/haniho/ - Alicesoft/Rance General

Alicesoft/Rance General #675
Last Thread: Crook no Tabi Edition

FAQ: pastebin.com/fQsNafrk
Previous Version of FAQ: pastebin.com/U2AD8UHK
Read the FAQ before you ask questions.
Suggested Changes: piratepad.net/YwogqyaUro

>Useful Links
Wiki: alicesoft.wikia.com/wiki/AliceSoftWiki:Main_Page
Alicesoft Image Booru: haniho.booru.org/
Rance Game Translation Chart:
Rance World Notes (Translated): mega.nz/#!nRESUJYZ!ZqoypfshkozVBFpeFGI3Oi5xBtU22SjnrnfjIo2SUGY

Check pastebin for FAQs, downloads and General Hints

>Recently Released
Beat Valkyrie Ixseal - sukebei.nyaa.si/view/2332124

DARKNESSHERO Rance Mod - Beta FFA mod released (check pastebin)

>Upcoming Games
Evenicle (English) - Likely Winter 2017
Sengoku Rance (English) - Likely 2018
Rance Quest Magnum (English) - Likely 2018

Rance X - Winter 2017/18 Release
Teaser: youtube.com/watch?v=CpMoCuxFIIY
Imgur with released information

RPG 3- by the Evenicle team (New IP)
Donna Donna - by the Rance 03 Team (New IP)
Loli MILF Nukige - by the MILF nukige team
'Heartwarming' VN - by the Atlach Nacha writer

Haniwa Development Studio:

>Upcoming Events
Quiz Project

Other urls found in this thread:


I already own half of this, but I couldn't not order it for 10,000 yen. What a steal. Glad I got back into auction hunting around now, but my wallet sure isn't.

Random thought: Wouldn't the optimal tactic for the Noroi faction to just be to sit on their ass for 100 days? I don't see what they gain by rushing as they did, they just needlessly wasted their own lives.

How much of that is freeware now?

Most, if not all.

Link to the Rance X sale site. For your Satella and leglock needs.


Is 02-15 the girl with the mage grandpa hat? Didn't expect to see her again. Also, who is 03-10? Reminds me of Tourin, but I'm not sure why he'd be in Helman.


>Blowing on her knuckles.
Did she just beat the crap out of someone and is proud of it?

Satella couldn't beat her way out of a paper bag

She was too strong to not kill the bugs in Rance Quest, so I'm assuming she's at least somewhat overwhelmingly powerful.

She was crushing bugs pretty easily

That is likely Tourin. At end of 9 he stayed in Helman.

Being totally unengaged in a BBH scene gave me an idea - what would /haniho/ do with a powerful aphrodisiac?

Probably drink it and jerk off.

Give it to a couple discouraged by the fact that she isn't getting pregnant.

Level 20 Paladin detected.

I'd take it, and give it to the woman, then get her pregnant and make her husband think he was finally successful. Everyone wins.

Study it's molecular structure in order to replicate it, then reproduce a shit ton of it to empty into the nearest town's water supply.


Throw it away. I don't need no instructions or help to know how to rock.

Do you happen to have a spectrometer in your basement?


Does a shitty £700 one count?

Thanks, Pi-R.

>Rance X - Winter 2017/18 Release
user, please. We have a date.

I'm not used to making threads. Go complain to the people that usually do it for not being around.

Full characters list from site divided in the same sections and in the same order.

Aoi? You can see chains.


The ice fairy doesn't seem to listen to instructions well if she's not in the other category.

Maybe, I'm not sure what you can determine with a spectrometer that's less than $1000.



Genuine spoiler by the way.

Shit, forgot the spoiler tag.

Good job

Like some hannies have mentioned before the Bezeleye in this image is called small which along Housenurse new design suggests that some if not all Holy Gal Monsters have an alternate form. Adding to this theory, we can clearly see now that the portrait in this website is definitely different than the one in the gameplay image.If someone has already mentioned it then I apologize for repeating it.


I can't think of anyone else with chains, so probably.
Why is there a ghost in Zeth at 04-19? Is it finally time to revive the great kingdom of Moemoe?

Damn it Narika, why did you have to wait until your fucking ending scene to become a solid 10/10? If it weren't for the fact that I downloaded a 100% save I never would've knew about this.

Fucking hell, I forgot the spoiler tag again.

On a much brighter note. Seeing scenes like pic related is pissing me off even further. Sure, Narika did a few things to piss me off a great deal while I was playing Haruka's route, but scenes like pic related make her perfect. If BBH was a better game I wouldn't have been encouraged to make her in to a dungeon slut and only fuck her something like 4 times in the entire game.

>tfw i never bothered to play bba past getting subaru
Should I bother?

Intended pic.

Also I forgot, Perro is fucking awesome.

No, playing the game drove me in to a fucking rage. Play it for fapping and only for fapping, and even then you probably only want to play the Brutal route because from what I've seen the normal scenes aren't all that impressive... well, Haruka's scenes aren't anyway, I've only seen like 4 scenes for each of the other girls - the game mechanics discourage diverse fuckery. The only reason that I still have the game installed is because I want to clear the backlog of scenes that I built up while playing the game and because I might one day play the Brutal route.

Then again, if you've got Subaru then you're already a good bit in to the game, so you might as well just finish, but in my eyes the game went downhill from roughly Black Subaru onwards.


This is the most fun I've had in weeks. Damn it BBH, I was trying to do kegels.

I´m dissapointed that there´s still no official release of the 2nd PV.

That's the small?

Man, this level of alpha is reich up my alley.

Not as much as me, man. I pulled an all-nighter just so I'd get to sub it, and it wasn't even there. Since they haven't revealed most of the fiends, I imagine they'll put it up when they next update the site.

No that's regular. Small should be on the gameplay one, I tried to upload it but Veeky Forums is being a bitch and is not letting me do it so I would appreciate it if someone else could do it for comparison.

Oh, she actually has no breasts on that one, hadn't notice it before.

Best ending in the game.

Get the true Brutal ending too. That plays out a bit differently, as do Haruka Brutal endings.

Actually not just that, she looks overall like a loli. I did notice the name but didn't pay much attention to the image.

Pepe probably.

Maybe Parsley the Zeth founder? I heard she was cute

>getting character at lootbox

Missed image of pepe:

My full guesses list


Regular brutal was better to be honest.

Normal brutal endings are much, much more satisfying than true brutal, also for some reason they portray a more hopeless situation.

Peruele skils:
浄化 (Purification)
金品泥棒 (Money and goods steal)

Yeah already guessed that a few threads ago. They specifically name seven Free Cities as important and one is Rockearth so Aoi is probably from there and following on the girl before her is Katyusha.

Honestly those ending scenes almost made me want to slug through the game to get to the brutal route, I dropped it around the time of evil subaru showing up.

What spares you got? Sure some hannies would want some. Like me.


>Arms has Ancient Species Killer (古代種殺し) skill
>The Dark Lord she will solo will end up being Kamilla

Would be nice if they got H-scenes in both forms

Rance fucks regular Bezeleye and she turns small midway.

Maybe fucking them in their big forms turns them into lolis. We GalZoo now.
Then again, Wenlina seemed to be clearly in her usual form in her CG so maybe not all 4 of them have two forms.

Naked skins for the ladies? that could be... interesting to check

girls can't kill other girls

>Ancient Species Killer
>Kay-chan is called the Indomitable Ancient

So we're guaranteed to have a scene where she mates with Rance right?

nothing is guaranteed until you actually see it

Bezeleye was going to be the heroine of the original Rance 5 and she's featured prominently so I would not be surprised if she were important.

parapra > kou > slave 2 > magic

yes right after we get a scene of Rance fucking Alkanese in a pretty gown


I wonder if Lia will try some shenanigans to end the war as Rance's wife, it's now or never for her.

She's probably going to rig the calculator cube in to force make herself a fated girl.

>Calculator cube starts appearing again
>Lia hangs around Rance hoping it will come for her
>As more girls start getting called in she forcefully tries entering with Rance to no avail

Meanwhile Pastel is dragged inside kicking and screaming.

>Arms kill Kamilla
>A deeply hate for Arms is born ins a portion of Haniho's population

She also seems to join fairly early.If you compare he affiliations stats between the image I posted and this one: You can see this image seems earlier as overall stats for all affiliations are lower. But Belzeleye probably already joined as the stats for the last affiliation is exact the same in both.

Only for Starlevel the great to show up and chant her into a fated girl.


Fuck, I misremembered a little. It's Maou Shoujo not Mahou Shoujo. Based on the Japanese wiki it's in either Hanihon 3 and/or Hanihon 8. Not sure how many there in total now.

I own both of those... Hanihon 3 is the one that has segments about all the Archfiends, so perhaps you're just getting confused. Regardless, the image of her from that volume has been scanned for a long time.

Will we finally see her face under the mask?

I just hope she's like twice as fast as Kanami.

Surprise, she'll look like every other animu girl.

Instead of Aegis, maybe she is the one that overwrite Somita in canon and may turn in angel or demon during X.

Cute as fuck, 10/10, would breed again?

>Anime girl looks like anime girl

Holy shit.

If you take her mask off would she die?

She would have an easier time seeing.

Is pepe gonna in X

It would be extremely painful.

I don't think any of the outlines matches Pepe from Rance 02, though she would have to have aged like 4+ years, so it's hard to know what she'd look like.

I wanna suck on those ears! SUCK!

If you took away the Rance Quest knight girl's shield, what would happen to her?

Yeah, probably. Looking into it more it seems like the thing I was thinking of was an online only thing that has mostly disappeared.

Yeah, seems likely that she is 05-13.

Check comparison image here:

Captain Sakura, she is a CHAR