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>mfw my favorite characters aren't in FEH
>mfw they will be insanely overpowered when they do show up

Anyone else know this feel?

People were probably thinking that with Ayra, and look at how that turned out.

>tfw used 60k feathers this week to 5* anna, sharena and arvis
>still 120k feathers and no idea what to do

im lacking green units but at the same time i hate 90% of them and the others are locked behind 5* fml

>"Realistical ways ISIS can make up for this shitshow"

Did you know if there was a 4 unit banner with Ayra the only focus red you would still have a lower chance of getting her than a 3 unit banner with all 3 focus units on red? Now you do

This is Olivia! She got into >Warriors!

Say something nice about her!

Where is he?

Free 4* Ayra. That's it.

I expect nothing but radio silence. If they actually say anything at all i'd be impressed.

Demote Ayra to 4 stars.

>The ABSOLUTE STATE of Ayrafags in t. 2 and a half years

You're gonna upgrade him now right?

Enjoy Niles, Fir, Bartre, and Jagen sharing their banner.

>ISIS right now

>datamine shows ayra has data for 4*
>arden doesn't
>arden is available as the 5* reward in tempest
>there will obviously be a 4* reward in the tempest
how many of you dumbasses spent orbs on the ayra banner when we're getting a free 4* ayra

apology orbs and never doing this shit again

So I only have 20K feathers left, and really need a good red mage as well as a bonus unit for TT. Does Arvis fit the bill? I have a spare Hinata I can sack for him.

You all did this, correct?

Let this blow over and avoid doing that again.

Nothing. By tomorrow everyone will have forgotten this.

Yes. This is why I don't believe the autists when they say "our autistic shitfit is over ayra being in a banner that's not with siggy, n-not because she isn't free!"

I already did

Kill yourself shill.


They won't acknowledge any wrongdoing because that will set a precedent for caving to consumer backlash that will just provoke more backlashes in the future.

This is different from a game error cause players to lose out on something they've earned. This is pure scumbaggery.


I can't believe I supported this game. Not just with money; I shared this game. I told friends and family about it, I recommended it to my uncle who still plays, at least until he wakes up. I advocated Arya being okay, even... I defended this level of power creep because it was only natural to assume something like her would be free for everybody. All of the Tempest Trials rewards tend to be awesome, and not fat meme fonts so Japanese execs could laugh at us.
This has, in one move, drained away all of my faith in this company, all of my faith in this game, and done a fair number to make this week as shitty as it can be.

IS did nothing wrong

>free 4* ayra
haha good one user, she obviously will drop to 4* after the banner is over so whalefags spend their money first

Nothing. You deserve nothing.

>Does hero that fits every requirement fit every requirement

Deirdre is for Arvis AND Sigurd!

>thinking ISIS will do jack shit at all

Game shuts down.

We're nor getting one. Stop lying to yourself.

>Cute new alt
>Now on Warriors
Everything is coming up Olivia!

>Only have a Julia to do this with
I wish
Speaking of which
>Julia and Seliph AREN'T TT bonus units

Haven't got a Dreirdrer yet.

>she obviously will drop to 4*
haha good one user


>worst dancer got into a shitty game and will look ugly.
Who cares.

is this from Reddit

So as the game becomes more and more FAST, how can slower units ever hope to keep up? A skill that debuffs any unit faster than the user before combat?

People prefer getting their pity rate broken by an off-banner unit than a shitty forced focus unit because it is seen as more fair relative to precedent.

This is not really about probability.

People said in a few hours everyone would have moved on when the shitstorm first started.

What a fun shitstorm that was.

>burned the jew-enabling thot
>has max support to help out all your units
>comes to you without any strings attached ready to help a buddy out
Literally /ourguy/.



Let's be real here. They're gonna use the maintenance to remove Ayra's 4* data and give Arden 4* data instead.

>What are deflect skills

I'm confused. Why would Whales care? They are going to throw money at this banner for their +10 Ayra anyway. They'll get a few Elidgans out of it too.

Decided to just pay the 20k feathers for Fury since I haven't rolled Hinata in ages. Despite what the redditors are saying, this guy is fun as fuck to use

Ardent Sacrifice / Reciprocal Aid?
Iceberg / Draconic Aura?

Fuck off reddit.

Not exactly

Arvis is supporting Nephenee


They'll probably have a gen 2 themed TT some time in the future, with Julia and Seliph as units alongside whatever other units they add into the game. probably Finn and Leif at least

Pay for my new phone after I threw it so hard it shattered when I saw the banner announcement

Welfare niggers are quick to reveal their true colors.

>Falling for ISIS trick.

My only solace in this is knowing that /ourboy/ Arvis burned that jew to a crisp.

Oh I did more than just that

Whales on 2ch and reddit, and even here are going fucking insane dude.

autists on reddit have pointed out that she did not have a preview video which suggests that she should have been a TT reward or GHB unit because that's literally how every other unit has worked so far

not really, but they did some shit like making some of the best core-tier spells in the new sets epic quality.

Ardent and Iceberg.

You can also put Draw Back on him for when you don't need Ardent.

>gen2 TT
>they introduce Sety on a banner where he shares focus with Merric

So, who wants to bet Linde's getting shorts in Warriors too? Or maybe she doesn't backflip enough and they could get away with it

Which game of the franchise should I start with? I've always thought I should like them but I've never played any, is there any good ones for 3DS?

Use Ardent, lines up nicely with his ring. Iceberg is probably better, but I hate the idea of giving it to him.


FEH got me real interested in FE again, I've only played Blazing Blade and Awakening. Which game do you guys recommend I play next?

I'm upset because I have no 40% unit and no orbs to get one. TT will suck but I hope the orbs from that will get me something.

I'm dying

>Patternfags still haven't learned

Reminder that Otome > Fujo

Shadow Dragon

Why would they BOTH wear wedding dresses if they're getting married?

>Kiran doesn't use Ayra, he instead has her tied up and used as a training dummy by his other heroes
>when she dies of injury he just revives her

Is it just me or that thumbnails and images are fucked?

This is a redditor


I missed the initial shitstorm.

how many month till they keep the support ranks when you switch them up

im tired of switching up to a new unit just to start over all again because i have a new teamcomp

Nice try Otomefag. Inb4Fujofag

Dead franchise. FEH killed it today

No, but I did this!

I did it as soon as I saw his sprite's sex hair.

Neither of them being bonus units is underrated bullshit

>54 Atk 40 Spd

Thats pretty nice user, I think I'm gonna devote all my feathers to him next.

>I now use the Reinhardt
>THE Reinhardt

On the DS?
Is that Genealogy?

I really hope they stop with the powercreep. It's getting annoying now. I was just about fine with the Braves but this is getting ridiculous.

This and the fact that anyone going for Arya would be sniping reds anyway, seldom picking other colors, and with those odds, being a solo color focus would be better than sharing the color in a focus

>Wake up just as day rolls over in the game
>Launch it up to see if there's something new
>Character everyone for some reason expected for free is on extra banner now
>Roll free, Stahl, no other reds
>Roll again with my last 5 F2P orbs for shits and giggles
>+SPD/-DEF Ayra
I'm laughing so hard at all of this. But before I rolled her I did too, IS didn't say they're giving her for free. That was just an assumption that was already going against the fact that we have 2 new characters and one Tempest. It is jewy and tricky but they didn't cheat anyone.

Powercreep is a bit worrying though.

I want Arvis to plow my pussy.

As soon as I get the feathers.

Try FE6, FE7 (blazing blade) is the prequel. FE8 is a good middle ground of FE7 and Awakening, so you can also try that if you want. If you liked awakening more, try Fates instead. Birthright is basically Awakening but a bit better, Conquest is more classic FE. Just ignore the story and the 3rd route DLC.

>When you're the main character and IS won't even place you on the 20% score brackett.
Time to go back to the bench!

My internet's out so I can only work a few hours at the library on free internet, but I'm doing this now! I finally beat infernal, so now I have all 3 of my Arvises!

It's been a punch to the gut, but at least I'm not one of the faggots who still think the most recent datamine can be trusted even remotely, especially with a maintenance period coming right before the Tempest

I wasn't going to straight away. I had two other units I wanted to upgrade first but seeing as how I have no other tempest trial bonus unit he just got bumped up to first on the list and will be 5*ing him within the next few days

>they'll cover up Linde's beautiful legs

A shame, but it's bound to happen.