League of Legends general - /lolg/:

Bubble Champion When edition

OT: eyosongive.us

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pobelter > bjergsen

post best guy

>get main role mid
>win last 3 games as mid
>Now i am getting only secondary top
>every of my fucking midlaners is a fucking inting edglord now


Why can't i get my main role if i am only fucking winning on it. I thought this system changes you to secondary when you are losing/doing badly.

Fucking nigger jews at RIOT rooting my plat LP.

A lot of the characters in this game feel really inspired. There's some iffy ones but compared to other champion-based multiplayer games I think many of League's designs really stand out, even the older shit like Ryze and Annie had something going for them.

Seeing as everybody is shitting the bed this worlds, if the finals end up being C9 vs FNC who would you root for?

So the sleep cc is going to be a long stun that can be interrupted by taking tamage, right?

>I thought this system changes you to secondary when you are losing/doing badly.

i wanna CUDDLE and PROTECT Lulu!

So how does it work

>getting raped by blitzcrank
>shit at dodging blitzcrank's Q
what did "the best team in the world" mean by this?

what are some meme names for league of legends?


Relentless Sexual Aggression Tier: Evelynn, Ahri, Vi, Nidalee, Leona Illaoi Magma Fire
Teasing and Control Freak Tier: LeBlanc, Syndra, Orianna, Lissandra Camille Storm Dark
Definitely Dominant But Not Quite As Sexual Tier: Elise, Shyvana, Sejuani, Zyra
High Tier: Cassiopeia, Karma, Katarina, Vayne, Diana, Fiora,Miss Fortune
Mid Tier: Jinx, Caitlyn, Riven,Quinn, Sivir Air
Low Tier: Lux (some Elementalist forms are much higher), Ashe,Janna,Water,Nature,Akali
Submissive: Sona Xayah Soraka



Yeah, I would say that League has the most developed or interesting characters/champions I've seen in any modern MOBA game. Perhaps not so much for a majority of the old champions, but 2012-2013 was definitely a turning point where they became increasingly developed, likable and inspired.

It looks for your primary role, expands to secondary after a certain time, and expands to autofill if it can't find any games for your roles within a certain time. We don't know how long it waits.

>best team in the world"
They mean they aren't the best team in the world,


They mean Misfits is the second best team in the world / Ignar is a God.



My solo queue savior.

Literally 78% winrate on her. Carried me from bronze last season to Plat 5. Super fun to play, best kit of any ADC, and can't keep herself alive better than any other ADC, without having to rely on a boosted auto filled shit support.


Autocorrect fuck up.

Interesting thing though;

If SKT just does SKT things from now on, and 3-0s every other team, then Misfits literally is the second best team in the world.

Sure, some intellectually bankrupt retards will claim the other finalist is the second best team in the world, but it is all about the tier ranking between them. If SKT 3-0s SSG, then SSG is objectively worse than Misfits, because if you switched Misfits and SSG, SSG would have been out in quarters as well.

Misfits just put up an actual fight.

>Implying SKT will win
Bang and Faker are so washed up, I am not seeing how Huni has any chance of carrying that shit show.

Bang and Wold literally played like the botlanes I get in plat, INTing and feeding the enemy botlane every game, and only doing average if the entire team suck a their dicks all game, and sacrifices everything to do so.

They won off the back of splitpush Huni who just tokk all the objectives, while his team did literally nothing. Him getting picked off was the logical conclusion to him having a team with 0 pressure on the map.

You're the coach for team Misfits.

You find yourself preparing for game 5 against SKT at worlds.

You just lost 2 games in which you played meta comps and played normally. 0-2 with this strategy.

You just won 2 games in which you picked something cute on your support player and played fast. You're 2-0 with this strategy.

Which of these two strategies do you pick to play in the 5th game?

>he never got near-instant queues with secondary role, or autofilled

I think the algorithm just tries to make as many teams out of people's roles of same elo as it can but since there's gonna be some disparity at all times, especially for support, sometimes you just get a middle finger instead. Don't think it depends on anything at all except for autofill protection and maybe choosing less popular roles, don't think that the difference between sololanes and adc/jungle popularity is gonna as big to notice it as a human, but if you gonna measure it statistically there will be some difference.

why did misfits gave tristana in the last 2 games


Neither since 95% of faker's brain which were unused during the games already deconstructed both strategies and came with solutions, gotta surprise that motherfucker.

>tristana hasn't been delet

We're all watching SingSing play League right?

>enemy mid keep on picking taliyah because worlds hype
>i pick black man of many dashes and bend them over

Literally free elo.

>Not Sneaky

This is my wife Ahri! please say something nice to her, take her on a date, and show her a good time and make her happy!

The shit I gotta go through to carry games baka


what the fuck why is this thread so dead??

Because there is another one

I am going to impregnate her with quintuplets or a whole dozen.

I wanna cuddle Jinx and do anything to make her happy

xth for my wife Syndra

I want to take Jinx to a mental asylum and give her a lobotomy!


So how did game 5 go? I fell asleep

>On a losing streak
>Lane finally starts out well

the ride never ends

>Not wanting a braindead jinx sex slave

misfit threw hard trying to get elder drag when they had 3 infernos
they ignored the respawning jayce with tp
close up until that point

s there any easy champs to can carry games? i dont feel like sperging away for hours and hours to learn a hard champion and still lose games because i always get retarded team mates

I'll help take care of the children so long as you continue to make my sweet loving Ahri happy! Her happiness is my happiness. Treat her with the tender love that she obviously deserves!

>dude, ornn has NEVER been bad!
>if anything, he's OVERBUFFED now!


I am going to fuck your wife till she is unable to walk or speak for weeks.

I don't want a mind broken Jinx sex slave I want a mentally present and fully intact Jinx wife!

Annie, Malzahar, Sejuani, Tryndamere, Chogath, Tristana

What are some champions with cute feet?


No sympathy

>Finally get both plat v on solo q and gold v on flex
>never have to play this shitty meta again
I'm finally free.

>3 more hours of work

Save me senpai

What are you going to do when your wife blows up half of piltover and the cops come to arrest you as an accessory to and act of terrorism?

>people still don't know how to play Urgot and pick Riven into you

At least you can shitpost while working

She has escapes plans, it k.

what kind of champ beats yasuo at all stages of the game?


Nuh uh. This is our designated break time.

Shits on him?
Or can beat him if you outplay him?
I think talon can 100-0 yasuo if he has BC and LW as his third item and final item respectively and yasuo doesn't/can't windwall
zed too

Repeat pick Leona + Tristana again for the final game. If Tristana isn't available first pick, ban her.

Part of that final loss was watching Misfits play the "safe" game again and again and again that SKT can use to proppel themsleves to victory. Instead of playing the aggressive route that got them to match point, they dropped that, even when they had IgNar on fucking Thresh.

It was a sad game to watch honestly because SKT is playing at their weakest and still no one can stop them except maybe RNG.

>was hovering a champ i thought i locked in
>nope i didn't
>lose lp and get dodge timer
why the fuck doesn't hover count as lock in. that use to be the case

he's never gonna have positive wr since his passive is nerf if you play with retards

As long as you can dodge his tornado riven can beat Yasuo starting at like level 3

>play only adc to diamond 3
>switch to mid for shits and giggles
>be terrible and everyone on my team flames me

holy shit this is so hilarious, haha.

Nigga please

>Deleting champions

If I get 3 450 champs from token blue essence conversion should I just disenchant them or reroll them into a perm champ?

does honor flair only appear for 1-2 games after you've unlocked it? seems like it disappears unless you keep getting honored every game.

>shitter elo

Reminder that Ahri does not wear panties

It's only for your next game after getting honored. Need to keep getting honored if you want to keep the flair.

Depends, if you only have 6300 champs left to buy it's worth more to reroll, since rerolling them guarantees that you get one that you don't own yet.

I want to cuddlefug Jinx until I cum inside

Does she not wear them every day or does she wear some on occasion?

I'm still missing a lot of champs but have all the 450 ones and most 1350

Disenchanting them will give me back less than what I bought the tokens for anyway so I was wondering which is best

Best jungler and top to carry myself to gold?

>Literally traced

It's doubtful that she ever wears them. She feeds off semen so she has to have easy access

>playing only caitlyn for a long time
>excessively getting used to having 650 AA range
>can't turn back to other adc anymore
what to do

shiptur >>>>>>>> pobelter>> bjergsen

Anyone in euw wanna play sometime my friend list is kinda dead right now

Just because it's traced doesn't mean it doesn't look nice user.
I guess that makes sense. What about the Alternate Universe Star Guardian Ahri?

Play Ashe for a while, then Varus, then regular 550 ADCs.
As a Xayah main I'm always surprised by Ashe's range when I play her.

Jungle morgana again?

Blitzcrank is my favorite champion!
He will protect you with his lance! He will then set you up with your ideal dating partner!

Perfect bitch in heat.

Yes, and?


>Akali now low-tier


Just finished watching those Misfits vs SKT games and as an NA, I think it's safe to say that EU>>>>NA now, and pretty much always has been. Misfits pretty much did the unthinkable here, let alone for a non-Korean team. They deserve all the praise they can get and they literally only lost that last game to a shitty pick/ban phase (seriously, stop fucking picking Varus already, it's a fucking auto-loss like Ryze.) Either way, it was extremely intense to watch.

On the bright side, SKT's play for this year's worlds has been poor at large, I think the cracks are starting to appear - their threat and stance as the no.#1 League team in the world is finally starting to crumble. Faker and Huni are especially coming off as kinda washed-up and imo, these Finals games are definite proof that Bengi was the real carry for SKT in their past Worlds tournaments - not Faker or Bang. They really do rely so much on their jungler and it shows when Peanut and Blank aren't up to par.

>tfw no qt petite magical gf

Who is my ideal dating partner?

since Star Guardians use semen to make their powers stronger and refill their energy, the same applies to her. And in both cases she likes teasing unexpecting guys with brief flashes as she moves around in battle.

>Both teams randomly baserace at 19 minutes for no reason

That was fun as fuck

oh right, All-Star is a thing
did they say when can you vote for the teams yet?

>we were working on this skin and realized it could like TOTALLY be two different skins
>literally just program blitz and battlecast blitz

they cant get away with this

>Faker and Huni
Are you blind? They were the best performing members throughout the series.

