/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #2236

>Recent News
New Characters(Both Dark): SSR Azazel, SR Vania
Sakura Collab Part 2: Extreme+ with a Neutral-element Boss and Challenge Quest added
New Side Story: Blade of the Young Champion (SR Juri Event - Earth)
Minor Party Select Screen UI improvements

>18M Player Celebration *Co-op won't be affected by MagFest
10/10 - 10/24 - MagFest(Login Raffle, Half AP/BP cost for Raids, Half AP cost for Free Quests/Main Story/Special Quests, x1.5 RP/EXP bonus, Double effect for Journey Drop Buffs)
10/11 - 10/24 - Free Single Rolls and 200 Crystal Login Bonus

>McDonalds SkyCompass Collab
Eat burgers in Japan, Get Damascus Crystals and a Sunlight Stone

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome.

>Schedule for October:
30/9 - 9/10 - Violet Violence
10/10 - 24/10 - Sakura and the Mysterious Sky Journey
25/10 - 30/10 - Rise of the Beasts (Rerun)
31/10 - 8/11 - New Story Event

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Giga Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Crew Pastebin

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I wan to sleep

Has anyone seen my sanity? It's probably lying somewhere in the chev or angel halo mines.

Chinkblue will kill granblue just like chinkolle killed the kancolle.

X Days!


While KMR cucking all your waifus, chinks will make their own granblue with life-2d and weddings, so everyone will flock to them.

when will sandal get to fuck his dad.....

So this is the power of Oliver

Is that called Whore? Because thats what the text looks like.


>And thus the crew unwittingly kidnapped someone.


>need 1 more sword for my 5th flb
I don't even know why I'm farming this castle bitch.

>need 1 more sword for 3rd FLB
I'm in for a long long ride

Will it have blackjack and hookers, user?

how many sword do you need for chev x luci utkg hl?

Same here. Let's hope Chev will be kind to us.

If I host a Baha HL now, would anyone join?

I've seen a grid with 5 or 6 swords and 2 Iliad bows.


I'll leech


I've capped my prestige
try hosting outside magfest

I'd join yes

I'm not really in the mood.

You are merely giving a full-grown adult a long ride, as she requested.

chev x luci user, not hector x luci

>Host 3 Mognes daily
>Still have Anima surplus
Damn, this is way easier than it used to be, no wonder people have all mainwheel MLB just in 1-2 months

>hector x luci

I'm dumb
I mean zeus x luci

they added the required 2 like a month ago bro

3 magfest in a row :deepthink:

why is chinkblue in japanese tho


FLB is where it begins though

dead game
dead general



>all this for 3 (THREE) damascus crystals(CRYSTALS)

>you will never eat breakfast egg sammiches in Japan
It hurts

Choke on it, fatty

giv pls

>farm AH for 2 hours
>1 (one) shard drops

78 hours to go

>boss only attacks one person until they die
>boss proceeds to do the same until it focuses another party member to death

translate it weebs

>Knock knock, who's there?

She cucks you for Romeo and then kidnaps Vyrn because she's an idiot.

4th finger or Benedia?

>Vyrnblue Fantasy
Would you play it?

The pleasure of being bampy.


Meanwhile in nipland.

It's called houchi hero. don't ask me why. it honestly sounds like a chink made that title unsurprisingly.

Are they complaining about song or something

and a ching chong nip nong to you too

I recently got a sword drop. Should I but the other 3 and continue with my 2 swords, 4 gun grid or buy stuff for my dark grid?
My light characters don't hit herd at all even though my light grid is better than my dark grid. Also, Chev refuses to drop selfies.


oira wa roveo jya neee

wut that guy is in my friend's crew

Whats the problem with the monster?

Why are you so obsessed about cuckolding? Is this that projection thing people talk about?

A0EF1244 Prom bring sage pls

he is just projecting his insecurities

I get off to other people being cuckolded.

So you're a cuck voyeur? What is that... second-hand cuck?

A cuck's cuck

Stop being a degenerate

It's all I got besides Idols.

>Gaijins complaining that paralysis should be extended wwwwwwwwwwwww

it's not gaijin, it's gaijion.

I'm lazy af.

How tf do you say her name

That's not even a word.

huh, so I can safely leech my own raid if I have para extend?

Click it
But you won't, will you?



A sadist who loves to watch men suffer.


Kukuru. Still amazes me shes the only actual daughter of the gunsmiths. Also wonder if the three just sign everything as _____ Gunsmith.


Well Kumuyu was kind of obvious.

nah you're a cuck

Naru hodo

Yeah but finding out Silva wasnt theirs either was a bit off. Kumuyu says it fron start, I had to find out about Silva from a buddy. Still two low lives opened a shop, and have three kids to call a family. Thats way more than most of us will have, and it makes me fucking sad.

Song 5* was a mistake

Paralyze was a mistake

it's not a word, it's gaiji-onno. just pointing out the difference

They're having a flame war about para extend bringers being allowed to leech in HL 6man coop.

How are you the cuck if it's someone else's partner getting fucked?

It's completely broken in most of that content as long as you still have some competent dps


I see everyone telling the guy to fuck off and he actually deleted his account. Well, skimming through anyway.

Dama crystals are in

So this is the power of "I only join superior Nippon tweetdeck raids"

cuck already lost any meaning, its pretty much at "fag" level of throwaway word

At least this time it seems like Novei isn't concert-limited

It's still properly used a lot of the time.


How were the burgers? And did the amount of customers increase due to the promotion?