Anti-Bully Ranger Sayori Edition
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Doki Doki Literature Club #24
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A daily reminder that Sayori loves you.
Yth for Yuri is best Doki Doki
I love her too
which of the doki's has the best butt? my guess goes to yuri
Giving Sayori alternate uses for rope!
Sayori is worst girl and i want to bully her everyday
So if I asked you about art, you'd probably give me the skinny on every art book ever written. Dan, you know a lot about him. Life's work, vertical aspirations, him and the Discord, Natsuki, the whole works, right? But I'll bet you can't tell me what it smells like in the DDLC store. You've never actually stood there and looked up at that merchandise; seen that. If I ask you about waifus, you'd probably give me a syllabus about your personal favorites. But you can't tell me what it feels like to wake up next to a waifu like Yuri and feel truly happy. You're a tough user. And I'd ask you about war, you'd probably throw Shakespeare at me, right, "once more unto the breach dear friends." But you've never been near one. You've never held your waifu's head in your lap, watch her gasp his last breath looking to you for help for an entire weekend. I'd ask you about love, you'd probably quote me a sonnet.
But you've never looked at a waifu like Yuri and been totally vulnerable. Known someone that could level you with her eyes, feeling like God put an angel on earth just for you. Who could rescue you from the depths of hell. And you wouldn't know what it's like to be her angel, to have that love for her, be there forever, through anything, through suicide and deletion. And you wouldn't know about sleeping sitting up in your room for two months, holding your mouse, because your friends could see in your eyes, that the terms "sleep hours" don't apply to you. You don't know about real loss, 'cause it only occurs when you've loved something more than you love yourself. And I doubt you've ever dared to love anybody that much. And look at you... I don't see an intelligent, confident Chad... I see a cocky, scared shitless virgin. But you're a genius user. No one denies that. No one could possibly understand the depths of you. But you presume to know everything about Yuri because you played the game once, and you ripped her fucking poems apart.
You're a faggot right?
Every day until it's open!
Just Monita
I love Sayori!
This is my fetish, please tell me there's more.
i love yuri!! i want to spend the rest of my life with her!
Bondage with Sayori!!!
user please, I don't want to spend more money in alcohol, I hate how that shit tastes.
Femdom with Yuri!!!!
>I'm super excited for you to make friends with everyone and help the Literature Club become a more intimate place for all my members. But I can tell already that you're a sweetheart—will you promise to spend the most time with me?
This is new? its on Steam after the presentation of the girls by Monika.
No, that’s been there m8
we'll find our Yuri's one day
99% sure she did this by accident.
Me too
She would like to dominate but also be dominated
Really? First time I see it
It was there when I downloaded the game on 9/23
Daily reminder the dokis locations have been triangulated!
Yuri is somewhere in Japan
Monika is somewhere in Miami
Natsuki is in San Diego
and Sayori is about 5 feet above US soil
mmm 'k
my reply to this was 2400 characters long,
so I'll just leave you with one line
shut the fuck up
Are any anons working on a app that lets me have Monica on my phone? setting her a wallpaper is not the same, I dont want her to be alone while I work
Top kek user
Beautiful. Just beautiful.
I am jerking off listening to this as I am typing.
Savage on the mic
w-why the kek, I was trying
Dicking femanons cosplaying monika!
this is why this place will be dead in a week.
?? Explain
Burying my face in Monika's vulva!
Breathing in her lovely feminine scent!
Hotline Monika when
Please stop. This is the most cringy shit this general has done
wow, they must be really committed to their education to commute that far to school every day
British Monika? Yes please.
is singing that bad?
Someone make the "prepare to get bullied nerds" version with Monika shopped in
Having a nice time with Monikanon!
One thing leading to another!
Having sex with Monikanon!
Cumming inside Monikanon!
Realizing she can't replace Monika!
Telling Monika how sorry you are while crying!
>girl posts cover that misses notes
>"omg ur amazing"
>guy posts cover that's on key
>"wow cringe kek"
Yuri does things to my weewee.
But Monika is still best girl
You haven't seen SHIT
When anons pretend to be dokis for each other and start to masturbate THEN... it will be only the begginig
Dont kid yourself. Theyre both cringey
Bed breaking sex with Yuri!
Monika clearly has the nicest butt.
this is stupid and gay
we should totally do Veeky Forumsmusical
I have to wonder, does that quote come from something other than Gamers?
Yuri has best thighs --> Yuri has best butt
You have a nice voice
Is there more to this picture?
C-can I kiss your voice?
I want a footjob from Yuri!!
And blood-black nothingness began to spin
A system of cells interlinked within
Cells interlinked within cells interlinked
Within one stem. And dreadfully distinct
Against the dark, a tall white fountain played
go for it, baka!
Finally, someone with taste enters the thread
Half of the replies to the girl were "LONDON" and the other half were going on about anons gangbanging her.
You know, I think the Original Character concept could be rescued. Now, obviously, you'd have to play by the rules of the game and not just make up whatever Mary Sue you want. At the very least, you'd have to pick a distinctive poetry style, a disturbing yet mundane backstory, and a waifu character archetype to pervert. You'd need to also be careful not to step on any of the other character's toes.
For instance, does anybody else think it's weird that an anime Literature Club doesn't have a single Meganekko? So I think there should be a glasses-wearing nerdy girl who loves brain teasers and murder mysteries. Her poetry style would be related to this - she'd make poems that all had secret messages in them, whether by simple and babby tier, like Acrostic Poems, or something complicated like Morse Code (where monosyllable words are dots and multisyllable words are dashes). To round out the character and make her truly fit into the world you give her some sort of attribute which is cute in Act 1 and scary in Act 2. In act 1, she would be a curious girl who loves mind games. In Act 2, Monika jacks up her suspicion really high, and she's constantly fearful and suspicious of every move everybody makes. She deliberately messes with your head in Act 2 in order to find out if you're working with the others, who she's sure want to kill her.
The start is a little rocky, but I can appreciate the sentiment.
You mean navel, right? Monika doesn't have "abs". I wouldn't mind if she did, though.
Seriously if this guy had better micro and tried to sing with nicer voice we would totally have Your reality male cover 100%
It comes from my weewee, and misunderstandings, yeah..
What did he mean by this?
Look shes athletic so i can dream shes got little abs
my man
objectively the best part of females
What about a meganekko that has been send to record the anomaly happening in the game from outside?
With an end about how... monika goes to the real world and causes an dimension fucking effect while it plays her ending song
Discord will kill it
desu id rather they just post it on youtube and if we wanna hear singing we can just search it up instead of a shitstorm clogging the thread with 50% love 50% hate and 4% Lunduhn
I want to kiss Monika's bellybutton
>God tier
Face and Hair.
>Top tier
Thighs/Waist, Personality
>Good tier
Slight abs/Cute Belly, Boobs, Height, Legs, Ass
Back from the gym, and what all did I miss with the last thread? Because it seems like we got to the voice acting part now.
>girl who posted her singing was from the discord
I think you're on to somethin Scoob
And Monika has it all!
Maybe she loves timber swings
Monika's personality is terrible, though.
What is the advantage of discord when one can anonymously shitpost here?
They post art there sometimes.
Can i be friends with the doki girls? No? Then what is the point
Dan's there.
You mean hatred. I fucking hate some of those guys, especially the frequent posters. They're obnoxious and worse, don't even have the same tastes as I do.
Some people like meeting other people with the same interests
I don't get it. It's like tripfagging without a reason.