Fighting Games General /fgg/
except it would be hidden and only be used to give players balanced matches
why wouldnt they have made her this cute? hell, why couldnt they make any of the characters look that good? the game would have done so much better.
why nobody admits that done looks better than vanilla dante model?
wish i was rashid bros...
Then just play ranked if you want proper matchmaking, no need to convolute it any further
>tfw don't know if kirins belong in MH folder or fg folder
why is bee playing goober?
because her game is dead.
can't play darkstalkers forever
Did they just ripoff Cammy?
I just ordered my first fightstick and its a really cheap crappy one. Should I go into training mode and grind muscle memory or just yolo it against others?
It's so braindead a literal insect can play
"Fighting games are something so great"
Who came up with this bullshit? I playd all day and now I'm pissed and my belly hurts
you should get a refund if you spent more than 20 dollars
How cheap and crappy we talking?
Who's he fighting?
should I lern sfv or mvci?
What if in the SFV Arcade mode, there is an extra selection that comes up once you finished all the series fights.
It's all in question marks until you start it up
It's Street Fighter 2010 & you fight Kevin Striker. He's purposely hard as balls & once you beat him he's unlocked, there's also a new stage that comes with that represents the game as well.
>tfw when you've blacklisted so many West Coast, Mexicans and Canadians for lag that your Blacklist is full.
pls stop pairing me up with these players
should I lern sfv or blazblue?
its urien mirror
Harada is such an asshole.
And it looks like he won't ever release more classic characters.
Both in both cases.
SFV is you prefer games about honest fundamentals, MvCI if you like MvC nonsense since the skills don't really carry over to much else
Mirror Master
ITS HERE!!!!!!!!!
Roshi can and should get in, he's relevant in Super now.
I have little faith in anything from DB getting in though, like King Piccolo, Mercenary Tao or Blue, who would all be instant mains.
you faggots really want SSJ3 Goku, fusion shit like Vegito and Gogeta? You guys have shit taste.
No Sion wears legwear most of the time
name a more braindead character
Whoever your stupid ass plays
MvCi, especially since the DLC came out, it became more enjoyable. But you enjoy how SFV looks, & also excited for Zeku, try SFV out.
Who's your main (or mains if multiple games) and what do you like about them, /fgg/?
I just want to create and animate cool fighting game characters.
Who knows how to use mugen or 2d fight maker
Why would they give a grappler such braindead AAs? Meanwhile, chugging a DP motion nets you 20 damage if you mistime it and no oki.
should I play FoG? Or FS?
how do you mistime a dp
Leo in GG
Paul in T7
Balrog in SFV
Azrael in BB
Literally the most unga post I've ever read
SFV - Fang
GG - Faust
Tekken - Yoshimitsu
I like them all cause they're all cartoony motherfuckers with weird gimmicky moves. It feels especially satisfying to play them when beating people who use edgy tryhard characters like akuma or devil jin.
you hit them when they're too high. This happens if you try to DP on reaction.
T7: Feng and Paul
SF: Zangief
Dissidia: Golbez and Cecil
I consider myself too inexperienced/bad at other fighting games to consider a character my main
I don't know what my mains say about me, I usually just like playing characters I think are cool and are fun to play as.
>tfw no chun maining gf
No you dp deep on reaction
>tfw no Chun mommy gf
What video is this Mike *Nigg3r" Ross from?
Firebrand/Doctor strange is my team now.
have you tried to do it yourself
>playing a team that cant do HSD glitch
uhhh dude we're in the october meta now get with the times
>tfw you practically need training partners in order to get to Diamond rank
>tfw everyone I add on steam is either a fucking weeb, loser, memer or faggot.
>tfw the jive character discords are full of Gold and Silvers
>if you wanna play against any notable player you gotta pay them
>I hate going to locals. They're too far and everyone is in a clique
is this my punishment for enjoying jive?
how do you know when someone is going to grab or do a normal attack when you get up from the ground?
>doesnt even kill
someone in australia see me in jive/goober gear/usf4/mvci
on pc
you don't
use your guessies
>Says the Ms Marvel costume is referencing another character entirely
>Says he knows alot about the X-men despite Carol being there for parts of it & even getting her Binary transformation there
He even looked up the gladiator costume but not at least hers & Fixits? Hell, everyone corrected him & he still got it wrong on stream.
you don't know. you make a read.
that's so cheap
in tekken you can react to anything
You either guess or know the specific player patterns.
*hellsweeps u*
Why are you trying to false flag Tekken? Why do you feel the urge to try to bring games you don't play into a shit flinging contest?
That's just wrong.
If I buy the MVCI key on cdkeys, can I activate it in the US? It doesn't mention NA as region, but I thought it would be worth trying, especially because it's so cheap.
Except literally everyone was saying that when he was shown.
>doesn't matter how you get up, other player always has the time to setup a crush counter meaty/grab 50/50
>"just guess right lol"
>20 ways to get up from the ground
>can low parry
>can high crush
>can low crush
>can armour through everything
Or you never actually played Tekken or you are trying to falseflag tekken players, either way stop posting
I want them all because I like dragonball
no, mvci from cdekys is eu only.
but there are other stores that have us version. i cant remember the names, someone will tell you
Invincible back dash would really help.
>Your opponent is using their main character!
"Read" aka "guess."
When the opponent does as you guess, you call it a "read" and pretend you saw it coming thanks to your epic skills. When the opponent does not do as you guess, you call it luck/rock-paper-scissors and rage at the game.
why even live
Waiting for DBFZ is painful. I'm getting more hype with each character reveal. Hopefully I won't hit critical mass before release.
no, i think gamesplanet is the only one with cheap US keys. marvel blocked USA from the global keys because they expected american cuckolds who go to the movie theatres to subsidize this mobile game for the rest of the world. so no discounts for us. ill wait for the ultimate edition.
Why don't anti-MvCI shitposters use this in their shitposts more often?
how are you supposed to get good at SFV when everything is a 50/50?
i require more pictures of this costume
If that was true people wouldn't be able to do it consistently.
play zangief
if you can't beat em, join em
KBD isn't invincible, you just create enough spacing that you escape damage range. What will make you "invincible" is KBD, proper side stepping, knowing your characters crush properties, and if applicable using their wave dash.
Guessing consistently right means opponents are consistently predictable aka do the same stuff over and over again.
neither, dead games
bb but not a great future
No I meant in SFV.
Hey guys, im having a little bit trouble with the trials in SFV (playing with a 360 pad)
Currently trying to do Lauras 6th and im wondering if you guys use different inputs for ex-moves or always the same (lp+mp or mp+hp)
Do you have index + middle finger on HK + HP all the time? Shit i only played dark souls and it's weird to use my middle finger for anything now...
*guesses wrong on purpose*
>animating sprites
lmao cris
How do I know in Marvel if someone tried to do some random, crazy specific reset, or if it was just luck?
Gematsu confirms that you switch characters and HP with Ginyu's ultimate attack. Also, Nappa sounds like he plays like a heavier slower more damaging version of Jack-O. This game is going to have the craziest mechanics and upsets of any fighting game.
Glancing at the thumbnail I thought that was a naked apron mod. Now I realize how depressing it is not having a naked apron mommy chun gf or skin option. I didn't need to know this depth of despair, user.
>not hitting critical mass and maintaining it until release
>not being your own power source for 3.5 months
Do you even react