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High level anime THOT edition

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first for me nep


hm think I'll report this thread for having 1 too many cucks already

How do pumpkins have sex?

We need to find out with extensive photo and video evidence.


*spwashes in sewwa*

yeah you showed up

and fucked your wife? ya thanks bitch

Implying I would be cucked enough to have one

oh so you're a homosexual then

me nep?

call to arms, update this

you just want attention for your ugly anime thots!!

my bingo power is not strong

I feel bad for caylum, no one gives a shit about him except for pedophiles and now even they don't pay attention to him because he's legally aged

>getting this upset that I called you a retard
suck my penish and balles idiot

they embrace one another, bash their heads together violently until they release their pumpkin goo and seed.

Then their combined rot will fertilize the seed and grow vines. The vines grow and produce flowers that spray powdered pumpkin jizz all over each other. Then they grow new pumpkins.

Kinky as fuck.

I don't feel bad for a literal retard


isn't that rahf's job, or now that your balls have descended he wants nothing to do with them?

The only balls caylum has eyes for are Dragonballs. Soon he'll move on to more manchild obsessions, like wrestling.

me and rahf come to an autistic mind link understanding and dwell not on past groomings but the positions open just 4 u


well gee that sucks because I'm not a thot. maybe in another life.

could've fooled me with your retarded tranny looking avatar

let's play bingo

damn, all those bingos in vg.

fuck you bitch, wrestling is fine. Ain't nothin wrong with men spending bro time bear hugging and slamming eachother on a sequenced ritual

honestly I'd prefer boxing if anything

Hello, My name is doctor Alabaster Von Bruen. I am a board certified child psychologist and I am here to demand that the molested child known as "caylum" be reprimanded over to my custody immediately to separate him from known pedophiles such as rahfnek and everyone else who has worn a shark avatar. I have been given specific authority by the child protective services. We will take him into our ward and cure him of his homosexuality and years of grooming by ageplayers. We're doing God's work here.


I feel bad for nep because he talks all this big shit about how he was "around for it all" back in the day when in reality he's too ashamed to admit he was Digital World's equivalent of a benchwarmer. Watch how he never brings up all the things he supposedly did when Chain since he'll get laughed at and corrected.

idk why you're singling out little old me nep but I just had/have fun

maybe its because you're a manipulative retard who constantly plays victim and is self righteous to a fault???? hm???

lmao you don't do anything, when it comes to friend you go for quantity over quality since anyone with half a brain barely tolerates you when you're around and makes fun of you the second your roach ass skitters out of the room

omg help this guy is victimizing me and calling me the "r-word" that's not very christian!

strawman doesnt change the truth nep

How did caylum get /d/ mod?
Has there ever been a new Veeky Forums mod been chosen after the notice?

I wonder what it's like being this jealous of someone else?

Being jealous of Nep is like being jealous of someone who steps in shit on the way to work. Don't flatter yourself.

wonder what its like being this insecure about judgement that you have to strawman like this

it's funny because caylum made and makes constantly fun of /d/

hmmm jealous of nep....

what does nep have to be jealous about?? yea im real jealous of neps potato asian or his old meme giraffe necked avatar, or maybe im jealous about how he got no personality outside of "me nep", but maybe it could be im jealous that i cant have fake friends that call me an idiot the second i leave there's so many choices i sure wish i was nep.......

The qualifications to get moderation at /d/ is not high, considering somone like Teodor Fang was modded and immediately lost it a month later.


I'm not a tranny, nor do I wear a tranny av. try again.

like I said coulda fooled me

Please try another canned response. You may get a good one.

To be honest, I feel sorry for Nep. The guy has no friends outside of people who just use him as a joke.

"all nep's friends make fun of him" caylum screams through clenched teeth and streaming tears as he pounds his fist on the ground of an empty sim that was once full of people he alienated by calling everything gay.

To be honest, I feel sorry for Caylum. The guy has no friends outside of people who use him as a cumcatcher.

"me nep", whispers the hero of our tale as everyone chuckles for a moment before continuing to ignore him

"caylum is a lonely groomed furry!!" nep screams through tears as he scrolls down through all of the bullying he clearly doesnt deserve!!

>thinking it's nep
laughin at your insecurity. did nep tell you to fuck off in the past with your grandpa hunting?

Actually no but I should have

>nep: "g-guys can you please back me up in the t-thread they're m-m-making fun of me"

What view angle is best?

its exactly like nep to be this assblasted though

"Me Nep", screams the pimply stooge as he climaxes into his stained hell kitty underoos to a picture of Caylum, who by chance is also, unknown to Nep, masterbating about him. His hand working his tiny not quite an adult/not a child anymore shaft as he finally splurts all over a voodoo doll of Nep he made out of hair he pulled from the drain and a cutout picture of Nep's head.

I like nep, he's cool.

Caylum off, Nep off, SIM ON

Who is Simon?

who would even switch who out?

SIMON the VAMPIRE hunter. Disappointed none of you faggots have made one this halloween.

Just a bunch of SLUT witches

yeah guys im pretty mad about a couple hot and horny furries shitposting about me on Veeky Forums im pretty assblasted that i started the thread im pretty emotionally unsettled that a couple people who dont even hang out with the rest of the group anymore are jealous because people like to have fun and not idle in a dead sex sim and wait to be called gay. Let me call my therapist real quick @_@

>don't even hang out
pot, meet kettle

so you are then

do you have a rash?

The only ones here with a case of the sogs is you
haha me nep *turns thread into photoblog*

I think you might need more of the care package

me jealous wallflower furry

Make sure yall check out my f/w '17 look book/style guide coming soon

haha Dude its just [Fun] are you allergic to [Fun] bro haha, meee nep!! I turned myself into a [Fun] m-morty!! I'm NEPPIT RICK!

flattery suits u nep...

>browsing reddit

Always knew you were a fag



To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Nep. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Nep’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Nep & Himself truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Nep’s existential catchphrase “Me Nep,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Nep’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Nep Potato Face tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

"Daddy Rahf" Caylum cried as he fondled his balls, longing for Rahf's tongue against his prepubescent hairless scrotum. Something that was lost long ago with age.

The only assblasting he would get that night was from anonymous, as he tries, and fails to put up an effective front of canned responses and ad hominem attacks.

"I wish I was goku, I'd show them. They wouldn't be talking shit if I was goku." he thought, clenching his fists in anger, pretending to go super saiyan.

timeless style and grace!


damn you're really mad lol

desu I'm jealous of nep. Has many friends, his own tower and cool jackets

dont worry fellas we got men's styles coming at you too

barely even a Veeky Forums thread anymore, just nep and baku samefagging, shameful how far these threads have gone

me cum

Don't chicken out now caylum because you have nobody to back you up besides groompa

0/10 canned response. "ur mad lol"

try again.

Y'see kids
>puts on vale koer shoes
Y'see the thing is
>vaporwaves into ironic shirt
Thing is about fashion, y'see is
>attaches grief head from 2006
i-it's all about
>shits vale koer pants

Let's be honest, rahf could care less if his baby boy gets flamed. probably gets him rock hard. then proceeds to fuck jojo in the ass because caylum is old news.

I've said my peace and nep persists to be manipulative and passive aggressive, having to rely on samefagging and his clique to suck his dick for him, sad!
also you're replying to me lol

we got casual styles and formal galore in Nep's Fashion Thread™


i always like to edit my pics with my friends!

A trap, a faggot, a faggot trap, and a sperg.
Some posse you got there. All Veeky Forums rejects or nubaku failures. Do us all a favor and just stop signing on. SL is better without you, or your posse, who think you're a fucking pathetic joke. They're welcome to join you too.

Ooh my god Nep shut the fuck up literally no one cares, the only people that do care you literally drag over from Baku; even then they get upset and resort to crashing when their feefees get hurt by some uppity fake british box. They are the literal definition of thin skinned, you're no better acting like a passive aggressive little baby because someone called you retarded or pointed out your landing strip of an oblong forehead makes you look like a Code Lyoko reject.

doesnt measure up