League of legends general /lolg/
Other urls found in this thread:
reminder male perfection invokes powerless envious betas
the resulting comments will just prove my point
xth for my wife Syndra
reminder that sending dick pics to girls actually pays off
>tfw no baguette gf
How would Jinx react if I bought her flowers and a box of chocolates?
Star Guardians are for ____________.
>tfw I'll probably be fucking her behind his back in less than a few weeks
>retarded landwhale fujoshits think Jhin was designed with them in mind
Forcefully impregnating.
Teehee silly boys, you only like the champions you do because of your male fragility.
Bow down to my superior female intellect and insight, don't I belong here now?
Impregnating except Ezreal and the dumb Yordles
>denying insecurity is a key component of male personality
Reminder that vlad exists so he can be femdommed by vayne!
She'd say aww thank you, then throw them in the garbage on the way over to suck my dick.
Alright if that's all you want to focus on, fan pandering is gender neutral.
I report my friend every other game (like 10 times a week) because hes constantly griefing and going afk farming losing us way too many games were his enemy laner was alone all the time.
Will anything ever happen to this fuckhead? He demoted me way too many times and im tired of going solo to damage control until he returns. Hes an OK-ish guy but his game skills SUCK and he blames the jungler,the bot lane the "broken balance" and everything but his 40cs in 25 mins top and his 0/8 score
>implying insecurity is a key component of human personality
R u implyin somethin??
wanna read my fanfic about it
there is nothing quite like the joy of taming a powerful beast
that's not very nice!
But what about ezreal
Females are the insecure ones because they wear makeup.
She's implying female posters should be bullied on sight
I wanna cuddle Jinx and see her get a ms steroid added to her kit
>MORE ardent censer nerfs
What the FUCK?
Is the balance team high or something?
What is it now, two, three threads in a row completely derailed because of vladfag? And this one starts out like this. Awesome. Just fucking groovy.
she has a ms steroid. you don't deserve her.
5 decides my new jungle main.
Better to nerf it into irrelevance than wait another 2 months for them to sort it out
Shh... it's time to get violent... and weird.
Ardent has served it's purpose for worlds. Theyre making a new meta now instead of trying to balance the game
>Another insecure beta male
He's the one that dies first before all the important stuff happens.
user the bait is too strong I can't
I love Camille
need new Camille skin
Yeah, sorry. I am completely fucking insecure. My dick is half an inch long and I'm a supermanlet.
Can we please talk about the game? Can you please stop coming into a thread about videogame to blog about your degree in psychology?
Cutest OTP!
Tank Fizz
Relentless Sexual Aggression Tier: Evelynn, Ahri, Vi, Nidalee, Leona Illaoi Magma Fire
Teasing and Control Freak Tier: LeBlanc, Syndra, Orianna, Lissandra Camille Storm Dark
Definitely Dominant But Not Quite As Sexual Tier: Elise, Shyvana, Sejuani, Zyra
High Tier: Cassiopeia, Karma, Katarina, Vayne, Diana
Mid Tier: Jinx, Akali, Fiora, Caitlyn, Riven, Miss Fortune, Quinn, Sivir Air
Low Tier: Lux (some Elementalist forms are much higher), Ashe, Soraka, Janna Water Nature
So Submissive She Can't Even Talk Tier: Sona
I can see her being in the 2nd wave of PROJECT skins
Granted I'd wish Riot would come up with different skin lines or utilize some older ones but I don't expect that much of them
Trips are more powerful than 5's
Captcha demands Sejuani.
Vlad is on-topic silly so I can technically never be banned
Yeah no, that shit is situational and unreliable as fuck I'm talking about the shit Xayah and Draven have, something I can actually rely on. Also I deserve her the most out of anyone. I love Jinx the most.
>me and my friend sign up to play on the pbe like a year ago
>he just recently got his pbe account
>he tries it out
>says he hates it because it's not like he thought it'd be
>he used it once and plans to never touch it again
>he uninstalls the pbe client
>meanwhile I still don't have mine
champ role locking when?
nunu should not be mid as much as jinx shouldnt be jungle or yasuo shouldnt be in the game
>Ardent has served it's purpose for *selling new janna skins
Partially, but not entirely.
Same with Kayn - he wasn't entirely designed with female players in mind either, but you can't deny that he has a strong female playerbase/following, and that Riot didn't throw in some fanservice for good measure.
You aren't using that term correctly, user.
This person is unironically replying instead of me and I love it.
Godspeed may this thread run red
Jungle Bard is surprisingly not bad.
Terrible start, and you'd better pray they don't invade. Your ganks are pretty strong though
there is 0% chance she gets a project skin seeing as she's already a cyborg and program is basically the same thing except blue and white instead of gray with colored visors
Domination as a secondary tree to Precision or Sorcery?
Buff caitlyn
Cunty cunt cunt
Even Riot has admitted they didn't expect Jhin to be so popular
Thankfully the massive 10% female playerbase of this game (1% if we substract support players) was there to prop him up
Sex King.
Why isn't Eve at the top of this list you absolute fucking moron
If they did that. It'd be a super shitty skin, but Camille mains wouldn't notice after a month or 2. Then they'd go back to bitching about no skin and buffs
Hm fair point. I can see Death Blossom being utilized pretty well for her, or something that gives her more monstrous features
The champ you hate the most
Fuck you, I'm gonna play Garen support while the enemy picks Censer Janna and there's nothing you can do to stop me.
ornn is actually fun as fuck but like with every tanky character like him if your team has 0 macro game sense you're fucked
Are just runes being replaced by the new runes, or both runes and masteries?
>cunty cunt cunt
Fuck you metaslave
I want to play my Ahri Adc, Zed support, Bard mid, Blitzcrank jg and Braum top
Why are all 3 roasties on this general so uppity the past couple days?
You already did this and you got soraka. Nut up and go bananas in the jungle my dude.
Or are you some sorta coward?
>bunch of brazilians who talk only in portuguese
>toxicity is way worse than any live servers
>connection/ping is really unstable and it causes a lot of afks
do you still want to try PBE?
Why are Caitlyn's eyes like that ?
Best girl.
Best pussy.
Best wife.
They don't have enough sharia in their lives.
wtf, but there's no DFT replacement?
>hype him for over a month with a hype tactic they've never used before
>give him a high quality cinematic
>give him a fun kit
>give him a top-tier voice and lines
>"lol oh no, we weren't expecting this at all!"
Perhaps not expecting it - but you can be certain that they were damn well BETTING on him becoming a very popular champion, for sure.
A good contrast is Aurelion Sol - a champion they were BETTING on being popular due to all of the initial hype he received - only to end up being a "failure" in this regard, due to his clunky and hard-to-master/non-casual kit.
Vladfag doesn't get the fact that the reason people tell her Vlad's a faggot is because they hate her, so she made some wierd graphic on who everyone should be attracted to in her new regime and has been spamming it every thread.
Literally who?
>we will never live in the world where Kojima does League lore instead of Burch
So this is what an emotional crit feels like
>don't give honor
if you want honor from an honor 5 player like myself you need to earn it
Zac and you better do it this time