Villains edition
Villains edition
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xth for Colonization.
I wanna lovingly and passionately fuck and cuddle Jinx
what league of legends champignon has the best feet?
xth for my wife Syndra
>No Kleptomancy nerfs
>Buffing GP
Is Riot retarded
I don't get it
xth for posting with lewd pictures
you just found out your account got hacked then permabanned because of it
what do you do?
He's immortal now but I'd imagine he may eat if only because, or maybe Ascended eat to keep themselves Veeky Forums or /healthy/
Did you see megamind?
>tfw no baguette gf
>Akali into Lucian
>I'm level 5 he just hit 6
>Just a little more-
>Level 4 Jarvan Flash EQ's into my lane giving him double buffs
> oh well whatever
>lose game
>about to be upset
>realized I queued up for flex
thank god
I've given up on hitting gold in that queue, I'm just not good enough
>those ardent censer nerfs
HAHAHA thank you riot, although this is only a bandaid fix as they effectively removed an item, i'd like a replacement that benefited all team members equally instead of autoattackers
no refunds™
Can you lolbabs please remain in your containment general?
someone explain whats happening on next na and eu lcs like how is immortals out what why
What the fuck is up with Flex anyway? I hit Gold in solo queue pretty easily but I haven't had a ranged ADC in my last three Flex games. Two of those games the enemy didn't have a ranged ADC either.
>has a Q dash, a W onhit, an E stun, a shitty ult and no passive
>has a Q dash, a W onhit, an E stun, a second onhit ult and free stats from both ult and passive
So why is Irelia the one dimensional, stat check toplaner while Jax isn't?
When are we getting an actual fighting monk champion?
Lee doesn't feel like a fighter monk at all.
>im a rebel
>killing stuff is so much fun haha i hate everything
>stop calling me edgy silly boys XD
>omg shoes
>rawr >:3
DUO, only reason im losing LP in this clown queue is because my shitty friends seldom playing on my account losing LP each time they do
Contact Riot.
Chances are they won't do shit though. I'm sorry, user.
But the better question to ask is this - how do you think you got hacked? Used any sort of third pary program? Returning player after a long, long absence?
DEMAC- *dies*
>tfw no qt petite gf
i didnt it was a hypothetical question to yall
fucking faceless gooks winning everything. i wanna go back to the m5 days
>ywn mindbreak her
I'll impregnate your wife while you watch all
Why live
>no clubs
what the fuck
where my eune bros at
because jax is simple™, balanced™, and has clearly defined counterplay™
Immortals was heavily investing into an Overwatch team that will be playing in LA. Riot is afraid of competition. I forget which team, but I know one of the NA LCS teams that are confirmed staying have an Overwatch team based in EU so Riot doesn't care as far as NA LCS goes.
I haven't had it that bad but people in flex are so much worse than solo queue, sometimes you get plats from solo queue in silver too so it leads to a lot of stomps
I don't have anyone to duo with tho
It's cute how you think Syndra would be interesting in reproducing with a human instead of a big dicked Void stud.
Well they already fucked over bot lane by making it a NO FUN ALLOWED lane where only AA hypercarry ADCs and ardent censer supports are viable... I guess they can turn top lane into even more of a joke than it is now.
>Mill the extra furry ones into bacon.
>Cull any overly masculine males
>Convert a clan of ahri clones into nuns
>Milk the cow and goat girls.
>tfw no low dia support to duo with to masters
This, hope their communist country bans them from playing so we can have more entertaining games and not some faggots that play 20 hours a day tryharding so their manager gives them a 1 dollar rise.
>there will never be a girl team now that the fucking Sirens soiled it all
>no girl will ever be taken seriously because of the countless titstreamers and cam whores
>the very drama-oriented nature of these things simply means there will N E V E R be a girl in anything related to esports
>besides a pretty face for the presentation and shit
>the ones thata re serious about it are simply never taken seriously
I want off this ride m80s, like, yesterday.
jelly im in literally the best server
You what?
yeah that neither
the only reason anyone would play flex is to play with 3 or 5 man groups, no other reason to do it you dummy
>there are those in this world who unironically don't recognize yuri as the purest form of art
Truly there is no hope for humans~
>implying she'd let her superior genes go to waste by breeding with void scum
she'd fuck a white chad like Garen or Darius
but I want those graves chromas
Rhaast masterrace prove me wrong
I bet you cant
It's NEVER about who is in the most need of a rework, they rework champions as decent ideas come up to rework them
I'd try the same that I did with Blizzard
>contact support
>present some old as fuck purchase receipts
>in this case even some old event skin codes
>hope for the best
Keep the birds as pleasure slaves.
>tfw no vastayan slave gf
We do. Whatever you're crying about is probably a false-flagging dotard.
They nerfed ardent censer finally. I have a feeling we'll be back in Ashe meta since crit items aren't being nerfed.
Ardent Censer
Unique Passive
attack speed lowered from [20% - 30%] to [10% - 30%]
additional damage lowered from [20 - 35] to [5 - 20]
is it worth learning ornn?
A big thanks to you, Blue Kayn enthusiasts, for not killing Kayn every single match.
Only if you're having fun.
add any players you found to play decently, pray they accept and invite your whole friend list each time you queue, voice comms are super important imo but its better than suffering in flexq alone
Jax's E stun actually has counterplay unless you're standing near an unwarded area to let him prep it.
Irelia's E stun is literally a stat check.
>played with this adc today
>he say I'm the best support ever
>he honors and adds me
>we've won 4 games in a row since
>he tells me we should regularly duo
>he wants my discord/skype
Guys... I'm so nervous. I think my heart is actually about to explode out of my chest.
He's absolute bullshit OP currently. Strong laning phase and transitions into one of the best teamfighters in the game. I have no idea how people lose with him.
You connact support and you'll get the account back
It's easy for them to verify this stuff just based off of the IP changing I would presume
Reminder that Skarner belongs to the void!
How far would you go to make your league waifu happy, lolg?
Syndra's pussy was made for me, the Master of Shadows
contact Riot
they're gonna ask you a bunch of questions and stuff like when was the last time you logged on and from where ect. At which point they will begin doing some detective work looking at login IP's and what not
so long as you answer truthfully you will probably get it back. this shit happens way more often than you think its not like Riot is just gonna play "tough luck pal" card.
I remember when Xayah was first revealed, 99% of this general hated her. Called her ugly, flatchested, ahri-clone tumblr bait. What's happened since? Everyone seems to love her now.
i'd buy her lewd outfits so she can impress her bf.
hard to read
>get on discord/skype
>start duoing the next day
>suddenly go on a big losing streak and he gets tilted
>gradually lose contact with him
this has happened to me at least 5 times this season
Girls loving girls!
literally who
Go for it user, maybe you'll meet someone great!
I think Jax is super stat check ball of stats as well its just very well hidden.
people often confuse character being mechanical to a character being fair when the truth is neither are mutualy exclusive
Jax needs a rework to his innate passive and R then a update his W as well
don't. These people are the best if you win. The moment you blunder, as all men ought to eventually, they become passive aggressive and will stop talking to you.
Been in the same situation, doesn't seem much reading here but it makes you feel like shit.
Animals loving girls!
lolgen bandwagons onto lewd-posting pretty quickly. For example a lot of people here don't find Karma attractive but if I started dumping my Karma folder suddenly there'd be dozens of "I WANT TO RACEMIX WITH KARMA" posts.
I'm pretty sure I'm the only true "Xayahfag" (though I'm not sure if that qualifies her as my waifu since I mostly get off on mindbreaking her). I just post her a lot and other horny fucks jump onto the train of thought.
His numbers may be big but it doesn't change the fact that all 4 of his abilities feel clunky as fuck to use.
>Q takes pillar forever to pop up
>W self slow feels really bad
>E wind up is obnoxious
>R delay will never not feel awkward
Is it even humanly possible to execute his QE combo knock up?
Brand is my favorite champion
Do you think they would be down for a threesome?
U mad Syndrafag? Syndra will cuck you with Zed and you know it
>R delay will never not feel awkward
It doesn't exist anymore
His Q and E being clunky are the only things holding him back from being on the same level as Juggernaut Skarner. His W feels bad but the hitbox is Cho-W levels of bullshit making it extremely easy to land, and his ult is pretty easy to get right with a bit of practice.
whatever you say breh
Is a sin.
People seemed to be getting Project Fiora a lot leading up to and around Sacred Sword's release.
Is it going to be Azir skins now that he was buffed/fixed? I got an Azir skin yesterday and from a Worlds Orb no less
is a gay
>this is the state of male league players
How did you fail so hard, anons?
Don't forget the scuffed up ass bowl haircuts. Ugly mother fuckers, no wonder their women aren't fucking them and looking for better dick.
SO, which champs can take dark harvest?
Can Talon and Kayn? I kinda want to take it on Talon over electrocute to have something unique and surprising to the enemy.
Then you lose 3 or 4 matches and you two stop talking to each other
It happened to me bro, but good luck with that
jhin's basic attacks apply on-hit effects twice, thrice on critical strikes. did i fix him?
League's playerbase environment is already far too toxic and immature for any female pro to handle. It's one of the primary reasons why Riot's been holding off on Voice chat for so long, and I'm glad that they do.
Example - remember all of the shit that one-trick Zarya female Overwatch player got? The same would happen to any female player attempting to go into League's pro scene now, by like tenfold. Especially after the laughing stock that was Team Siren.
That and most pros aren't really mature or experienced enough to handle women in a professional manner yet; I can easily see a pro-girl unintentionally and accidentally being the result of a team's decline if she's even remotely decent-looking, because the rest of the male team would be too distracted by her. A lot people in the esports scene say that GFs can be the result of a proffessional player's decline in quality play for these reasons alone, unfortunately.
the Faggot of Shadows? The one who spends his free time with Kayn to "teach" him things? whatever you say user.
That would also be lame because I've owned Fiora's best skin since it came out Royal Guard
It has nothing to do with that. Its 100% random.
I pulled a Sultan Gangplank the other day.
I love Lissandra!
The only way league can have female pros is to market harder to obsessive hyperintelligent teenage girls. Kayn was a step in that direction.
I've tried reading this pic at least 5 times and I still don't understand the point it was trying to make. All I can seem to gather from it was that someone was so anally anguished, that they felt the need to spend time and create this image for some sort of self-validation.