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Raging fires surrounded Tharja as she finally slumped the ground, defeated before the superior might of the Roten Ritter. After passing out, she was taken to the dungeons of Velthomer. When she awoke, she stood up and turned around to the presence of the duke of Velthomer himself, Arvis.
"Well well, Plegian, it seems you've fallen victim to one of my cunning ploys. Surely an accomplished practicioner of the dark arts should've been able to handle a little fire? Or perhaps one as skilled as yourself meant to fall into my clutches like this? After all, I hear they call you "The Whore of Plegia" in certain circles."
"N-no, that's aburd! My body is for Robin, and Robin alone!" Tharja cried, visibly blushing.
"Well, none of that matters in the end anyway. You are in my dungeon, and my prisoner. You will learn to bow to a superior sage such as myself."
Grabbing her by the bangs of her long, black hair, Arvis tossed Tharja to the ground and immediately forced himself on top of her, exposing her bare chest and lower body as he ripped at her clothes. Tharja tried to put up one last act of resistance against the duke, but was promptly slapped back down to the ground, and as Arvis firmly clutched her lithe hips in both of his hands, he began to violently thrust his rock hard cock into the Plegian's tight pussy. As he kept hammering at her womb, the both of them grew hotter and hotter, Arvis in particular as his Fjalar blood burned inside him. His face a visible mix of exhaustion and pleasure, he held down Tharja by her shoulders. Arvis audibly groaned and Tharja weakly moaned as he began to pump the dark mage with wave after wave of his Loptyrian seed.
Shortly after Arvis finally regained himself, and walking out of the cell he looked back towards the spent Plegian.
"Tharja of Plegia, for the crime of opposing Velthomer, and the continent of Grannvale, I hereby sentence you to death. Guards, put this whore to the blade, one as low as her is not worthy of dying by my flames."
how much until Arvis
5 minutes
>the virgin 5* vs the chad 4*+10
they are totally diferent, brave lucina work as a buffer for non magical weapons and also can tank pretty well thanks to her defensive stat.
elincia is a full time offensive unit, the only way she is good is being a glass canon.
Less than four hours remain.
Trip back on.
Linde and Deirdre are both light ane different colors.
Odin is blue.
If you're in here user that got me momma Julia, I decided to pull that green.
I just don't know if I should pull more or not
Post the one with Robin fucking Morgan
How many feathers do you have ready for this?
I need another good green mage honestly, all I have is Sonya. A good blue mage would be fine too though, since I only have Robin for that role
Even if he's red I'll just be happy when we finally get him
Wrathful mech loli. Should she have swap too?
>gonna go to bed before daily reset
>wake up
>read all the shitposting about who can't clear his infernal stage
It's been too long since a new GHB. Sometimes I feel we need large amounts of shitposting to keep this place from dying.
0. Just used 20,000 to promote Priscilla.
Holy shit my dude. You MAY get her husband but I think she may have moved on to a new man.
3 hours 40 minutes
maybe someday
Almost 120k
I got a fuckin uhhh -hp +spd Sigurd how did I do?
Because it makes my dick hard. Why not?
Cook him on a grill in a few hours.
Just over 60,000 ready for my emperor. Got some fresh Hinatas lined up too.
you're gay
12k but I have a thundercock waiting to get promoted too. Will have to see who gets em.
I just promoted Roderick.
I rarely use infantry anyway, he'll join Valter in the " I swear I will promote him after I promote these horses" pile.
>Good green mage
90k, but will only spend 20k as I decide if I want to fix my:
>-atk +res Camilla with a Neutral One
>-def +spd softboy with a +spd -hp one
>Give 4th merge to Henry
>Give 2nd merge to Virion
>Give Wa Dao+ and *5 my Navarre
>Save for best boy Arden merges if he gets any sub-5 copies
9300 for his 3* version.
Nice of them to give us 2k from Infernal at least.
Good taste
Dude I pulled one of those reds and it was Hana. I dipped and now we have this....
Fateswakening dark mages can use anima, which is what Odin uses.
0 for him, though. I ain't paying 20k for a glorified healslut.
Oh fuck. I was slightly right I guess. First you pulled bottom left, then bottom right. I think next in line may be mid right but those greens look tempting.
>Promoted a healer
>almost three hours until def ploy fodder gets released
>don't have enough feathers to 5* in the first place
I used 20k feathers a couple hours before we found out what skills he came with. I've been waiting so much for this moment and it looks like I'll still have two wait two more weeks.
She is pretty good dude.
>same atk more spd deirdre
She's done me well for as long as I've had her. Couldn't luck shit a Julia or Deirdre and I don't really want to use Cecilia or NINO!
>Unit can use anima
>therefor not dark mage
>Even if dark mage in the game
>Even if character refers to themselves or others refer to them as dark mage
Its hard to be a dark mage in a game with only one dark spell
I really want to make a dragon meme team but my YTiki is -atk, IV rerolls when?
The whole conversation was based off what color Lyon would be. He's seen only using dark magic in SS and therefore will be red. Fucking dumb ass.
Clive literally seething
This is your princess tonight.
>keep killing everyone but Maria in the Infernal BHB
I give up she's too much.
Someone post the horse pasta.
Not really. Nino, Julia and Julia's mom are better.
>Shittier tome.
>Can't tank as well.
Just promoting all of the FE7 units i got. I'm enjoying 7 more than Awakening.
Never, but ISIS will give you a seal that flips your bane and boon for one unit at a time. They won't ever really be fixed until you roll a better iv, but still.
Why do red mages get all the cool weapon animations?
HP Seal
>only 3.5 hours until I have a shiny new 40+2 BBQ pit master
can't fucking wait
Kill yourself spic
I mean this completely unironically, use Henry. He helped me destroy the bhb
Deirdre's tome makes her objectively better than your shitty tranny.
Sigurd plus attack, minus speed. Someone else got that as did I. Saw drifting opinions and something something mong best IV. Isn't he going to get doubled hard? I think this is bad, desu. I just need a fourth to enemy phase kill for chain challenge lunatic with rein and bow lyn. Can he do it?
Watch he'll be green because of PRF and whole Veronica fiasco.
Yeah, I'm one of those who thinks HF3 might be next month. I wanted Elincia to be the focus for a chance to get her and team her up with Lancina, but I can't hold my orbs for the dancer banner so idk
Odin is using thunder magic though, a better example would be Veronica's panic inducing poison shit as a green tome.
>carpet doesn't match the drapes
I want to fuck this every night.
If I just go with the standard cav cancer team of Rein, Bowlyn, Cecilia, and now Sigurd will it get me a defense?
Did you have any luck user? Sorry if I messed you up.
HF3 will be just in time for Christmas so maximize cash money.
If I had to guess who would be on it, I would say
Celica, Elincia, or Sigurd
Tana or Delthea
Where you on, nigga? I feel the same, chapter 30 here
I'd put Celica in my top 5 prettiest/overall attractive FE girls. Maybe top even top 3.
And this is her wife!
Maybe if he had a horse.
I got dicked really hard man....
We won't talk about it. Two Deirdre's so no fucks given
Why are you so salty, user?
Being a dark mage is a big part of Odin's character.
Also, if dark mages are assigned to a particular group, why aren't light magic users?
+def -res Deirdre just grabbed my last 3 orbs. Hope I can save before next decent banner
Only way he's not getting doubled is a speed boon and he still gets doubled quite a bit by meta units.
+Def -Spd
+Atk -Spd
That's what you want for an enemy phase monster. Spd smoke helps with doubling and Close defense and his B helps as well
Is Arvis going to be a TT bonus unit? I really do not want to go into this TT without one and the banner hates me.
20% only, 40% will be Seliph and the 3 new units
Inb4 Raul says "my daughter" like the samefag he is
Well at least you got them. Hope they had amazing ivs!
20% at best.
My wife~
Please put my daughters in Heroes already IS I need them.
Get this.
Colorless mages.
So, healers?
Well, I'm not arguing Sonya is better, just that she isn't bad.
Like 3 res will make that much of a difference when your main enemy is Rein.
The longer you wait, the better they'll be. Be patient and they'll come as S++++ tier.
>Cant kill Sigurd or Lyn in one round
>None of your other units can kill anything else in that round
If you dont have at least 53 attack you might as well just give up
No. The key is to pair your cavs with units that will boost your score enough that people will actually fight your team.
>forget to set my defense team back from my meme one last night
>only remember this afternoon
>set it to BK (Black Luna with QP), Lancina (Aether), BLyn, and Cecilia
>spend two hours grinding and doing Arena Assault
>check back and I have a defense
Cavs on their own ain't enough. I figured that out after I wasn't getting any defenses with a 4* Askr shitter for a couple of seasons.
Perfect couple
I'm leaning towards HF3 being in December as a Christmas thing instead of every three months. Not sure what excuse they would use to have it in November.