Final Fantasy General DCXCI - /ffg/

>General Info on Final Fantasy
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XV manga released in Japan
Episode Ignis to be released in December; Trailer:
Brotherhood episodes:
Final Fantasy XV Multiplayer Out 10/31
A New Empire - Alexis Ren in "Join the Adventure":
New XV Universe trailer:

PS4 release date scheduled for Jan 30 2018, Pre-Orders available now.
Latest Trailer:

>King's Knight
Available now, check your app store for details.

>Final Fantasy Record Keeper
Game Mechanics PDF:
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>Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
How to JP:
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Other urls found in this thread: pYxRC4Y8V7DqABKc=

something something ESLfags blah blah purge discuss ff faggits

I just did it and I'm one of the namedroped ones over lvl 100 and I'm just fine

Yet I just did 5 10+1 and some

remember, injection is safe and easy

October 27, It's coming back lads


>tfw it just crashes with no warning for me

You are just doing it wrong
Get your token and it and it WILL work

FFT is a bad game

The token dumper just gives me an error.

>tfw no one is pure anymore
>even mommy injected

I guess I have to start playing FFRK now

What do you think about injecting stuff you just use on main accounts?
Like 5000 candy or 1m of the other event shit and skelly keys
Would that be looked at if gumi check your account?

Threadly reminder that ESLfags are a scourge on this general and need to be purged.

You can literally recreate your main effortlessly by injecting


Yeah but I don't want to lose my /ffg/ friends

That's nice messy, fuck off

You know, I always hated you, but you're goddamn right they do. Purge em

If you inject you don't get to bring friends

You piece of shit let me paste a guide for ya pYxRC4Y8V7DqABKc=

I keep telling myself that all these people too stupid to figure this shit out basically HAVE to be tourists from reddit and GameFAQs, right?

I mean, even fucking Yams figured out the process on his own. Are there really /ffg/ regulars who are dumber than Yams?

Well, they are people that chose to play BE out of their own free will, so yeah.

So, is BraveHaxvius not working as of the patch this morning for anyone else?

BiS for Rikku in RK?

user, they literally are. A few people have come into the discord and admitted to being from Reddit, and there were multiple gfaqs threads linking directly here. But because they're anonymous and there's a couple of ESL shills they seem like they're dar more prevalent than they really are

Works for me. Running it on gentoo.

tiny bee

Does this drawfag have a name?

Threadly reminder to ask your injection questions here


Yeah he is fag, the drawfag

Tы чё пидop дыpявый coвceм бepeгa пoпyтaл? Maть твoю eбaл oбeзьянa чepнoжoпaя.

She can't use guns you fuckng cuckold

yes she can

>R020: Mirage and Grim - Soul Barrage can chain

>Useable Equipment
>Dagger Fist Thrown Blitzball

machinist record sphere

Sephiroth is ugly! UGLY!!

>Be retarded and need help all the time
>Now people are going to think I'm retarded AND from reddit/gamefaqs even though I've been using Veeky Forums for the better part of 13 years

Weird, it's not working specifically on one of my accounts, it works fine on others. Gumi's on to me. lol

I've been trying all day to pull a GL Sakura AND SHE JJUST WONT CJUM

inject harder


What other characters have EnElement LMRs? They seem pretty amazing.

Some tips to do the safest injection on main accounts exposed to people here?
I, hercules, failed to get sakura so I will just inject

I saw you on the hacker's discord since day 1, shitcules. Stop with the bullshit.

tfw tempted to do the same if I don't get her off dailies

BiS for Ayaka? I feel like I should balance her Hp and SPR, currently at 5.2k Hp and 891 spr and I feel the hp stat is way too low for her

>tfw hit top 500 in wind tower

I'm gonna be safe right g-g-guys?

I heard there were new Vayne relics coming. Are we also getting new Fran relics?

>Got Jake and Nichol
>Cleared what's available now
>spent the rest on Catcuar Dunes to level new units
>back to the never ending hell of Renewals

I welcome when this is over.

Generally you should be fine with 750-ish spirit and everything else should go into the durability.

100% dodge

I dont think I can maker her a 100% dodge because I only have 1 quick assault and no 20d, but that build looks pretty good, why carbie and not lakshmi tho?

i like it

Holy Wand, Black Cowl (for sleep immunity), Rainbow Robe, 2x Jake's Pirate Ring, 1x Thirst for Survival, 3x Love or Patriotic Recall. Good balance of HP, SPR, and elemental resist.

Anyone with some scripting knowledge care to help a brother out? I've been getting this error since this morning's patch.

I mean... Look, I can zip my whole thing and put it on a file hosting site or something, cause mine works.


There's basically zero reason to make her 100% dodge she is tanky as fuck, gove her Vestment of mind and some other MP recovery to literally make her never run out of MP and that's all you need


Yeah, easy to get abilities!

>Its only available for the hard to get Halloween characters.


Just Vayne, Larsa, Reks, and Gabranth on banner 2, but Fran's burst and LMR are back on banner 1

She's one of the best candidates for 100% dodge, since her innate SPR means she's never going down to a magical hit anyway.
Especially in concert with Illusionist Nichol

If it's not too much hassle, that would be awesome. I'm hoping my account is just fucked or something.

Is there something wrong with your unit list like... are your unit slots maxed out or something?

Larsa needs to calm down with all those potions

Elemental damage on the reflection seems as about as niche as it gets.

Wellm there was an emergency, anyone was almost dead.
You have to be hasty with the supplies.

Not that I can see. I've been scouring my unit list for anything wrong, and nothing looks out of the ordinary.

>friend asks me to inject stuff on his main because he wants to kill aigaion
>inject him with every 5 star available, and BiS gear for 2 fryevias and the rest of the team he'll use, including Rings of Dominion
>still cant beat it
Sometimes even cheats cant make you surpass your own stupidity

Threadly reminder that Vayne Solidor did nothing wrong.

Couldn't prevent the events of Fortress from happening.

The Archadian government released recently deceased former Consul of Rabanastre Vayne Solidor's tests.

Of particular note, he got a lifelong D in trigonometry.

But fortress didn't happen, therefore even if he could have had some impact on it wouldn't that mean that he was successful in preventing that disaster?

This is shitposting, do not imply baseless things regarding the True Hero.
>The most useless, least-important, and least indicative early-level math
Not that it means much anyways.

Well, I just tried a forked version from GitHub and it's working. Looks like something needs to be worked out on the main release.

Never seen it and don't plan to despite FF7 being my favorite

why the shit did that post even incite a reply from you

Redditers are so cute

Maybe if he were a little better at math, he wouldn't have fucked up the trajectory of his sword things and ate it like a bitch


>new renewal dungeons in a couple minutes
moogle stop please
I can't take anymore

>random 10+1 in my inventory

How did that get here? Non meme answer please I am slow

Check your box retard

EXCUSE YOU!?!?!?!?

I injected it there

youre welcoome

everyone at some point in life questioned if macros are illegal or not.


Because there is no situation in which slandering of the True Hero is acceptable and can go uncorrected.

When did the trajectory ever "fuck up"? He was on target every time.
Also trigonometry isn't the major contributor to determining trajectory like that anyways.

Okay vaynefag, I want for you to calculate a vector without trig right here right now.

Also he is certainly not horrible at math, do not imply baseless things regarding the True Hero; in fact given his general intelligence in other areas it is logical to assume that he is quite proficient at mathematics as well.
And he died a noble death fighting for a noble cause, do not imply otherwise.

You don't do multiple explicit trigonometric calculations every time you throw a ball user, and iirc unless we're thinking of different subjects trig isn't the main subject you'd be using even if you did.

Fan Festa

>Vaynefag is literally retarded
holy shit

>want to pull in the upcoming IX renewal because my synergy is fucking shite(dupe Kuja SSB and Eiko SSB)
>only big prize would be Eiko USB or Beatrix BSB

Well, fuck that, I guess. I kinda want to pull again in the FFI banner, but these renewals are fucking dupe magnets.

Just because you aren't explicitly aware that you're doing trig doesn't mean you aren't intuitively calculating these things.
All athletes do trig every single time they do anything with the ball.

Vayne is literally stupider than a 25 year old meathead handegg player

you just figured this out?

So JPBE players, is that Disgaea Item World thing working out well for your gear?

never played V but what's the story behind this? Why is she dressed as a fluffy sheep?

It's one of the classes.


Is S2 Rain out yet?