Would re-introduction of slavery in western countries be beneficial, or would be backlash?

Would re-introduction of slavery in western countries be beneficial, or would be backlash?

Look at South Africa during apartheid and look at is post-apartheid.

>inb4 libtard Veeky Forumscucks appear

What could possibly go wrong?

People might not want to buy slavery goods

Somewhat reduced consumer base due to some of them being forced into slavery, and thus unable to afford anything

I could go for buying a new wife all young and fresh, mine is old and ragged.
Also I wouldn't mind a British butler running around like Alfred (no homo). Can we just make it easier for the wealthy to take on full time "interns"

>thinking slavery isnt already in western countries
good goy

First, saged for dumb thread,
And second, slavery would hurt the economy as a whole as those slaves would be even less productive than minimumwageslaves.
Similar to communism, a slave has no incentive to work anymore than they are punished for, thus all other aspects of keeping the slave alive like food and shelter would have to be provided and supervision would be required to stymie slave revolts and keep them at work.
The whole slavery institution is therefore generally even more costly than what we do now by just letting people go and take care of themselves, this almost always requires a job and to produce something for society, so we are better off.

The wage system has an output that matches the output of slavery. This has been a noted quirk since antiquity. The re-implementation of slavery in the West is a fantasy indulged in by reactionaries as a way to imagine themselves on top in a restructuring of the system.

There would obviously be backlash

if we only enslaved nonwhies and castrated them there would be a huge benefit 30 years form now though

What about the sweatshops where everyone gets their iphones from? That's what capitalist slavery looks like

just kill off all the low IQ races

Doesn't even have to be sweatshops. Wages are largely spent on subsistence living, and wage workers own no stake in the means of production. Wage-slavery has been a concept for a long time.

South Africa suffered from lack of economic growth because very few companies in the world wanted to do business with them because of their apartheid laws. At one point, the apartheid government even had to give Asians "honorary white" status as a last resort in order to get Japanese and Chinese companies to invest in their country lol

>Would re-introduction of slavery in western countries be beneficial, or would be backlash?

What are the parameters of this alternate universe?

Everything the same, just slavery is suddenly legal? Wouldn't last a day, since all leaders are against it.

Slavery is legal and leaders support it? Judges would declare it unconstitutional.

Legal, leaders support, judges support? Majority of the electorate wouldn't and leadership would change next election.

Also, wouldn't all the new slaves instantly riot? They're pretty used to not being slaves, I assume.

So we're at a point where we would have to assume a completely changed society with decades of education instilling in everyone how normal slavery is and instilling a midset of servitude into the new slaves. This is so far-out, that it has virtually no connection to our world anymore. You would have to slowly build up to it and hope no-one sees the writing on the wall (which is next to impossible in a globalized digitized world).

>And second, slavery would hurt the economy as a whole as those slaves would be even less productive than minimumwageslaves.
You can't educate slaves for sure, but for physical labour or basic services I see no reason why properly trained slaves should be less productive. Working is their life, it's all they know, all they've been trained for. It takes an education to know slavery is wrong, that you don't *have* to do what others tell you and that you could always kill yourself. What people haven't been taught rarely appears to them as an option.

why would it be beneficial you retard? need for unskilled labor is of the past.

>And second, slavery would hurt the economy as a whole as those slaves would be even less productive than minimumwageslaves.
not only that but they don't spend much.

you guys know there were different kinds of slaves, right?

For a long time slavery was a means for those with a lot of debt to work it off and get a fresh start after so many years, and it was a heavily regulated industry, meaning you couldnt just treat your slave like shit.

I'm not saying it would work in modern soceity, but it seems like there are a lot of people out there fucked with debt who wouldnt mind cleaning some rich old fuck's mansion for 2 years to start over again.

For what jobs?

today there is only one form of slavery left the illegal highly exploitative one.

bankruptcy laws cover your example scenario just fine.

so we're our own slaves then?

Why not pay your employees less than they are actually willing to work for, but have the government make up the difference??


>pay your employees less but then have the government take more money from you to make up the difference


Only if the government raises your taxes by exactly as much as you saved by cutting wages.

You're right, I'm not going to be the first to get a tax hike when that debt becomes a problem.

>paying shekels to feed, house, and clothe people who are slower, weaker, and dumber than machines

T. Walmart

I would like to be a slave to a girl. If she would allow me to lick her feet. So I agree to bring back slavery.

Slave owners would be able to have cheap labor. However, we don't need that in modern society because we already have a labor force willing to work for cheap. (Young adults and foreign workers).

Slavery is just obsolete.

Only once the Gov collapses from debt. In the long run it pays off.

youre so fucking stupid honestly, i see a lot of similar threads and this one tops it as the most retarded one.

>OP asks question out of curiosity because he wishes to discuss the answer and see what a good possible answer could be
>"ur fucking dumb 2bh"

Yeah, and that was a mistake becuase then they could have, at least, made marginal gains. Now there is hardly any institutionalized structure at all. The unemployment rate is 28%, black men rape little girls because they believe fucking a virgin cures HIV, and their credit rating got downgraded to junk status two days ago.

Sure is better now.

I call dibs on all the oppai lolis

Wouldn't be beneficial because you have to pay people to keep the slaves in line, pay for the food and find a place to keep them. Robots do twice the amount of work without food, bed or whip.