xth for Syndra
waifu posters are mentally ill
>tfw no qt petite gf
xth for wanting Darius to capture you and turn you into his woman.
Jinx's long hair is extremely cute
Relentless Sexual Aggression Tier: Evelynn, Ahri, Vi, Nidalee, Leona Illaoi Magma Fire
Teasing and Control Freak Tier: LeBlanc, Syndra, Orianna, Lissandra Camille Storm Dark
Definitely Dominant But Not Quite As Sexual Tier: Elise, Shyvana, Sejuani, Zyra
High Tier: Cassiopeia, Karma, Katarina, Vayne, Diana
Mid Tier: Jinx, Akali, Fiora, Caitlyn, Riven, Miss Fortune, Quinn, Sivir Air
Low Tier: Lux (some Elementalist forms are much higher), Ashe, Soraka, Janna Water Nature
So Submissive She Can't Even Talk Tier: Sona
Mystic is garbage
Darius would have won the fight in that clip obviously but why would the wolves challenge a man like him in fully decked out armor? Even if they did attack they probably wouldn't even scratch him past the solid steel or whatever his armor is made out of.
He takes no prisoners user
How do you fight Jayce as Pantheon?
We're both lane bullies that don't have a real ult per se.
and you are autistic
What junglers can act as a frontline and have cc and initiation tools while also being able to build more damage if snowballing and you feel like taking matters into your own hands?
You abuse the fact that your q dosen't draw creep aggro while Jayce's auto do.
>xth for wanting Darius to capture you and turn you into his woman.
So this is how we got Dark Lux?
Jarvan IV
Make Caitlyn great again
How do you play Kennen?
>IMT is getting the boot
>people will say and blame Riot because Riot wants a healthy environment between teams and players where they get paid instead of owing them
>20 million dollars for a fucking slot in OWL
Nothing autistic about it
Kill yourself already
What's the deal with gragas build by the way? I'm getting that gauntlet is good on him due to sheen and cdr, but why do people get ap smite on him? Is it purely for early presence? Is it skippable if I'm not ahead? Also, are you supposed to swap it for cinderhulk later?
i dont udnerstand why theyd leave imt out, liquid and ef making it its a joke imo.
>tfw no qt petite adc to duo with
How often do you guys change waifus?
Same waifu all the time gets boring after a while.
Can we compromise and have him be a brackern that sought after void power for revenge, kind of like Malz?
no thanks
you get runic echoes so you can one shot fucking everything including jungle camps because gragas is a broken piece of shit.
Hasn't Overwatch's e-sports basically been dead on arrival because the devs are fuckwits who don't understand how to make a game competitive, moreso than Rito?
>Going to collect my red
>Retarded degenerate jungler coming over
>Ping red and type "me" "mine"
>He smites it
Die die die die
>Me and support going sneaky breeky to get red when junglers not there
>Support gets it
>":0 sorry"
What does an ADC have to do to get something that rightfully belongs to them?
I wanna BEE with Lulu!
xth for breast metal waifu
it's because IMT is supporting Overwatch too much and Riot doesn't like it
get smite, pussy
Wait I thought liquid was relegated last season?
>when they leave Lulu open
Because you're a fucking retard that doesn't think about it.
>plenty of teams have a ton of franchises out such as CLG, TSM, Echo Fox
>they have teams even in fucking Halo and Smash Bros
>they kick out IMT because wasting 20 mil dollaroos on a fucking slot for Overwatch is silly as fuck and might bring more harm to your players than anything else
>Riot doesn't want that shit and would rather deal with kicking them out than having an unhealthy team environment where they owe the players a ton of money
>he's not loyal to his waifu
>not having at least 5 waifus
shiggy diggy doo
Why do lane mongrels think my buffs belong to them?
I'll have you know that i'm actually fairly fit due to the fact that i live on the 5th floor and take the stairs everytime.
>changing waifus
get the fuck out
>no cc
>no utility of any kind
>just auto attack and slam Q
>brings absolutely nothing to the team
Is Master Yi the most selfish champion in the game?
>laning phase ends
>can't do anything because you're powerless if you haven't been loitering in the same small area for 60-80 seconds propagating tentacles
Fun champ.
Reminder that kayn is for being femdommed by eve/sexually abused by rhaast!
I have no idea why people care about overwatch pro play. I've played tons of the game and it's fun but it's been apparent from the start that it's very casual and balaned relatively poorly (recent patch mercy, heroes being either THE pick or not used with solider and mccree switching dps roles Lucio being a 90 percent pick rate since the beginning of the game ect.) When you look at the numbers from the tournaments they're abysmal and I have no idea why they invested so much into it
>failed my promos to silver 1
god dammit
I can't even watch my replays because this shit is buggy so either champs won't render or it just crashes
Wow you must be jacked. I bet bungalow fags are all obese
>tfw no qt pro player bf
does banshe works against rivens ult?
I was tempted to change waifus after the Burch comic but I like Jinx too much
probably, theres a reason he never gets played in comp
sure. why wouldn't it?
Is there a single justifiable reason to pick evelynn over kha'zix?
tfw you lose one of those games where the enemy team just has way better macro you and there's nothing you can do about it
also they have a janna meanwhile we have a blitzcrank with no ardent
To play a champ that's more fun
just dodge 99% of them are fucking useless
Lulu is my STAR!
means that you never had one though.
why are anime girls so bad at drinking milk and eating yoghurt what the fuck
it's all over her, the stupid bitch
>willingly pick juggernaut
>complain about being useless once laning ends
It's like people aren't joking when they say that juggernauts are fucking useless.
I also played a lot of big tentacle lady in previous season, she's still my top3 mastery somehow, you have your ulti for damage, without it don't even bother trying to teamfight, and don't waste it without solid initiation or enemie's major positioning mistakes.
>EF, a consistently bad team, stays in
>IMT, a team that other than one split, after an almost complete roster change, has made playoffs and even worlds, is out
You mean game c9 lose then Huni just destroed base by himself?
xth for Soraka's glorious futa horsecock
it's not a fucking meritocracy you stupid fuck.
Skill is overrated
I wanna give Lulu a lifetime supply of headpats!
I wish it was like that, they simply went around taking turrets as 5 our team couldn't keep up
Stay the fuck out of my jungle unless I specifically ping you to get it. Sucm
I don't find Kha'zix sexually attractive.
Oh yeah, you're right. I totally want more low level games like EF vs TL again
Does this mean that NA will never be the gookslayers we need?
>reading comprehension
>common sense
You lack it, my dude.
Is Lissandra pickable yet?
>Fall for competitive overmeme even though it's been DOA
>Lose spot in esport where you were actually successful
They deserve it for being so stupid
>riots gonna destroy irelia
feels bad man
Any Euw people wanna play sometime? got surprise transferred from eune so my friend list is kinda empty (also play ap nautilus for maximum fun)
Nice matchmaking
sure, add me.
IGN: ImThem
>waaaaaah the enemy silver team has a challenger player
I wonder how long its been since he's actually been here though. I kinda miss cucking him with garen, lulu poster just makes you feel like you need to shower after every interaction.
Has anyone from TSM or IMT streamed since they got booted from Worlds?
I know Pobelter has a few times.
>Echo Fox: League of Legends, Street Fighter V, Super Smash Bros., Injustice 2, Tekken 7, Gears of War 4, H1Z1, Vainglory, Call of Duty
>TSM: League of Legends, PUBG, Super Smash Bros., Overwatch, Hearthstone, Vainglory.
>CLG: CSGO, Super Smash Bros., H1Z1
>IMT: League of Legends, CSGO, Overwatch, Super Smash Bros., Dota 2
Alright, here's a bit of info to you. Why is Echo Fox so big on franchising to other games? It's because they have the money.
Why does CLG have so little going on in terms of going for other esports? Because they don't have enough money to do so.
TSM has some, alright.
IMT has little and even so, they spent 20 million dollars for a spot in an esport that will probably have little exposure.
Riot Games clings to their team players instead of the actual team brands. They don't want to deal with any of that 'I owe this player X money' bullshit. They don't want that.
Do you understand now?
If the new champion was a cute yordle girl. Would you abandon Lulu?
I don't keep up with sports, real or not, did they lose or get booted?
>enemy team has 2 golds
>my team has 1 gold and 1 unranked and 2 silvers
retarded matchmaking kills my promos once again
Is is better to change them out regularly or keep a harem of like 5?
I guess harem might be more fun you can play with more than 1 waifu at the same time.
Or make them play with each other for you.
>playing kayne
>got a tank vs tank top lane
>i'm counter jungling and shitting on bot taking first tower early
>snowballing like crazy
>my top laner loses his fucking mind because i'm not ganking his lane because he's 20cs under
>tell him i'm winning the game and he's fucking irrelevant until mid late game
>he starts inting
It was worth it. Top laners are always the one to snap because they need the jungler to tank their irrelevant lane.
>why is the team
I know you think you're peeling back the wool from our sheeple eyes in a coherent and innovative manner but it's really time for you to go to bed user. at the very least step away from the computer for a little bit and rest your eyes.
>Enemy silver team
>has a gold and a fucking challenger
>My team has an unranked
Yeah real fun and balanced matchmaking
Nick doesn't exist so i'll just take it as some kind of meme
Lethality Garen is objectively the most fun you can have in top lane
What does Syndra's breath smell like?
Try ap nautilus
Banshee's Veil Malzahar is the least fun your opponent can have in top lane
Why do Kindred players keep complaining how their champion is unplayable when it has almost never dropped below 48% winrate?