genderbend skins when edition
genderbend skins when edition
your waifu is shit
Girls loving girls!
xth for my wife Syndra
>wake up
>no qt petite gf lying next to me
How do I live with this feel?
>IWD goes 0/11 because he has absolutely zero game sense
>Keeps crying about his jungler who died once in his lane
He's reaching Hashinshin levels of mental gymnastics
>pbe to test out new runes
>5 preset rune pages
>you can't edit them
>you only get 2 extra rune pages
they probs need a lot of info on those specifically my lad
Is irelia a bully?
Would you share her, user?
Play video games.
Poppy want to feed you with shit?
>7 Jhin games in a row
>Lose all of them
>But i'm the only one that isn't 2/11 by the end of the game every game
Can't carry games with jhin and that feels pretty bad
>This fag keeps asking about cuck degeneracy
Can you edit runes in champion select?
What is the most illogical, autistic thing you've ever seen in league of legends?
>6/0/1 as xerath midlane by 10 minutes
>out of the blue our full ap ekko support randomly starts spam pinging my warding trinket CONSTANTLY for 5+ minutes
>mute his pings
>he comes mid and blows ult, flash, and teleport just to be obnoxious
>tell him to fuck off
>he begins to rage in chat
>mute him
>we lose
>he adds me after game
>rages at me some more
>carefully break down every part of the argument and explain why he is retarded
>"lol well you got a point there... but i need help spending money. i just made a business deal for $635K last month. not sure what to do with it"
pic related. ive been playing lol since season 3, and i have seen a lot of bizarre and crazy shit but for some reason this really sticks out to me.
i feel extremely uncomfortable talking about it, but the reason why this was so hilarious to me is that it is unbelievably obvious to me that he is not wealthy. source: 27 year old neet with multi-millionaire parents
How do you faggots do to post this all the fucking day? Don't you sleep?
yeah but it's kinda annoying since i don't know all the different trees yet so I spend a lot of time reading
Hey /lolg/, you have 30 seconds to explain why Elementalist Lux isn't your loving and caring waifu. Go.
My friend, go take your cuck bullshit somewhere else, neither Syndra nor me want to hear anything about it.
Lux is a shit waifu
>be me playing on smurf with silver friend
>top is feeding, not unexpected
>mid is slightly behind
>im getting bot ahead and we take first tower+drakes, looking good and like a solid win
>top starts autistically following me and attempts to steal my camps+buffs
>doesnt work
>he starts literally inting
>mid joins him
>they blame me for them losing their lane
>lose the game
Dont understand why they didnt just accept the free win
Wrong answer. Try again.
Because it's more fun if she's someone else's wife when I'm loving her.
Reminder that missions are an awful addition to the game.
Lux is a garbage waifu
Reminder some people deserve that they're being bred out of the gene pool.
Most responses to this just prove my point.
Where my Illaoi buffs at bois
Hashshitshit on a political rant about evil alt right coming to get all of america again
Come watch crazy rant and ban anyone that disagrees with him
A lewd bully, yes.
Probably also a minor sadistic sadistic streak after the mess in Ionia.
Fuck Anthony Burch.
idk if it makes u happy but burches dick is so small that even if he had sex with poppers shed still be as tight as a virgin with hymen intact
>ywn be stepped on by a Star Guardian
Can't wait for Irelia to be meta and almost unbearable to lane against just like almost all top laner VGUs before her. Just hoping that the faggots stay away from my main
Post items you miss and why, even if they just got reworked and not deleted.
rip in piece wolfer
I miss that. Now my Vlad builds have no MR.
>tfw will never again dump 4k damage on the backline while being tanky af
Force of Nature, because I miss going fast.
You know the drill user, 2-3 weeks of public use then forgotten like everything else that got reworked.
>europeans wake up
>thread goes to shit
dumb frogposter
I don't know user, Gangplank, Fiora, Galio, Poppy and Ryze sure stayed for awhile in top after they got reworked. Why do I have a feeling that Riot's just gonna use Irelia as a kickstarter for when they want a Bruiser meta again
how does he know?
>no fagposting
>no trapposting
Looks like America time threads are the worst
Also europeans woke up 4-5 hours ago, retard
>Why do I have a feeling that Riot's just gonna use Irelia as a kickstarter for when they want a Bruiser meta again
Can't come soon enough, this tank/peel meta is getting really fucking boring.
Le 56% confirmed
will lulu get a skin dis year lads
spirit of the spectral wraith
spellvamp items in general
Please no.
I hope taliyah gets a new skin
>2-3 weeks of public use
taliyah is an uggo
I am still waiting for the time when Rito gives Lux actual stun on Q instead of root and some % HP damage on her ult (with extra % HP damage when triggering passive with it) to make her finally viable.
I mean Syndra can have AoE stun and % damage (on her) so why Lux can't? This will finally make her viable at worlds.
This makes 0 fuckign sence. Renekton is a croc and you posted a random chocolate girl with green hair.
how is lux not viable now?
I hope they take this concept and actually put it in-game
The guy's not a Riot employee but he should be
Irelia is so pretty, it's only right.
Russia is EU?
That concept looks cool as fuck
anything west of ural mountains is considered europe
they used to play on same server i think before eu east and ru servers were added
She is viable, just never a pick choice because there is someone else who does it better. This is the reson why people pick Orianna, Syndra, even Corki but never Lux in pro games.
Also when you play Lux at higher ranks you will realize that even while having good impact she is still inferior to for example Syndra, especially in the new Censer meta where you will be never able to kill anyone with your combo.
Taliyah's not Ionian.
>Syndra has %hp damage
What did he mean by this?
Also she doesn't have an aoe ult unlike Lux. The only thing keeping Lux from being pick/ban cancer is her terrible waveclear, not her damage or cc.
>ru servers
Thats why the russians become shit?
Inb4 Rito care about this shit, Diana and Talon isnt ionian too still she have Bloodmoon skin
She's not from Freljord either and she got that skin
Ok im in korea and got a lv1 acct
Fastest way to 30?
buy an account
Pardon me, I read it wrong. What I wanted to say is % true damage on her maxed W, not %hp damage.
Althought some %hp damage woudn't be so bad on Lux considering that she doesn't even scratch tanks.
Lux isn't from a magical girl universe either
Syndra doesn't scratch tanks either if we really want to go there, and her true damage is laughable against them, it's actually just a way to burst squishies faster (and have fun bursting anyone in this Janna/Lulu/shields/Ardent Cancer meta).
>tfw no cute pro player bf
I know that feel
>tfw you'll never play bot lane in a pro team and start dating your lane partner
do you think he calls his dick the "big mallet" ?
You do have your gold Ashe chroma, right user?
Why? It looks worse than the default.
why would I pay 2500+ rp for a skin thats worse than freljord
>tfw pool party annie never
After you get first tower as bot, should you rotate to the next easy objective (top/mid/herald) if the enemy bot are returning to lane and will be able to take your tower? It seems like trading 1 for 1 when you're ahead is bad but on the other hand maybe stalling the tower kills is worse?
Should I add Zer0 from Bordeland or Project YI?
You can rotate with toplaner
usually u go mid but it depends
you dont want to give them a free tower obviously
>Wasting time/money on ugly skin
>Instead of just bying that awesome cyborg ass
Thanks for spending money on that goy- i mean customer
Solo laners don't rotate at my mmr.
What's the generally accepted best setup for attack move options? Should I have Attack Move on Cursor selected? What about Player Attack Move Click? What do the pros use?
Yeah pretty much this
I was on vacation all last week and didn't complete a single quest
will I be able to get this still?
will the tickets be in the store again during top 8?
Tencent knows what killed Hon, so never.
Eat shit faggot.
this is why powercreep exists
except some other champ will come out who's better rather than riot improving old ones
no idea
> what killed Hon
The fact that it was shit version of Dota allstars?
Basically a terrible way of balancing to be honest. Instead of making champions as much different as possible so everyone can get viable in some with some comp they make them way too similar.
Why pick hero A with charge, %hp skill, def skill and typical tank ult when B camp has the same kit but a bit stronger?
This lazy design (especially for tanks) needs to go.
What are you gonna do about it, faggot?
Is new after shock rune is near good as COC?
New Star Guardian skins fucking when?
>138 champions
>multiple dykes and void monsters
>only one loli
explain this, lolbaboons
Tits for waifufags means money.
>Only one loli
>not even a slut
Doesn't count unless she is a slut desu. We need several turboslut lolis to fix this. Maybe rework some of the existing champs into lolis.