wins tho
>ywn breed Karma again and again until she is broken and turned into a cock addicted breeding sow
>Shyvana will never sit on your lap with her incredibly firm ass
you mean season 1
>you will never go back to trying to craft the best kill lane that can compete with blitzstar
stuff like j4 + lee sin lanes were fun
thats whacky user
I started in bronze 3
just any point before this mobility creep garbage took over the game
damn, well at least you made it
Where's Ahri cuck? I want to talk to you about your wife on discord.
If only.
Who's worse, Genji or Yasuo players?
>ywn put her on display during parties, showing off how the once proud Ionian was reduced to nothing but a mindbroken Noxian babymaker
VR might be a long ways away but why the FUCK is there not a fapfic based on this picture with powerful milking dragonpussy muscles
Ashe was the reason mobility creep had to happen and she was original 40
>we thought j4 and shen had too much mobility
>kalista and yasuo happened
Hey, is there money in writing fapfics on comission?
>tfw I mostly play champs without mobility or only have MS buffs
shit like xayah's ult should not exist on an ADC, ezreal's blink was bad enough but now we have literal untargetable ADCs, that's fucking retarded.
Riven was the original mobility creep champion
only if she was Lulu
I hate Kalista especially. She snowballs really hard if you fuck up and they need to remove her slow.
I doubt it, at least not anything there. I'm too broke to pay for anyone to write that, and I doubt anyone here is worth paying much. if they're actually a writer worth paying they have better places to look for work than this dump.
What adc do I play if I want my support to abuse me
tfw low elo and will never have to deal with a good kalista
w-what was LoL like before?
I started playing last year
she had the same mobility but it was mostly held back by her shit itemisation
part of riven's mobility cancer funsies is the 20% she gets from black cleaver who's also in general a good item
back in the days she relied on brutalized and then scrapping random items that gave AD and would fit in more or less
No tiamat, no BC (and even in S3 it didn't give 20% cdr yet), no deaths dance...
the thing I find funny is that they always talk about counterplay, but then release champ after champ with untargetable x or invulnerability y. It's so fucking frustrating playing anyone that isn't metacancer. honestly about to quit because of the state of this shit
Depending on where you offer commissions. I'm sure you could go on tumblr and start offering cheap, short smut stories and some sorry SOBs with disposable income would throw a bit your way for something to satisfy their degeneracy.
Well I don't necessarily mean in this thread. I just mean, are "comission fanfics" a thing?
so, what? all adcs need to be totally immobile turrets? that seems kind of bland.
>ywn make her beg to be fucked by everyone at parties while treating it as an honor to pleasure those who use her
Everyone walked around. Everyone had a shield. Everyone had point and click abilities because aiming is too hard for nostalgiafags
A very different game and it's hard to just say "how it was"
I suggest watching the recorded Worlds games
S2 was pretty interesting but you can watch S1 and see how much people were clueless back then
xth for Syndra
every champ was broken as shit but in their own way. meaning you could get completely stomped one way but if you play to your own strengths you could turn it and stomp them
Probably, if you're good enough and willing to appease people's absurd fetishes, like says.
I secretly hope for the guy who wrote the morg fic to write the shyvana/zyra one I want
when we start getting untargetable tanks just remember this post
this is fake news, shyvana is only in heat and aroused when her man (j4, who's my self insert, so me) is here
I suggest you delete this post, noxian