/d2g/ - Dota 2 General

Latest patch: dota2.com/news/updates/31846/
New players: purgegamers.true.io/g/dota-2-guide/
Wiki: dota2.gamepedia.com/
Blog: blog.dota2.com/
Lore: dev.dota2.com/showthread.php?t=35923
Guides: steamcommunity.com/app/570/guides
Cosmetic simulator: dotaloadout.com/
Competitive Scene: wiki.teamliquid.net/dota2/Main_Page
Interactive Map: devilesk.com/dota2/apps/interactivemap/

Competitive DOTA 2 analysis: datdota.com/
Personal statistics: dotabuff.com/
Personal statistics#2: opendota.com/
Hero stats: devilesk.com/dota2/heroes/herodata/
Hero and DPS calculator: devilesk.com/dota2/apps/hero-calculator/

Streamlink: github.com/streamlink/streamlink
GUI: github.com/streamlink/streamlink-twitch-gui


How do you sprout someone with bkb?

click the ground at their feet

what do u call a retarded enchantress?
a DOE-tard!!! hehe :3

>loading screens
autist op user can you throw in some variety in your images please

nth for Luna, the Moon Rider.

It never works


where's the pasta user.
You can't post luna without the pasta.


feed me Nov 1

practice using it like that on all targets, not just bkb'd ones, that's what i do

uh guys?

ill miss u, patch

how do I play against a mid faggot support that keeps throwing gayass nukes like sky or morph or mirana

good posts

w33 said he's not shaving till he wins something (笑)
RTZ and the others are probably just fucking lazy

Thanks I'm glad you liked it.


red can I pay you to colour one of my commissions




hotd & purge creep

>they thought they could rely on rtz magina
holy shit lol. when will eg dump this nerd?

Why would valve do extra work to cut their profits?

we still don't have high quality asian waifu bait

RTZ did his best.
That game was on Sumail and Universe not doing anything.

would valve do extra work to stop me from shooting up enough heroin to kill myself?

>end of Oct coming up
>dotards STILL do not have a fairy hero

you sure it wasn't on rtz feeding his buyback like a retard?

What's the worst insult I can say to someone in my games?

we're getting a loli in all saints day though.
disguised with dyke hair but its tiny arms and body is still a 7 year old



>tfw you play well but you lose anyway because the enemy team has Necro

>a 7 year old
what were valve thinking...

did you forget puck, a fairy from Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream?

wyvern is so fucking stupid against meepo, instantly kill you from full hp at any point in the game
if theres a wyvern i try to only bring main guy to fights while other ones farm jungle until wyvern is dead but its still aids

>meepo picker calling other heroes aids

me in the middle

Different user here, but I don't think there's any other hero with counters as hard as Meepo's, so it's a fair point.

whats wrong with an easily countered hero that drops off lategame?

Puck isn't a real fairy

Puck is a fairy dragon that make like 1 or two refernces to the play.

so everyone will buy her "hair fix" arcana

Take it back you harlot

literally same
t. visage spammer

meepo -is- aids, though. Even playing sven/mag/wyvern/shaker against a meepo is no fun. It's just a boring-yet-tense waste of thirty minutes until either you shut him down or he wins all three lanes and then you go next. If every time I played wyvern against a meepo I could resolve the game with a coin toss, I would do it, no hesitation. Fucking naga games are more interesting.

dota is a furry game

Puck is a boy!

>NA d2g posters

That's just your opinion, I don't even count him in the top 10 cancer personally. I'd rather play against Meepo all day over KotL, Techies, Tinker or Riki for example.

where the shopbros go? where's sena? did the shopjew fired everyone?

how am i doing as a 3.9k mmr player

>he still loses against Techies
What is it like being

Nobody loses against Techies, it's just not fun to play those games regardless of which side you're on.

any one got the webm of cm dota 1 transitioning to dota 2?

techies and tinker are pretty bad, but riki isn't that awful imo. Dust+sentries is not that difficult to use and he's not too difficult to escape or turn around on. KotL I don't see being cancer at all. Is it his chakra? Mana leak? Wave push? He's strong but not really cancer, unless maybe you have bad picks, but that's true for 80% of the hero pool.

personally for me he is a fun hero to play but also very easy to counter, playing against a meepo he generally ends up just being free money for most of the game
while sven/mag/shaker are decent against him, the best counter is wyvern or just playing a ganking hero either with a silence or making orchid. you just keep finding him and killing him before he gets strong and by the time he eventually gets items it will be too late in the game and he will be easily outcarried. storm is a good choice imo, especially going orchid before bloodstone

this one?

>tfw no Monika gf to play non ranked pubs with

those stats don't mean anything unless they're like 600+ gpm and 700+ xpm, then you know that's a smurf or a booster

I just won another game of "spot the 2k"

Smoke cloud is the reason I hate Riki. It's a direct counter to most of my favourite heroes and forces me to buy BKB or force staff every time to counter one dumb spell. It's also pretty obnoxious to lane against some times.
Incredible siege and high ground defence, aghs+gem ensures you never get map control back from him if you lose it, and spamming blinding light+mana leak during team fights mean that you as a core have to buy BKB and probably also MKB every time to do what you need to do. KotL is the Tinker of support heroes, just obnoxious to play against if he's any good.

I rather enjoyed having a techies on my team, at least when it was a good player.
I even added one to my friends list because he saved the game for us three times in the spam of 5 minutes with some clutch euls/remotes/stasis.
I played with him a ton and even ran into him when we would solo queue against each other. It's the retards who only know how to turtle that make the games go on forever

>3k mmr for years
>get 4k in ranked
>play unranked
>matched against 6k players
>get dumpstered harder than a teen mother's newborn
help me dotards

lose mmr

lmao he literally just kept attacking the clockwork as the DD mirana casually right-clicked him for 4 seconds and then killed him at that top push (he had blink the whole time and nothing was cancelling it). that literally cost them the gam.

Learn offlane

im in a very good humour despite my life being a trainwreck for this past year dotards.

just letting you know

you mean pooniverse and shitmail

wow that was cute :3

what's the dota equivalent of this?

mirana using ult to save a team mate

/d2g/ when can we expect the patch notes to leak out? Also what the fuck does t. mean. I have seen that shit on /v/ for like 10 days and I can't figure it out.

overdose on memes

>t. newfriend

it means

lamo why aren't you getting force staff every game anyway
handling him is a matter of reaching him. QoP+orchid can make him a non-issue, and you should probably be getting BKB anyway.
They're both annoying, don't get me wrong, but not unbearably so. Seeing riki or kotl doesn't make me want to unplug and go to bed like meepo or tinker, on either team.


melonzz: im not the best dota 2 player
melonzz: but im reallllyyyy good
melonzz: and 100% better than essentially anyone on reddit that says im bad

short for terkkuja, a finnish word used as a greeting
Hello newfriend

we need eye candy meta back.
we need heroes like sf, invoker or phoenix for cool meme effects to lure retards

Fuck you niggers, just because I don't go out of my way to learn how to half ass type doesn't mean i'm from reddit or new.

beta tester here, leaking patch notes is not allowed sorry

>terveisin reddit

>half ass type
What did the newfriend mean by this?

instructions unclear, dick stuck in ceiling fan. What do now?

what's stopping valve from re-releasing diretide and using the Halloween map for like 1 week?

Whatever you do, do not touch me, talk to me, or even LOOK at me in a sexual way you fucking disgusting basement dwelling Trump voting white male virgin oppressor. I'll have you know I'm a gamer just like you, I'm 2k MMR in fact, and I have the RIGHT to be dressed this way WITHOUT being sexually objectified!

Cut off your dick I guess

>lamo why aren't you getting force staff every game anyway
Because I play mostly mid and most mid heroes don't build force staff unless it's necessary. And if it's necessary that means the game is probably not going well. I don't want to build force on fucking Puck.
>handling him is a matter of reaching him
This is just not true a lot of the time. You can't just jump a KotL on the back lines if there are higher priority targets or you're trying to slow siege or some shit. And those are the situationss I'm talking about here, onces where KotL is absolutely as obnoxious as a Tinker can be. You can be fat as hell but it doesn't matter when you get thrown out of position, blinded, stunned and lose your entire mana bar every few seconds. Yes, you can counter that, but it doesn't stop it from being hell to play against.

>Dad is streaming
max comfy

I guess you have different priorities as mid, then. I'm usually offlane or roam, sometimes carry, but from the times I've played puck against riki it seems mostly just a matter of being aware of where he is.
For kotl just go get aegis I guess. If he's defending highground he's not contesting you there. It's why rosh is in the game.

SO i've been thinking about dota patches lately and I can say i 100% got valve figured out now.

dota patches work like this: Good balanced patches all thruought the year, that leads to good teams winning tournaments (OG, liquid, etc). These patches are focused on play the map very well, with a lot of split pushing and maximizing efficiency, being greedy. these patches i call "good dota".

but them TI comes around and icefrog starts getting pressued by the chinese communist party to make dota shit again. that's when we get the "TI patch" that comes inevitably every year and rewards "5 man gaming after the laning phase" aka "bad dota". Happens every fucking year. This is the only reason china still plays dota, because they are literally shit without this huge advantage. Now master kuroky got this figured out too, so he beat the chinese.

but yeah, expect the next patch to bring good dota back again. lots of split pushing, 1v9 viable again, SF, storm, morph solo carrying games, etc, but remember when TI comes around... get ready for the 5 man mememeta again.

existential crisis makes you better at dota

instructions unclear
I have now booked a trip to europe and invested in my 401k.
what do now


As a KotL spammer, Mana Leak should really be actually nerfed and not these obnoxious Mana cost increases that just make the skill weaker in lane but not e where it was always the issue

Something like a fixed duration and increasing mana loss over distance or just increasing the cooldown by 4 at all levels.

>1v9 viable
>good dota

heres your (you)

t. souless chinks

im right and you know it
