/tf2g/ Team Fortress 2 General

Everything is broken

Last Thread:
Update coming in 10 minutes!

>Jungle Inferno Update

>New SFM

>list of good comm. servers

>Tips and guides
Blog: tf2.com
Wiki: wiki.tf
Class guides: pastebin.com/u/TheOperator
FAQ: pastebin.com/6t7WNtgn
Mods: pastebin.com/bzzUK5tz
Steam status: steamstat.us steamgaug.es
Preview Loadout: whatsnext.loadout.tf | steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/158547475
HUDs: huds.tf
Game Traffic: steamcharts.com/app/440#1y

scrap.tf | tf2outpost.com | backpack.tf | bazaar.tf
BP check: backpack.tf
Prices: backpack.tf | trade.tf
Scrapbanking: scrap.tf | scrapbank.me
Skins: p337.info/tfview/

Basics: playcomp.tf
Comp Wiki: comp.tf
Lobbies: tf2center.com/lobbies
Scripting: pastebin.com/1VmngMfJ | pastebin.com/H3WfKLaB
TF2 streams: teamfortress.tv
UGC (Global): ugcleague.com
ESEA (NA/EU): play.esea.net
ETF2L (EU): etf2l.org
AusFortress (AUS): ozfortress.com
AsiaFortress (AS): asiafortress.com
FBTF (South America): teamfortress.com.br/forum/

it's shit


>update is out
>item and matchmaking servers are down, rendering the entire update pointless until they go back online

new thread over here yo

its gay

>buy pass
>f2p retards and streamers have items
>i dont

wish something would happen to valve, they dont deserve to be a top gaming corporation

Tracker doesn't work in dx 8 lmao


>shitty range on the new thrower

>surprised a flame thrower has the range of a flame thrower

press n to nailbomb valve hq

>point to old duplicate thread


Have you seen a real flamethrower?

>didnt post it
Too late fag


>We're Team Fortress

Will I be able to play with a g4600 integrated HD 630 graphics and 8gb of ram?







gas, liquid, or solid fuel? under what pressure and volume of discharge?

no the best thing you can play is probably solitaire

what did gabe do to my airblast

why the fuck do you nerf the shit class in his own damn update

what the fuck is that what is wrong? NO NON ONONO
are the weapons at least random drops? i can trade for them then


shit point
pyro is supposed to be playable not realistic

At least we have a nice view while we wait.


i dont think you know what that means

The M2 Flamethrower, a US military flamethrower from WW2, had a maximum range of 132 feet.

>470 days
>last day delayed
>item server still goes down

good job valve

>people get to progress faster and sell cases for over $20 simply because they got lucky and are able to connect to the item server

fucking ridiculous

don't worry guise itll all be fixed in the next update :^)

This was always going to be a Pyro FIX update, not a Pyro buff update.

don't die while the chat window is open, you'll never be able to close it again or control your character

>cant activate any contracts
>all servers down
>casual doesnt work
>cant scroll down on contracker
>you have to buy cases to get the good warpaints

This is the final nail in the coffin.

he made it secondary to the flame which is better, pyro is now a more offensive class instead of a supportive cuckold

I waited over an year for this garbage guess I will wait a few more weeks until it's playable.
I thought about buying the pass but Valve isn't going to get any more money from me, ever.

Is how the tf2 died


the only way to airblast someone upwards is to be on top of their dick looking down at their toes, every other way just pushes them horizontally away from you

Currently uploading a couple videos to show off airblast changes and flamethrower hitboxes

Item servers are going up and down currently, guessing devs are toying with shit. I'd give them another half an hour

So what are the new Pyro strats? I don't play the class so I don't have any insight. I want to know what to expect.

yes, you squirt a hose stream of liquid gas while lighting it on fire, pyro has no backpack tanks or liquified fuel and the propane tank modeled under the flamethrower suggests a gas extrusion

twitch streamers get priority, duh
maybe if you did some relevant you would have it too :)

because valve doesn't care about you even if you paid for the pass, wish something would happen to valve

>join server
>hl2.exe has stopped working

because valve gives their connections priority over the plebs like you :^)

it's so you can't rape using the reserve shooter

>new fall damage sounds
>new melee hitboxes
>voice commands no longer spam text chat with yeses and nos
what other subtle changes have you found

>everyone in TF2G losing their shit the item server is down
this happens literally every update.

in the matter of real issues, does anyone else have invisible flame particles? Is it video setting related?

>new melee hitboxes

>howdy howdy, let's get rowdy
bumpkin banjo actually got new voicelines

i think i found a new main class

i can tell who you are by this image

try hitting a wall, before hitboxes used to veer off to the right, now they hit exactly where the crosshair is

reserve shooter got nerfed for pyro you dongle, it doesnt work with airblast anymore

>i just drew up a blueprint of the other's teams asses! turns out, we'll be able to fit ALL our boots in there

engineer is best

RS got nerfed to the ground anyway why do you even care

should i buy one of the taunts or the campaign pass?

>No Craft #s

Fuck you Valve. Oh well, at least it only cost me 1 key for like a million fucking tries

Is the pass meant to be bought in the community market or in the manncostore?

pyroview flames are cool

Campaign pass, you'll make your money back and taunts will plummet in price over time. Buy them with metal.

only shit players used rs anyway, it was for lining up shotgun or flare you dip

reminder, we will be playing this version of tf2 for the next year+ 5 days

So, any changes to comp MM?

where did the casual stats go
am i blind or did valve shitcan em for good

but i want to spam banjo RIGHT THE FUCK NOW

>controller options stuck on my screen during class/team select
>no option to use mouse
>controllers are both unplugged
>no option to turn it off

>launch a big update
>all of the servers are dead
Imagine that happening in any other major game.

Flamethrowers squirt out fucking napalm to ungodly distance. They have huge range.

Axtinguisher literally useless now

every other game wishes for the popularity of overwhelming servers

Is the banjo taunt looped?

>tab out
>makes a doo doo sound and my queue is stopped

nice site

They changed the reload animation, sounds, and explosion particles for the rocket jumper.

They already made more money than they could dream of off this game. Why would they make the investment in better servers for a surge of users that's only going to last a week at best before all the casual players fuck off back to Babbywatch?

Reminder that Valve might be retarded but this update was shit out by bunch of die hard tf2 fans within Valve when everyone else is busy making VR didlos so don't be nasty smash da pasty.

can i just go back to the last patch?
i don't want this anymore, i just want to have fun again

If you see it from the shop it will keep looping forever
The engie also cheers from time to time

The doo doo sound is so cute, I've missed it

>mfw I un box this

it happens in most games

Atomizer seems fine. you can triple jump as soon as it comes out

literally happens in o***wa*ch every event

Holy shit I'm glad I didn't waste money on Rancho Relaxo

mantreads are still useless

You really think players wouldn't stick around if Valve supported the game for more than a weekend a year at best? Honest question.

2007: do achievements to show them online
2017: pay 5.99$ to do achievements for weapon textures

This is so fucking retarded, I am requesting refund and uninstalling game tomorrow in the morning

what are you talking about, overwatch updates are smooth as hell, they even preload them to clients days before

>close store after previewing engi taunt
>it won't stop playing now

cant winger triple jump anymore :/ basically winger does the amount of jumping you can do with atomizer now

Thats because contrarery to popular belief, blizzzard is not bad guy and valve is not savior of video game industry.

i already sold my first item for more than the pass

>can't launch the game for 2 hours when an event launches

tf2tards will defend this

caan someone make a video of the new weapons in itemtest please