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>Heroes FAQ and Links
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That's not fuckin OK
Ah, now I can see how that one user spent all his rent money for nothing. It boggles how they can get away with it, even Granblue has higher rates.
Biggus dickus can't be stopped.
But nino
Who cheese here?
Gachas are kind of fun. Should I play FGO too?
>Geez, lol
Felicia is the cutest! She means everything to me! She makes my life worth living! I couldn't go on without her! I want to hold her in my arms and never let go! My feelings for her will never fade! My love for her is eternal! I love Felicia!
If you want to keep that opinion then don't play FGo.
Will you play Warriors when she is announced in the Fates DLC pack?
I just started Granblue and it's okay if not a bit confusing and overwhelming. They have a Sakura Card Captor event on now.
Reporting in, didn't even use a dancer. I almost feel kind of dirty about it.
I want Julia and Eldigan.
Wait so it costs fucking 80 dollars for a single roll with focus rates being sub1%? Why? How? What the fuck? Surely I must reading that wrong
>Geez! It was an accident!
>*audience laugh track*
>*Seinfeld theme plays*
Who is the better unit?
Can't start playing something I've been playing for three weeks.
Deirdre, Sonya is pretty meh
>$80 for a single roll
Don't know about NA, but it's more around $25~$30.
Just over $30 for a ten roll you dunce.
Deirdre's weapon gives her a slight advantage but stats-wise Sonya wins.
gullible fanbase.
Julia's mom
Just had my pity rate broken by a +Def/-Res Sonya. What can I do with her?
Julius and Ishtar when
Dierdre for her dragon slayer tome
I've a +DEF -HP of him that I'm building. But I don't have one of the really good A skills for him yet, like Steady Breath or something.
Try Granblue Fantasy, Tales of the Rays, and Final Fantasy Record Keeper.
>/feg/ - Fate/Grand Order Discussion
I'm tired so I cant into reading but thats still fuuuuucked
Why the fuck did this work?
/fgo/ here, I have a question for you guys. Would 1% but no IVs to have be better to roll?
The WALL shall not FALL
Fuck no
>FatE Grandorder
there you go
It's up!
No. People are too obsessed with IVs.
/feg/ is the greatest general, so it's no wonder the lesser ones come to pay their dues.
Fuck no. I'd rather have a unit with -3 in one stat than not have it at all.
Same. I mean it's not -atk or -spd but -res takes away her strong suit and +def is completely useless
you can work around most of the IVs, it rarely makes or break a unit
you can't work with nothing
>most of the 5*s I actually use were promoted with feathers
Wouldn't make a difference to me, I still wouldn't roll what I want.
Hell no! You're bound to get a good IV sooner rather than later if you pull for multiples.
Fuck off I'd rather have a character and have to put a little effort into fixing them than having nothin.
IVs don't mean shit now with seals
Keep your shitty 1%
Absolutely not. IVs are shit, but impossible rolling percentages would be infinitely worse.
What are optimal IVs and skills for THE WALL?
Fuck no.
Besides, as much as I hate IVs the aspect of Heroes I enjoy the most is unit building, and IVs let you directly specialise your builds more heavily, or pull off meme builds with certain IVs. Building around shit IVs is it's own sort of challenge that I enjoy to some degree, providing the unit isn't absolutely unrepairably fucked over by it, like -atk BRoy or something.
>Easiest GHB yet
>4* def ploys for everybody
Thanks daddy Arvis.
Down voted your video on principle. Sorry buddy
>foddering Arvis
>8 speed
Fury Arden quad time
Arvis main theme:
Can't wait to see that sakurafag who killed BK with def ploy
No they aren’t shill, fuck off. 1% rates being worse doesn’t make them not cancer
Who is the better unit ?
would you try giving him LnD3?
+Atk/Def and -Spd/Res
He can actually run quite a few different builds between Death Blow Brave Lance, Killer/Slaying Lance + Fortress Def ignis bombs, Carrot Lance, or Steady Breath + Aether if you're going all out
I know it's probably because I got more good IVs than bad, but I kinda like that aspect, too. It's like a surprise, every unit plays a little differently depending on what their IVs are, and you can experiment with skills.
Just MVP your IVs.
Kat because she's a cum dump
Nicely did, was that the hardest difficulty? I beat it with Rein, Celica, Cordelia and Axezura. Maximum cheese.
+Atk/-Spd or Neutral Titania?
Fort Def is fine, but Steady Breath is optimal
QR for damage, Obstruct for max walling
C-skill is flexible but I like Threaten Def
Deflect Melee skill
Special and weapon may vary
Why do you keep posting this
Neutral. -SPD hurts too much to have a bit of extra power in one swing.
It’s not even IVs necessarily that are the problem, it’s unchangable permanent IVs that make them truly cancerous
Yeah, I would. Make sure you never run him without a Hone Cavalry buffslut either.
Alternately you could probably put Galeforce memes aside and run Fury 3 + Quick Riposte with Aether similarly to the way Ike plays. The good thing about Heavy Blade is it activates on both phases.
Definitely neutral. She actually doesn't need attack that badly because of the gem weapon, but she sure as fuck wants the speed.
>one turn victory on Infernal
Why didn't they add another enemy for infernal like usual?
Fire Emblem: Dancing all night
How about Cordelia? I have two with the exact same IVs.
Fury is better than Close Defence on Sigurd desu familie
Oookay then. I didn't expect this kind of reaction. So is the IVs thing like the higher risk but higher reward sort of thing? Don't burn me alive, ai'm just trying to understand (and maybe get into this game).
Hey feg, are any emulators working with feh nowadays? It would be more comfortable to grind sp and do Arena Assault on PC while multitasking
No bully pls
Makes sense
God damn, I'm all out of fury fodder. Fuck.
depends who they're fighting against.
in arena, probably deirdre.
in pve with hyper inflated stat enemies, probably sonya.
>QR for damage, Obstruct for max walling
Guard is also worth considering as an underrated option for preventing specials.
>C-skill is flexible but I like Threaten Def
If you're going all out on wall memes, Threaten Atk is great too.
>Deflect Melee skill
Reminder that Deflect Melee only works on Brave weapons and is a very average seal as a result. Literally no one should have crafted/invested in a deflect melee seal before going after higher priority seals yet.
Finally got Sigurd but he's +atk/-def
-Def really hurts his ability to tank melee. I heard DC and Crusader's ward dont work well together. Do I just slap Fury/QR like you do on every tank?
>Do you...want to talk about how much we love our sons and wives?
>I thought you would never ask.
Put IVs a side for the moment, the main reason people dislike your idea is the much lowered chance of rolling 5* units. Even the 6% that we get feels like pure shit most of the time and FEH is exceedingly generous as a gacha in this regard.
Isn't there a skill that converts penalties into bonuses?
Thank you Anons! I have two WALLs but both are 4*. I really want to promote one of them because he seems very good plus I like him in his game Thanks again!
That's actually quite sweet.
The thing is, IVs can actually help a unit be even stronger and there are very few cases where a bad IV isn't salvageable. A 3% chance is well worth that negligible risk.
They add more reinforcements
Just keep Close Defence on him if you are that worried about -defence.
The cutest and proudest papas!
>higher risk but higher reward
it's not higher risk, it's lower risk
if anything, Fates system is the ''higher risk higher reward'' part
again, IVs most of the time wont break a character, mainly with summoner support, aly support and seals available
Galeforce is life.