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I want Arvis to destroy my pussy.
I've been thinking of using bonfire on my Delthea. Do you guys think it'd work?
why do you guys pretend fe5 is good?
Only with Life and Death
Stop forcing this unfunny meme
Listen the shaggy meme is good because the post it came from was a genuin retard.
Now you're forcing a shit meme, you're worse than reddit.
To the people that suggested LaD on my Arvis, thanks! I knew my Minerva would come in handy one day.
You won't.
Def Ploy Mathilda with Hit and Run y/n
>Know I need to slow down a bit on using orbs
>Want to keep going as I do story stuff to try to pull her
Do it faggot, we are all waiting.
Well, guess I'll post this meme when it's funny again probably a month from now.
>36 res
>"naw fuck that, lets give him L&D"
If I can't give my Arvis Iceberg, is Memebow or Glacies better?
Jokes created here are now reddit. Please
>falling for the def ploy reddit meme.
I... Hunger.
Woke Karel when?
Who is this semen demon?
Give her goad cav
>Janne, Daisy, Asaello, Arthur, Femina and Hawk from Genealogy of the Holy War were planned as playable characters. The first five have unused portraits in the final release
>Femina had Karin's role and Hawk had Sety's role. Hawk's stats were: 14 Mag, 17 Skill, 14 Speed, 12 Def, 13 Mdef and 9 Build.
>Daisy appeared with a band of thieves, presumably as an enemy. She was probably recruited by Asaello
>Nanna was able to wield the Beo Sword. The official Thracia 776 site temporarily listed her father as Beowolf, so this could be true.
>Gunna (theorised to be Asvel's father or grandfather) and August were playable. In the release, Gunna's unused data can be found amongst the playable character data, while August's data is located faraway.
>Reinhardt was recruited by talking with Olwen.
>There was a mention of "Evayle being Briggid", which perhaps meant Evayle was already known as Briggid from the start of the game.
>Initially, there was a chapter in the desert (Yied Desert?) where the player used the Kia staff to restore people turned to stone. Amongst these people was Lachesis. This sounds a bit like an alternate version of Chapter 24x in the release, with Lachesis replacing Evayle's role.
>Yurius and Manfroy appeared in certain chapters to attack the player if they got into range. Ishtar was also meant to make a battle appearance. All three characters have unused character data and there is unused dialogue indicating that Ishtar did fight at one time.
>Areone was supposed to kill Dean (a NPC) because of his close relationship with Linoan. This causes Linoan to despise Areone. It is assumed that this occured during around Chapter 14, leading Linoan to leave Tahra.
>Mareeta's mother was originally Ira. Her mother is never stated in the final release, so Ira is still a possibility. That said, the 20th Anniversary Encyclopaedia indicates that Galzus is Ira's nephew so I'm not really sure how likely it is anymore...
Post his lvl 40 stats so we can see if the guy really was retarded after all.
What's the best assist for BBQ man?
I think I missed this meme, can I get a screencap please?
That's Nowi you idiot
It doesn't look like her at all.
Consider the following
The next smash Sakurai announces that he wants to reduce the amount of clones in the next smash bros. This results in Lucina being removed from the roster. Lucinafags literally seeth for months because of this. He then mentions that another female character will replace Lumina’s spot in the roster; a female sword user. All the signs point to Lyn and Lynfags literally gloat in every smash/FE community to the point where they become the most hated group. Then a smash trailer comes out, and the new female sword user is announced; its Ayra ! Lucinafags and Lynfags are now both seething to oblivion. however moveset is very unique and not only is it fun to play with, its very good and competitive, making her even higher tier than Marth and rivaling Bayonetta and sheik. Because of this, her popularity skyrockets just like Roy and Ike but even more so since she’s waif and is more liked by the smash community.
Would this be the best timeline?
>Thracia 776 was an unfinished game
So much of this I want, except for the whole Veld was a dragon shit that was supposedly in the game.
Harsh command so he can buff enemies
femui disguising as superior Nowi
Ardent Sacrifice or Draw Back.
>You will never be Arvis' rape slave
Neutral Est, Def ploy.
Does she want fury or resistance +3? Also resistance +3 seal of course.
>Uses LaD on Arvis
>married to Thotja
>always high
>literally retarded
>best friend is a dog
>has worms
>Uses fury
>sees Thotja as fodder and nothing more
>has never smoked a blunt in his life
>solves mysteries, literal genius
>Best friend(s) are a rich slut and sexy librarian
>eats to bulk up his jock muscles
Nigga it's from Serenes
It's not Tiki so...
Well, got my 4* Arvis to 40, now to wait until I get 5000 more feathers.
What's the final consensus on Arvis? Is he worth my 20k feathers?
Pulling Arvis's hair while making love!
Ardent Sacrifice for infinite healing during TT and Chain Challenges
Or just be like everyone else and do reposition
Do you still like this hick?
Source is here.
Why is Tiki a semen goddess?
this meme used to mean something
*Down vote*
why do people still shit on the gamepedia tier list?
under the criteria they list, it looks well made
there might be a few units who could barely squeeze into an adjacent tier, but it seems fairly accurate overall
Not only uses lucius and soren but makes them viable
if this actually happens how BTFO would Koei be?
>sort by def
>highest def unit I have is a half naked man in a swimsuit
>somehow he has more def than fellow defense-oriented axe brave ike, dragons, and a man fully covered in goddess-blessed armor
Why is this /feg/?
Nobody likes cuck tiki
you're doing the meme wrong
>Recovery Ring
>lowering his defenses
You're a special person.
>Reinhardt recruitable
The prophesy.
She is not a semen goddess, she is a pure and good mom for Morgan.
Because you most likely browse reddit.
>she is a pure and good mom for Morgan.
I mean, I agree. But she needs that semen to make a baby from somewhere and her cloths and body compel me.
Fuck off awakeningbaby.
I LOVE that hick!
Any tier that doesn't have Elincia above Cordy and Tana is wrong.
I want to FUCK that armpit
I want a lot of this in a remake but I know ISIS are too faithful to change shit.
Are you really gonna do this autistic fanfic RP shit again?
Good post
Ok fine. Dammit I try to do the annoying avatar posting but I genuinely fail every time.
>>Nanna was able to wield the Beo Sword. The official Thracia 776 site temporarily listed her father as Beowolf, so this could be true.
Does Finn exist just to suffer?
Fuck off dykeboi, there are no chads here. Go back to fapping to your bara Ike porn.
>Video games are not like real life
>married to Thotja
Top kek
>250+ orbs later
>still no Sigurd
>only duper 5*s
fucking why
Sometimes they go out of their way to justify a character being too high (def ploy perfect IV heavy investment flier team Est), sometimes they go out of their way to justify a character being too low (some Cavs are considered independent of everything).
So when does this summoner support thing unlock? Or is it available already and I'm just retarded?
he's so hot no one would want to hurt him, makes sense
I'm a shaggy all the way
>shaggyposting is going to be the new turkeyposting and you know it
Looks like I struck a nerve with one of the cucks moderating this shit hole, (lol
Can you use all the Laguz royals for RD's endgame, or can you only pick one like in PoR?
Is +1 +atk -def sigurd better or worse than +1 +def -atk sigurd?
Dex vs. Con.
Did you really expect anything different?
Banned for being a normie faggot, rekt
I feel you. I got Oscar's before I got Tailtiu, and I got Minerva instead of Dierdre. 140 orbs later, I got nothing I wanted. It's partially my fault for not just sniping reds the whole time.
I had a weird dream last night where we had a new banner with Panne, Ranulf, Mordecai, and Kaden. If this was real would you all roll for it?
>hey look mom i posted it again
Enjoy the ban
*rushes at you*
Already found it, dick looked gross
I hope you have fun on your vacation user.
Breed Tiki!